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Lines Day 2 (8/21/2012) Objectives:  Write the equation and sketch the graph of the a line given specific information.  Identify the relationship between.

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Presentation on theme: "Lines Day 2 (8/21/2012) Objectives:  Write the equation and sketch the graph of the a line given specific information.  Identify the relationship between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lines Day 2 (8/21/2012) Objectives:  Write the equation and sketch the graph of the a line given specific information.  Identify the relationship between parallel lines, perpendicular lines and the slope. Assignment Class Work Go over the LCD Power Point presentation. Start working on the homework Homework Page 7 # 1-37 odd.

2 Section 1.2 Functions and Graphs Day 3 (8/22/2012) Objectives: Identify the domain and the range of a function using its graph or equation. Recognize even and odd functions using equations and graphs. Find the formula of a piecewise function. Write and evaluate compositions of functions Assignment Class work Go over the LCD Power Point presentation. Go over problems page 17- 18 # 2, 6,8,12,14, 20, 28, 32. Homework Page 17 # 1- 31 odd.

3 Section 1.2 Functions and Graphs Day 4 (8/23/2012) Objectives: Identify the domain and the range of a function using its graph or equation. Recognize even and odd functions using equations and graphs. Find the formula of a piecewise function. Write and evaluate compositions of functions Assignment Class work Go over the LCD Power Point presentation. Go over problems page 18 # 38, 40, 42, 44, 50, 52, 60. Homework Page 18-19 # 37-47 odd 49, 51, 59,.

4 Section 1.3 Exponential Functions Day 5 (8/24/2012) Objectives: Determine the domain the range and the graph of exponential function. Solve problems using exponential function. Assignments Go over Exploration 1 and Example 2. Class Work Page 24 # 2-14 even, 28. Homework Page 24-25 # 1-13 odd, 23- 33 odd.

5 Section 1.4 Logarithmic Function Day 6 (8/28/2012) Objectives: Definition of one to one functions. Inverses functions. Logarithmic Function. Properties of logarithms. Application. Assignment Class Work LCD Power Point Presentation. Go over page 39 # 4, 6,14, 18, 34, 40*. Homework: Page 39 # 1-43 odd and 47.

6 Review sections 1.1-1.5 Day 7 (8/29/2012) Objectives: Review sections 1.1-1.5 Assignment Class work Hand-out

7 Quiz Day 8 (8/30/2012) Objectives: Quiz on section 1.1-1.5 Assignment Homework Read section 1.6

8 Section 1.6 Day 9 (8/31/2012) Objectives: Review definition of sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cot(x),sec(x), csc(x). Review the graph of Trig functions. Assignment Class Work Go over the quiz Review basic trigonometric concept. Go over examples. Homework Hand-out

9 Section 1.6 Trigonometric functions Day 10 (9/4/2012) Objectives: Review definition of sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cot(x),sec(x), csc(x). Review the graph of Trig functions. Assignment Class Work Go over examples Finish the hand out Homework Page 49 # 11-19 odd. 25- 29 odd.

10 Section 1.6 Trigonometric Functions Day 11 (9/5/2012) Objectives: Evaluate and graph trigonometric functions. Assignment Class work Go over the warm up and homework questions. Quiz. Homework Hand- out

11 Section 1.6 Inverse Trigonometric functions Day 12 (9/6/2012) Objectives: Find, Range, Domain, and graph of inverse trigonometric functions. Evaluate Inverse trigonometric functions. Assignment Class Work Extra time for the quiz.(10 min). Go over examples. Homework Hand out.

12 Chapter 1 Review Day 13 (9/7/2012) Objectives: Summarize the graphs of basic functions. Range, Domain, symmetry, zeros of basic functions. Assignment Class Work: Hand- out due in the end of the class. Homework : Read section 2.1

13 Section 2.1 Rates of Change and Limits Day 14 (9/10/2012) Objectives: Average and instantaneous rate of change. Definition of limit. Properties of limit. One-sided and two-sided limit. Assignment Class Work Go over the Quiz Go over examples 1-5 page 62 # 4, 6,. Homework Page 62 # 1-15 odd.

14 Section 2.1 Rates of Change and Limits Day 15 9/11/12 Objectives: Average and instantaneous rate of change. Definition of limit. Properties of limit. One-sided and two-sided limit. Assignment Class Work Go over homework questions. Go over Theorems 1-4 examples. Homework Page 63-64 # 17-31 odd, 43, 45, 49, 53, 57.

