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HLTA North of England Professional Development Events 2015 24 JuneLeeds 30 JuneGateshead 1 JulyLiverpool Welcome Everyone!

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Presentation on theme: "HLTA North of England Professional Development Events 2015 24 JuneLeeds 30 JuneGateshead 1 JulyLiverpool Welcome Everyone!"— Presentation transcript:

1 HLTA North of England Professional Development Events 2015 24 JuneLeeds 30 JuneGateshead 1 JulyLiverpool Welcome Everyone!

2 Agenda for the day 9:30Registration and refreshments 10:00Introduction to the day 10:10Recent changes to SEND, Implications for TAs 10:30Effective Deployment of Teaching Assistants 12:30Lunch 1:30Phase specific workshop sessions 3:30Introduction to the HLTA Professional Association 3:45Evaluation 4:00Close of event

3 Recent changes in SEND and implications for Teaching Assistants HLTA North Partnership Team

4 Changes in SEND legislation New Code of Practice – DfE now not expecting full compliance until 2018 – so schools and Local Authorities are not being rushed Statements replaced by Education and Healthcare plans – implementation variable School action etc. replaced by new graduated approach (assess, plan, do, review)

5 1. Assess 3. Do 4. Review 2. Plan High quality inclusive teaching (inc. differentiation, wave 2 intervention) SEN Support in Schools: The Graduated Approach Builds on more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles, Whole school processes for assessing, tracking and monitoring progress Not making expected progress 1. Draw on info from above, views of child / parent, external services. Assess against SEN criteria 2. Teacher, SENCO, parent, child agree interventions and support / expected outcomes. Record on school system / inform staff. 4. Impact assessment, along with views of parent / child used to review overall impact of support. Revise plan in light of outcomes. 3. Implement plan. Class / subject teacher remains responsible for working with child on a daily basis and assessing impact of plan. Starting Point Progress means SEN support no longer required

6 Ofsted Pupil Premium surveys in 2013 and 2014 said TAs are most effective when schools: – Ensure TAs understand their role in school improvement – Train and keep TAs up to date – Place TAs in line with their strengths and where data show a need for extra support

7 What do Ofsted look for? Inspectors must evaluate the use of and contribution made by teaching assistants. They should consider whether teaching assistants are clear about their role and knowledgeable about the pupils they support. They should also consider how well the school ensures that teaching assistants have sufficient knowledge of the subjects in which they provide support.

8 How should TAs aim to support pupils with SEND? ‘Velcro’ support Helicopter support Bridge from dependence to independence

9 Resources Great set of free resources s/pdf/TA_Guidance_Report_Interactive.pdf EEF guidance on the use of TAs

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