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University College Academic Advising & Orientation.

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1 University College Academic Advising & Orientation

2 A “Flipping” New Model: Orienting and Advising Incoming Students in the New ERA University College Academic Advising & Orientation Who Are We? Don Presnell, Ed.D. Associate Director of University College Academic Advising ( Laura Newmark, M.Sc. Academic Advisor ( Jayne Greene, M.A. Academic Advisor ( Michelle Bowers, M.A. Academic Advisor (

3 Appalachian State University ASU information 2014 Total enrollment = 16,636 Undergraduates = 15,634 Graduates = 1,002 Incoming Freshmen = 3,033 University College Academic Advising & Orientation University College Academic Advising and Orientation Center (AAOC)  20 full and part time advisors  1 part time Graduate Student from College Student Development

4 What we did before ERA…  In 2002, ASU initiated the process of pre-building student schedules prior to Orientation.  A PCR (Preliminary Course Registration) form was sent to students.  By 2009, we were building schedules for 2,743 incoming freshmen and just under 900 Transfer students (from early May through Orientation). University College Academic Advising & Orientation

5 Exploration While we initially saw benefits of Advisors building schedules, we also saw some problems:  Resource heavy  Time intensive  Concerns that student were not:  Involved in the registration process  Knowledgeable about degree requirements and academic policies.  Able to change their current schedules or build subsequent schedules without help  Lack of student self-authorship and empowerment University College Academic Advising & Orientation

6 Why change ? “They're going to be screwed once this whole internet fad is over.” An online pre-orientation advising course to:  Challenge and support students in the early stages of their academic planning  Begin the conversation about Appalachian’s curricular requirements  Introduce students to our intranet and course registration system  Promote the philosophy of self-authorship EARLY REGISTRATION ADVISING (ERA) University College Academic Advising & Orientation

7 The Flipped Model What is a flipped model?  “A pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed”  There is no single model -Value of a flipped model  “…repurposing of class time into a workshop where students inquire about lecture content, test their skills in applying knowledge, and interact with one another in hands-on activities.”  “…puts more of the responsibility for learning on the shoulders of students while giving them greater impetus to experiment.” Things you should know about…flipped classrooms. (2012, February). Educause. Retrieved from University College Academic Advising & Orientation

8 Developing an Early Registration Advising (ERA) Model  Identified needs and desired outcomes  Created work teams  Campus “buy-in”  AAOC department feedback University College Academic Advising & Orientation

9 Early Registration Advising (ERA): Student process  Accept Admission to Appalachian State University  Register for Orientation  Complete the ERA course  Take the ERA quiz at the end of the course  Passing score (70% or greater) generates email with registration PIN  Register for classes  Attend Orientation University College Academic Advising & Orientation

10 ERA – 1.0 University College Academic Advising & Orientation

11 ERA – 2.0 University College Academic Advising & Orientation

12 ERA – Current Version University College Academic Advising & Orientation






18 Quiz  University College Academic Advising & Orientation

19 Quiz University College Academic Advising & Orientation

20 Advantages & Benefits… for Students Students become ACTIVE participants instead of passive recipients Prevents/eliminates “talking heads” & “info dump” at OR Students can early register for courses BEFORE they attend OR Allows for more college “preview” and transition (from high school and/or other institutions) University College Academic Advising & Orientation

21 Advantages & Benefits… for Advisors Keeps advising student-centered instead of schedule- centered Advisors become active advisors instead of schedule- builders & service-providers Saves valuable human resources No more schedule-building contracts to write & get approved (for advising administrators) Improves advisor morale Keeps advising “fresh” University College Academic Advising & Orientation

22 Freshman Registration Data University College Academic Advising & Orientation

23 Transfer Registration Data University College Academic Advising & Orientation

24 Challenges  Need separate sites for FR, TR, and Early College students  Some students have “General Education MET”  General Education program is changing…again!  Loss of AsULearn course preview & use for incoming students  Many courses and professors have AsULearn course sites, but in the current ERA model the new students miss out on using AsULearn before classes start  In the current iteration, the only aspect of ERA course that is part of AsULearn is the QUIZ University College Academic Advising & Orientation

25 Challenges  Getting students to complete the ERA course AND register for courses BEFORE Orientation  Some are still hesitant; some are confused; and some…just don’t know  Getting students & parents to UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE the BENEFITS  They can register for classes in May; don’t have to wait until OR!!! University College Academic Advising & Orientation

26 Challenges and NOT THE (helicopter) PARENTS! Getting STUDENTS to read, study and complete the course… University College Academic Advising & Orientation

27 Implications…or, “the flipping adventures continue….”  Early College Orientation pilot (November 2013)  Result of focus group  3 advisors conducted rotating Orientation sessions SOLELY for Early College students  New Transfer Orientation model (summer 2014)  ERA & “flipping” still in place, but now we have rotating concurrent sessions  Students no longer sit together in the same room and wait their turn to meet with advisor University College Academic Advising & Orientation

28 Implications…or, “the flipping adventures continue….”  New “T-Pop” Transfer Pre-Orientation Program, preview sessions (before Orientation)  A number of advisors now using AsULearn (ERA- type) courses to manage & communicate with caseloads  “Flipping” all year long… University College Academic Advising & Orientation

29 The Adventure Continues… University College Academic Advising & Orientation

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