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Ms. Caldwells Class Coachman Fundamental Middle School 2008-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Caldwells Class Coachman Fundamental Middle School 2008-2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Caldwells Class Coachman Fundamental Middle School 2008-2009

2 To cultivate a classroom community that values engagement, creativity, critical thinking, and diverse views in order to facilitate success in challenging subjects which will advance students intellectual, emotional, and vocational lives.

3 Respect… Each other Self Property Environment Children Teachers Be polite Do your best work Take care of things Be a responsible citizen Be friendly Be cooperative and have a positive attitude!

4 A prompt will be awaiting you on the board or the projector. Complete the warm-up for your grade level in your Learning Log. Do not put it away, unless instructed to do so. If homework is written on the board, write it in your planner. When finished, you may sit quietly or read from your recreational reading book until further instructions are given.

5 There are four minutes between classes. Three tardies in one marking period earns a 30-minute after school detention. If you arrive on campus late, you must have a pass from the front office.

6 Coming to class without required materials earns one demerit. Every day, you must bring: Coachman Planner Gifted folder w/5 dividers and paper Learning log Recreational Reading Book Sharpened pencils Blue or black pen Headphones and a flash drive

7 Is a 3-ring binder with 5 dividers: Class Info Vocabulary Current Unit Semester 1 Semester 2

8 Is purple. Stays in the front of your Gifted folder. Is updated when papers are returned. Should always match the posted assignment list. Must be signed by the parent at mid-term.

9 Will be used at the beginning and/or end of class. Contains warm-ups and reflections. Will be graded for completion and effort. There are no right or wrong answers. Skip a few lines between each entry instead of putting each on a separate page. Date and label every entry.

10 May not always be on the board at the beginning of class, so pay attention at the end of class. Should always be written down in the planner. Is due at the beginning of the next class meeting, unless otherwise specified. Should be signed by the parent after it has been completed. Assignments will be posted on the class website at the end of the day.

11 All papers should have: Heading (name, date, period) Assignment Title Correct capitalization Correct punctuation Correct spelling Correct grammar

12 Visitors will appear in the room from time to time. Continue working. Do not greet or speak to the visitor unless you are spoken to first. If the teacher must talk with the visitor, follow directions and stay on task.

13 In case of fire drill, exit the room in an orderly fashion and line up with your Literacy Success teacher in the parking lot. Be aware that your teacher may have a substitute. In case of inclement weather, listen for announcements. You may be directed to a different classroom. In case of severe weather drill, report to the girls bathroom in the gymnasium.

14 In case of lockdown, sit on the floor. Stay still and quiet. Follow the teachers instructions. If you are severely ill during class, use your best judgment. If you are bleeding, notify the teacher immediately.

15 Is costly and fragile. Do not use the equipment unless you have been instructed to do so. Use the laptop assigned to you, unless instructed otherwise by the teacher. Follow the expectations and procedures regarding equipment. You may not save on the computers, so it is important to save your work on a flash drive. Do not delete files without checking first.

16 Begin cleaning or packing up when instructed to do so. Do not pack up early. Do not wait until the last second. Be responsible for the items you used during class. Be considerate and helpful to others. Do not leave trash or any other items behind. Push in your chair. Dismissal is done by the teacher, not the bell.

17 The best way to reach Ms. Caldwell is by e- mail. You may also call the school and leave a message. The class website can be accessed through the Coachman website or through the Pinellas County schools site. The address is ltCoachman website Pinellas County schools site lt An easy way to find the site is to GoogleCoachman Gifted.Coachman Gifted


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