15 Section 2.1 Rates of Change and Limits Day 16 (9/12/2012) Objectives: Review: 1. Definition of limit. 2.Properties of limit. 3.One-sided and two-sided limit. Assignment Class Work Go over Homework questions. Hand-out. Homework Review homework problems and examples of section 2.1.

16 Chapter 2 Test Day 17 (9/13/2012) Assignment

17 Section 2.2 Limits Involving Infinity Day 18 (9/14/2012) Objectives: 1. Find limits as x→∞. 2. Use the Sandwich Theorem. 3. Find infinite limits as x→a. 4. Find an End Behavior model for a function. Assignment Class Work Go over the quiz Go over examples of infinite limit. Go over investigation 1 on page 68. Homework Page 70 # 1-11 odd, 17-27 odd.

18 Section 2.2 Limits Day 19 (9/18/2012) Objectives: 1. Find limits as x→∞. 2. Use the Sandwich Theorem. 3. Find infinite limits as x→a. 4. Find an End Behavior model for a function. Assignment Class Work 1.Go over the quiz 2.Go over the warm up. 3.Go over examples of vertical asymptotes and end behavior models. Homework Page 72-73 # `18-22 even, 29-37 odd, 47, 48, 49, 50*.

19 Section 2.2 Limits Day 20 9/19/2012 Objectives: 1. Find limits as x→∞. 2. Use the Sandwich Theorem. 3. Find infinite limits as x→a. 4. Find an End Behavior model for a function. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over # 50 page 72. Go over examples from the hand out. Homework Finish the hand-out. Hand out due on 9/20/2012

20 Section 2.3 Continuity Day 21 (9/20/2012) Objectives: Understand continuity at a point, open interval, and closed interval. Understand types of discontinuity. Assignment Class Work 1.Go over hand out questions. 2.Go over definition of continuous function at a point, open interval, and closed interval. Homework Page 80 # 1-9 odd, 10, # 11-16 all.

21 Section 2.3 Continuity Day 22 (9/21/ 2012) Objectives: Understand continuity at a point, open interval, and closed interval. Understand types of discontinuity. Assignment Class work Go over the homework Go over theorem 6 page 78 Quiz. Homework Page 81 # 17 -29 all.

22 Section 2.3Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) Day 23 (9/24/2012) Objectives: Understand continuity at a point, open interval, and closed interval. Understand types of discontinuity. Assignment Class Work 1.Go over the warm up. 2.Go over IVT theorem and examples. 3.Hand out. Homework Finish the hand out.

23 Warm up Day 23

24 Intermediate Value Theorem

25 Day 24 (9/25/2012) Finish the hand out of Emergency Lesson Plan.

26 Section 2.4 Rates of Change and Tangent Lines. Day 25 (9/26/2012) Objectives: 1.Find the average rate of change. 2.Find the equation of the tangent and equation of a normal to a curve. Assignment Class Work 1.Go over hand out questions. 2.Go over definition of the slope of the curve. Example 1 on page 82. 3.Go over examples 4 and 5 on page 85. Homework Page 87 # 1-5 odd, 9, 11, 13, 15.

27 Chapter 2 Review Day 26 (9/28/ 2012) Objectives: Review: definition of Limit. properties of limits. infinite limit horizontal and vertical asymptotes. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over the Quiz Go over homework questions. Homework Page 91 # 1-7 odd, 15-25 all. 27, 29, 33, 39, 41, 45.

28 Day 27 (10/1/2012) Chapter 2 Test

29 Section 3.1 Derivative of a Function. Day 28 (10/2/1012) Objectives: 1. Understand and use the definitions of derivative. 2. Use proper notation. Assignment Class Work Go over the definition of the Derivative. Homework Page 101 # 1-10 all on Quick review, and 1-6 all on section 3.1 exercises.

30 Section 3.1 Derivative of a Function. Day 29 (10/3/2012) Objectives: Understand the relationships between the graphs of f and f’. Graph the derivative from DATA. Find one-sided Derivatives. Assignment Class Work. Go over the warm up. Go over Example 3 and Exploration 1 Page 98. Work on problems page 101 # 7-10 all,17, and 18. Homework Hand out.

