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Managing Stress Have you ever experienced sweaty palms? Dry mouth and throat?? Stomach feeling like it is in knots??? These are symptoms of stress. Stress.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Stress Have you ever experienced sweaty palms? Dry mouth and throat?? Stomach feeling like it is in knots??? These are symptoms of stress. Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Stress Have you ever experienced sweaty palms? Dry mouth and throat?? Stomach feeling like it is in knots??? These are symptoms of stress. Stress is your bodys response to changes around you. Stress can be caused by good situations as well as bad situations. Whatever the situation, remember that stress is a natural part of life- everyone feels it at one time or another.

2 Types of Stress There are two types of stress. Positive stress helps you accomplish tasks and reach goals. It also helps you escape danger. Playing on a sports team, avoiding an accident, and wanting to do a good job are experiences that may produce positive stress. Negative stress, on the other hand, holds you back. Too much negative stress can be unhealthy.

3 How The Body Responds To Stress A stressor is an object, person, place or event that triggers stress. After the brain senses a stressor, adrenaline (a hormone which increases alertness and gives you energy) is released. The heart starts beating faster, blood pressure increases, breathing rate quickens, the muscles become ready for action, and the stomach and intestines slow down their activities to save energy.

4 Stress and Tiredness The body operates at a high energy level to deal with stress. When a stressor continues over a long period of time or when too many stressors act at the same time, the body becomes tired. Physical fatigue occurs after vigorous activity, such as running a race. The solution for this type of fatigue is rest. Emotional fatigue results from too much negative stress. Dealing with it involves removing the source of stress or learning how to manage it.

5 Ways To Reduce Stress Plan ahead. For example, set aside a regular time for doing homework or chores. Set your priorities. Realize that you cant do everything. Redirect your energy. Whenever youre feeling angry or excited, you have extra energy. Use that energy to accomplish something positive.

6 Ways To Reduce Stress (cont.) Talk to someone. Telling someone else how you feel when you are upset relieves pressure. A parent, sibling, or friend may have good advice for you Relax. Be sure to take time for yourself. Laugh with your friends or take a quiet walk. Try to empty your mind of troubling thoughts.

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