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Friday Fun Challenge. Bell task: – Write a 1 sentence answer to each question What is a testable question? What is a variable? What is a dependent variable?

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Presentation on theme: "Friday Fun Challenge. Bell task: – Write a 1 sentence answer to each question What is a testable question? What is a variable? What is a dependent variable?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday Fun Challenge

2 Bell task: – Write a 1 sentence answer to each question What is a testable question? What is a variable? What is a dependent variable? What is an independent variable? – Compare and contrast your response with classmates; if their explanation brings about new thinking or learning for you, revise your answer.

3 Getting Started You will have – one recorder (to fill in the test data table) – One timer – One helicopter dropper (who also notes the direction) – One spin counter Your will be required to keep notes You will turn in your data tables You will be evaluated on your participation and use of class time

4 Helicopter Challenge Look at the example Get an index card from the teacher Cut out ONE helicopter using the template shown here  Fold the helicopter along the dotted lines Add tape as indicated by the X Add paperclips as instructed Examine your model Make detailed and accurate observations of your helicopter (copy and complete the data table)

5 Helicopter Challenge Stand in the “drop zone” Measure the distance from the floor to your helicopter Record the measurement in your data table Drop your helicopter. Record the number of times it spins Record the direction it spins Record the time (seconds) it takes to drop Repeat 3 times – THIS IS YOUR CONTROL

6 Record your Measurements/ data FactorsBaseline MaterialIndex card Wing Length Body Length Body width Paper clips1 Folded wingsNo Taped bodyYes Taped wingsNo

7 Test Data for test 1 TrialDrop heightTimeNumber of spins Direction of spins Observations 1 2 3 AVE

8 Helicopter Challenge Review your test results and your factors SELECT A GOAL (time, spins, direction) and write a hypothesis for your goal Select 1 (and only one!) variable to change Change the variable (record your new measurements in your data table) Conduct your experiment and collect your data (record in data table) – Make sure you run 3 tests for every one change you make!

9 Our hypothesis is (if, then, because): Our independent variable is (what will you change): Our dependent variables are (what will you measure):

10 Record your Measurements/ data FactorsTrial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Trial 5 Material Wing Length Body Length Body width Paper clips Folded wings Taped body Taped wings

11 Test Data for test 2 Drop heightTimeNumber of spins Direction of spins Observations 1 - A 1 - B 1 - C 2 - A 2 - B 2 - C 3 - A 3 - B 3 - C

12 Analysis and conclusion Our claim is: Our evidence is: Our conclusion is:

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