31 Section 3.1 Derivative of a Function. Day 30 (10/4/ 2012) Objectives: Review the definition on the derivative and relationship between the graph of f and f’. Assignment Class Work Go over the hand out questions. Homework Page 104 # 26.

32 Section 3.2Differentiability Day 31 (10/5/2012) Objectives: Understand how f’(a) might fail to exist. See how differentiability implies local linearity. Assignment Class Work Go over the hand out. Go over examples 1-4 points at which f’ fail to exits. Homework Page 111 # 1-10 all, 11, 13 21 and 29.

33 Section 3.2 Differentiability Day 32 10/8/2012 Objectives: Understand how f’(a) might fail to exist. See how differentiability implies local linearity. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over the chapter 2 Test Homework Hand out # 9 b-d all and 10 c and d.

34 Day 32 Warm up 1

35 Section 3.1-3.2 Differentiation Day 33 10/9/2012 Objectives: 1. Find derivatives of positive integer powers, multiples,, sums and differences. 2. Use product rule and quotient rule. 3. Find derivatives of negative integer powers. Find higher order derivatives. Assignment Class work Go over the Warm up Go over the hand out and homework questions. Homework Read Examples of section 3.3

36 Day 33 Warm up

37 Section 3.3 Differentiation Rules Day 33 10/10/ 2012 Objectives: 1. Find derivatives of positive integer powers, multiples,, sums and differences. 2. Use product rule and quotient rule. 3. Find derivatives of negative integer powers. Find higher order derivatives. Assignment Class work Go over the warm up Go over differentiation Rules. Homework Page 120 # 1-13 odd, 17, 21

38 Day 34 Warm Up

39 Section 3.3 Differentiation Rules Day 35 10/11/2012 Objectives: 1. Find derivatives of positive integer powers, multiples,, sums and differences. 2. Use product rule and quotient rule. 3. Find derivatives of negative integer powers. Find higher order derivatives. Assignment Class work Go over the warm up Go over 23 page 120. Due in the end of the class page 120 # 2-18 even, 24, and 26. Homework Page 120 # 25, 27, 33, 35.

40 Section 3.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions Day 36 10/12/2012 Objectives: Find the derivatives of trigonometric functions. Assignment Class work Go over the warm up Go over homework questions. Go over derivatives of trig functions examples. Homework Page 140 1-9 all. 11, 13, 19.

41 Day 36 Warm Up

42 Section 3.6 Chain Rule Day 37 10/15/2012 Objectives: Use the chain rule to find the derivatives of composite functions. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over chain rule examples. Homework Page 146 # 1-23 odd.

43 Section 3.6 Chain Rule Day 38 10/16/2012 Objectives: Use the chain rule to find the derivatives of composite functions. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over page 147 # 26, 34, 36, 56. Homework Page 146-147 # 25-37 odd, and 57.

44 Section 3.1-3.6 Review Day 39 10/17/ 2012 Objectives: Use definition of the derivative to find the derivative. Use differentiation rules of sections 3.2-3.6 Assignment Class Work Hand out Homework Go over the homework sections 3.1-3.6 and today's hand out in order to prepare for the quiz.

45 Section 3.1-3.6 Review Day 4o 10/18/ 2012 Objectives: Use definition of the derivative to find the derivative. Use differentiation rules of sections 3.2-3.6 Assignment Class Work Hand out Homework Go over the homework sections 3.1-3.6 and today's hand out in order to prepare for the quiz.

46 Day 41 10/19/ 2012 Sections 3.1- 3.6 Quiz

47 Section 3.7 Implicit Differentiation Day 42 10/ 19/ 2012 Objectives: Work with implicitly defined functions. Use implicit differentiation to find dy/dx. “This lesson is post pointed for 10/23/2012 Due to PSAT testing” Assignment Class Work Go over the Quiz Go over examples of implicit differentiation. Homework Page 155 # 1-19 odd.

48 Review Sections 3.1-3.6 DAY 42 10/22/ 2012 Objectives: Review sections 3.1-3.6 Practice differentiation rules and Chain Rule. Assignment Class Work Hand out

49 Section 3.7 Implicit Differentiation Day 42 10/23/2012 Objectives: Work with implicitly defined functions. Use implicit differentiation to find dy/dx. Assignment Class Work Go over the Warm up Go over examples of implicit differentiation. Homework Page 155 # 1-19 odd.

