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GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB: A New International Facility for Underground Astroparticle Physics T. Noble Queen’s University.

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Presentation on theme: "GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB: A New International Facility for Underground Astroparticle Physics T. Noble Queen’s University."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB: A New International Facility for Underground Astroparticle Physics T. Noble Queen’s University

2 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 3 Our model of how the Sun burns is very accurate. 2 Neutrinos must have a finite mass. New physics ! From SNO we learned a lot about neutrinos… and the Universe Imagine an apple falls off a tree, when it lands on the ground, it’s a banana! Thirty year old puzzle about neutrinos has been solved. 4 The mass of neutrinos alone is not enough to cause a “Big Crunch” Neutrinos are changing from one flavour to another between the sun and the earth! 1 5 Neutrino masses are insufficient to account for all Dark Matter.

3 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Precision Astronomy has taught us a lot about the Universe we live in… We live here ~70% Energy ~30% Matter

4 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Composition of the Universe Embarrassing Fact: ~95% of the Universe cannot be accounted for in terms of mass and energy.

5 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 A number of extremely fundamental questions can be addressed by the scientific program of SNOLAB: What is Dark Matter? Is there a new symmetry of nature (Supersymmetry or …) that will reveal itself at higher energies? Why is the Universe dominated by matter, and how did this asymmetry come about? What are the neutrino masses, and how have they contributed to the structure and evolution of the Universe? How were the heavy elements formed in Supernovae, and what is the role of neutrinos in that process. How do cosmic accelerators work? What is the mechanism responsible for neutrino oscillations in the sun

6 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB A new International Facility for Underground Science. SNO Established Canada as a World Leader in AstroParticle Physics. Major advances in Astroparticle Physics and precision Astronomy have led to a new view of the Universe and its contents. Many of the fundamental questions being posed can be addressed in a deep, clean and dedicated underground facility. SNO Site unique in the World as deepest clean laboratory space.

7 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Underground facilities SNO Rectangular Hall Ladder Utilities

8 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Laboratory Space SNO: 752 m 2 lab space single experiment SNOLAB: 3,055 m 2 lab space ~4 large experiments, several medium/small 4 x the space

9 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 A Brief History of SNOLAB Construction 2001 Canada Foundation for Innovation Calls for proposals…International Joint Venture fund. 2002 Somebody has the bright idea that we should apply. 2002 April. FedNor Provides 95k$ to develop proposal. 2002 Funding awarded by CFI 38.9 M$ for underground facility. 2003 Funding awarded (OIT, FedNor, NOHFC, CFI) 10.4 M$ for surface facility. 2004 June. Construction of building begins….after the ground thaws enough. 2004 June. Excavation of Phase I begins underground. 2005 July. Surface building complete and occupied. Old construction trailers demolished with excessive enthusiasm. 2007 June. Excavation of Phase I complete 2007 June. Excavation of Phase II begins 2007 August. Funding for Phase II approved 2008 May-June Excavation of Phase II complete 2008 October. Entire Facility to be complete….about 2 months ahead of schedule. Operations: NSERC Funding for Operations: 2.8 M$ over 2 years CFI Funding for Operations 2.8 M$ over 2 years Province of Ontario 18 M$ over 6 years.

10 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Scientific Program

11 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Physics Program (1) What is the “missing” dark matter in the Universe? Direct Search for Dark Matter DEAP/CLEAN Liquid Argon (prototype running) MiniCleanLAr & LNe PICASSOSuperheated droplets (operational) SuperCDMSGe

12 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Physics Program (2) What are the properties of neutrinos and how have the shaped the structure and formation of the Universe? Why do we live in a matter dominated Universe? Where has all the anti-matter gone? Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay EXO Liquid xenon (developing detector) SNO+Nd in Liquid Scint. (seeking construction funds) Solar-, Geo- & Reactor-Neutrinos SNO+

13 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Physics Program (3) What mechanism causes cataclysmic Supernova explosions of stars in their death throes? Supernova Monitoring HALO Operating funds in hand SNO+

14 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 What is required to advance these areas of science? Events are extremely rare: –Requires massive experiments –Requires very low background environment Deep underground site Clean lab SNOLAB

15 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Personnel facilities SNO Cavern Ladder Labs Cube Hall Phase II Cryopit Utility Area 2008: DEAP/CLEAN 3600, MiniCLEAN 360? Now:DEAP-1 2008: SNO+ 2008: HALO? Now:PICASSO-II New large scale project. 2009: SuperCDMS ? 2009: PICASSO IIB? 2009: EXO-200-Gas? Installation of experiments:

16 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Why Make These Studies Underground? This was first considered by Pliny the Elder, about 2000 years ago 'Esistono persone cosi pazze da andare all'interno di profonde miniere per osservare le stelle del cielo'. “There exist people crazy enough as to go into deep mines to study the stars in the sky.”

17 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Ironically, Pline l’Ancien died soon afterwards... in the eruption of Vesuvius...

18 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Construction Status

19 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Surface Facilities

20 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Surface Facilities High ceiling clean laboratory space Clean transfer room Low background counting facilities. Computing/network infrastructure Meeting rooms/auditorium Office space Change facilities for Underground access

21 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Personnel facilities SNO Cavern Ladder Labs Cube Hall Cryopit Utility Area Excavation Status

22 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Lab Entry

23 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Lab Entry

24 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Personnel Facility

25 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Personnel Facility

26 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Ladder Labs

27 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Cube Hall

28 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Excavation Status The last excavation, the Cryopit, was completed in May

29 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Cryopit

30 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Chiller

31 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 SNOLAB Schedule Phase I (Cube Hall, Ladder Labs, Lab Entrance) –Excavation 100% complete. –Outfitting began June 2007. Now very advanced. –Cube Hall cleaning, painting, services began in Jan 2008. Spaces available now for experimental infrastructure installation. Phase II (Cryopit) –Funding announced Aug 2007. Excavation now complete. –Outfitting well advanced now. –Ready for occupancy mid/end 2008. Final infrastructure (Chiller, MPC, waste water plant) October 2008 (now two months ahead of schedule). Surface Facility –Operational since 2005. Experimental Program –Initial assignments of space underground. –Current allocations to: PICASSO, DEAP I, SNO+, DEAP/CLEAN, SuperCDMS. MiniCLEAN –Anticipated (awaiting formal application to SNOLAB) EXOgas 200, HALO, COUPP?

32 SNOLAB @ GeoNeutrino 2008 Sudbury Sept 18 th, 2008 Summary SNOLAB has great potential to address many of the most fundamental questions in subatomic physics today. Lab is ready now to begin installation of experiment specific infrastructure. –Construction schedule a few months ahead of schedule… → more infrastructure –Skilled technical staff, engineering and scientific support. Several smaller sized programs (PICASSO, DEAP-1, PUPS) already operational The larger experimental program is making good progress, experiments are requesting capital support and/or building detector components off site now. SNOLAB is open for business! Highest priority now is to get experiments fully funded. designed, reviewed and installed.

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