50 Section 3.7 Implicit Differentiation Day 43 10/24/2012 Objectives: Work with implicitly defined functions. Use implicit differentiation to find dy/dx. Assignment Class Work Go over the Quiz Go over Example 4 pg 152 and # 28, 34, 41, 46 on page 155-156. Homework Page 155-156 # 23, 25, 27, 33, 39.

51 Section 3.8 Derivatives of Inverse Trig Functions. Day 44 10/25/2012 Objectives: Find derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions. (Early Realise we could not start this section) Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over differentiation Rules of Inverse Trig Functions. Homework Page 162 # 1-15 odd.

52 Day 45 10/26/2012 No school Teacher’s Planning Day

53 Section 3.8 Derivatives of Inverse Trig functions. Day 46 10/29/2012 Objectives: Evaluate derivatives of all inverse trigonometric functions. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over examples of derivatives of trigonometric functions. Go over 20 page 162. Page 162 # 1-11 odd, 15, 19, 21, 22.

54 Day 46/47 Warm up

55 Section 3.9 Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Day 48 10/31/2012 Objectives: Evaluate derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions. Use chain rule for log and exponential functions. (Blok schedule day 49 11/1/2012 ) Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over Examples of derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions. Work on problems Page 170 # 1-39 odd.

56 Day 48/49 Warm up

57 Section 3.8-3.9 Review/ Quiz Day 50 11/2/2012 Objectives: Review and test derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, logarithmic, and exponential functions. (Block Schedule Day 51 11/5/2012) Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Review. Go over questions. Hand out. Page 162 # 2-12 even Page 170 2-22 even, 32, 38.

58 Day 50/51 Warm up

59 Day 52 11/7/2012 Quiz Derivatives

60 Go over the Quiz Day 53 11/8/2012 Objectives: Go over differentiation Rules. Find the instantaneous rate of change. Assignment Class Work Go over the quiz Go over example 1 page 122. Homework Page 130 # 8 and 9

61 Section 3.4 Velocity and Other Rates of Change Day 54 11/9/2012 Objectives: Find the instantaneous rate of change. Find motion along a line. Find the sensitivity to change. Use derivatives in economics. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over example 1 and exploration 1 page 123. Position, velocity, acceleration, and their relationship. Go over # 2 on page 129. Homework Page 129 # 1,3, 5,9,11.

62 Section 3.4 Velocity and Other Rates of Change Day 55 11/13/2012 Objectives: Find the instantaneous rate of change. Find motion along a line. Find the sensitivity to change. Use derivatives in economics. Assignment Class Work Free Response make up. Go over the homework questions. Homework Page 130 # 12, 13, 15.

63 Section 3.4 Velocity and Other Rates of Change Day 55 11/14/2012 Objectives: Find the instantaneous rate of change. Find motion along a line. Find the sensitivity to change. Use derivatives in economics. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Position, velocity, acceleration, and their relationship. Go over page 130 # 10, 16*. Homework Page 130-132 # 21,23, 25, 27, 31,28.

64 Chapter 3 Review Day 56 11/15/2012 Objectives: 1.Review all differentiation rules. 2.Review applications of derivatives in Economy and physics. Assignment Class Work /Homework Page 172 # 3, 5, 9, 11-23 odd, 31, 35, 39, 45,47, 57, 58*, 59, 61*.

65 Chapter 3 Review Day 57 11/16/2012 Objectives: 1.Review all differentiation rules. 2.Review applications of derivatives in economy and physics. Assignment Class Work Page 172 # 2-20 even, 38, 46, 67. Due in the end of the class

66 Chapter 3 Review Day 58 11/19/2012 Objectives: 1.Review all differentiation rules. 2.Review applications of derivatives in economy and physics. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over homework questions. Homework Review all differentiation rules.

67 Review 11/19/2012

68 Day 59 11/20/2012 Chapter 4 Test

69 Section 4.1 Extreme Value theorem Day 60 11/21/2012 Objectives: Definition of absolute and local minimum and maximum values. Extreme values and the first derivative. Assignment Class Work Go over the test Go over power point presentation. Homework Page 184 # 1-13.

70 Section 4.1 Extreme Value theorem Day 61 11/26/2012 Objectives: Definition of absolute and local minimum and maximum values. Extreme values and the first derivative. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over homework questions. Go over # 37,42, 46 Homework Page 184 # 15, 17, 41, 45- 48.

71 Warm up

72 Section 4.1 Extreme Value theorem Day 62 11/27/2012 Objectives: Definition of absolute and local minimum and maximum values. Extreme values and the first derivative. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over homework questions. Hand-out Homework Finish the hand out.

73 Section 4.2 Mean Value Theorem Day 63 11/28/2012 Objectives: Apply the Mean Value Theorem. Apply derivatives to increasing and decreasing functions. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over examples. Homework: Page 192 # 1-17 odd.

74 Section 4.2 Mean Value Theorem Day 64 11/29/2012 Objectives: Apply the Mean Value Theorem. Apply derivatives to increasing and decreasing functions. Assignment Class Work Go over the Warm up Page 192 # 21,22,23, 24, 35 a, 36, 37, 39,40, 41,42.

75 Section 4.2 Mean Value Theorem Day 65 11/30/2012 Objectives: Apply the Mean Value Theorem. Apply derivatives to increasing and decreasing functions. Assignment Class Work Go over homework questions. Hand out

76 Section 4.3 Connecting f’ and f’’ with the graph of f. Day 66 12/3/2012 Objectives: Find extreme point of functions. Understand the relationship between the concavity of f and the sign of f’’. Understand points of inflection as places where the concavity changes. Assignment Class Work: Go over the warm up. Go over the Theorems and examples on section 4.3. Homework: Page 203-204, 1-6 all, 7,9,11.

77 Section 4.3 Connecting f’ and f’’ with the graph of f. Day 67 11/4/2012 Objectives: Find points of inflection of functions. Understand the relationship between the concavity of f and the sign of f’’. Understand points of inflection as places where the concavity changes. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over homework questions. Go over examples # 5, 8, page 204 # 10. Homework Page 204 # 13, 15, 19, 29, 31.

78 Section 4.3 Connecting f’ and f’’ with the graph of f. Day 68 12/5/2012 Objectives: Find points of inflection of functions. Understand the relationship between the concavity of f and the sign of f’’. Understand points of inflection as places where the concavity changes. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over pg 205 # 34. Homework Page 204 # 33, 35, 37, 41, 47.

79 Day 69 12/5/2012 Quiz Sections 4.1-4.3

80 Section 4.1-4.3 Connecting f’ and f’’ with the graph of f. Day 70 12/7/2012 Objectives: Review Local and absolute extreme. Find points of inflections. Relationship between the graph of f, f’ and f”. Assignment Class Work Go over the quiz Homework Read Examples 1-4 page 206-207.

81 Section 4.4 Modeling and Optimization Day 71 12/10/2012 Objectives: Use derivatives to solve problems from Business, industry, and differential mathematics. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over examples page 206- 207 # 1and 2. Homework Page 214 # 1, 3, 7, 9,

82 Section 4.4 Modeling and Optimization Day 72 12/11/2012 Objectives: Use derivatives to solve problems from Business, industry, and differential mathematics. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over examples # 4, 5. Homework Page 214-215 # 11,15,17, 19.

83 Section 4.4 Modeling and Optimization Day 73 12/12/2012 Objectives: Use derivatives to solve problems from Business, industry, and differential mathematics. Assignment Class Work Page 214-215. 2, 4, 6, 10, 16.

84 Day 73 Answers 2) The largest area is 25/4 4) Maximum at x= 2. The rectangle with the larges area is square. 6) Largest are = 32; dimensions 4 and 8. 10) Dimensions 12 m by 18 m. 16) Radius = Height = 6.83 cm.

85 Day 74 12/13/2012 Section 4.4 Quiz

86 Section 4.5 Linearization and Newton’s Method Day 75 12/14/2012 Objectives: Use the tangent line to approximate the function. Use differentials to estimate the change. Find the absolute, the relative, and the percent change. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over examples. Homework: Page 229 # 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 21.

87 Section 4.5 Linearization and Newton’s Method Day 76 12/17/2012 Objectives: Use the tangent line to approximate the function. Use differentials to estimate the change. Find the absolute, the relative, and the percent change. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over examples page 226 # 8,9,11,12. Homework Page 230 # 27, 31, 39, 41, 43.

88 Day 76 Warm up

89 Section 4.6 Related Rates Day 77 12/18/2012 Objectives: Learn solution strategies for related rate problems. Simulate related motions. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over example # 2 page 237 # 8, 10. Homework Page 238 # 11 and 13.

90 Section 4.6 Related Rates Day 78 12/19/2012 Objectives: Learn solution strategies for related rate problems. Simulate related motions. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over the example # 4. Homework Page 238 # 17, 22, 33,35.

91 Day 79 12/20/2012 Quiz sections 4.5-4.6

92 Section 4.5-4.6 Review Day 80 12/21/2012 Objectives: Review chapters 1-4 Start working on winter package. Assignment Class Work Go over the quiz. Start working on winter package.

93 Review Chapters 1-4 Day 81 1/7/2013 Objectives: Review chapters 1-4 Assignment Class Work Go over questions of the winter package. Finish the winter package.

94 Review Chapter 4 Day 82 1/8/2013 Objectives: Use the tangent line to approximate the function. Learn solution strategies for related rate problems. Simulate related motions. Assignment Class Work Page 242 # 3, 5, 13, 17, 27, 29, 31, 33, 39, 47, 53.

95 Review Chapter 4 Day 83 1/9/2013 Objectives: Use the tangent line to approximate the function. Learn solution strategies for related rate problems. Simulate related motions. Assignment Class Work Go over free response examples Go over the Section 4.4-4.5 Quiz.

96 Day 84 1/10/2013 Chapter 4 Test

97 Class Work 1/11/2013



100 Section 5.1 Estimating With Sums Day 86 1/14/2013 Objectives: Use the total distance traveled to introduce rectangular approximation method. Use LRAM, MRAM, and RRAM method to approximate the area under the curve. Assignments Class Work Go over the chapter 4 Test. Go over Examples of LRAM, MRAM, and RRAM. Class work Page 254 # 3 only for n=10. and 11.

101 Section 5.2 Antiderivatives Day 88 1/16/2013 Objectives: Write the general solution of e differential equation. Use the indefinite integral notation for Antiderivatives. Find the particular solution of a differential equation. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up. Go over examples. Class Work Hand out Page 255 # 1-39 ODD.

102 Section 5.2 Antiderivatives Day 89 1/17/2013 Objectives: Write the general solution of e differential equation. Use the indefinite integral notation for untiderivatives. Find the particular solution of a differential equation. Assignment Class Work Finish the hand out.

103 Section 5.2 Antiderivatives Day 90 1/22/2013 Objectives: Write the general solution of e differential equation. Use the indefinite integral notation for Antiderivatives. Find the particular solution of a differential equation. Block schedules. Assignment Class Work Go over examples of Antiderivatives. Hand- out # 1-39 odd.

104 Untiderivatives AP-Practice Day 91 1/23/2013 Objectives: Practice AP-questions using the untiderivatives. Block schedules. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over hand out questions Finish the hand-out.

105 Untiderivatives AP-Practice Day 92 1/24/2013 Objectives: Practice AP-questions using the untiderivatives. Block schedules Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over hand out questions Finish the hand-out.

106 Untiderivatives AP-Practice Day 93 1/25/2013 Objectives: Practice AP-questions using the untiderivatives free response. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over hand out questions Finish the hand-out.

107 Section 5.2 Definite Integrals Day 94 1/28/2013 Objectives: Definition of Riemann Sums. Use the technology to evaluate the definite integral. Use the definite integral to find the area under the curve. Assignment Class Work Go over the warm up Go over the concept of Riemann Sum and the definite integral. Homework Page 267 # 1-21 odd, 23.

108 Section 5.3 Integrantsand Antiderivatives. Day 95 1/29/2013 Objectives: Learn properties of definite integrals. Go over the Average Value Theorem and Mean Value Theorem for Integrals. Use the properties and above theorems to solve problems. Assignment Class Work Go over properties of definite integral. Go over Average Value Theorem and Mean Value Theorem for Integrals. Homework Page 274 #1, 3, 5, use the graphing calculator for 17*, and 19. 25.

109 Review Sections 5.1-5.3 Day 100 1/30/2013 Objectives: Review RAM. Antiderivatives. Riemann Sum Properties of definite integral. Area under the curve. Average Value Theorem and Mean Value Theorem for Integrals. Assignment Class Work Hand out

110 Sections 5.1-5.3 Quiz Day 101 1/31/2013 Objectives: Test the following concepts Review RAM. Antiderivatives. Riemann Sum Properties of definite integral. Area under the curve. Average Value Theorem and Mean Value Theorem for Integrals. Assignment Class Work Quiz

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