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Title I Annual Parent Meeting

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1 Title I Annual Parent Meeting
Azalea Middle School September 3, 2013 6:00 p.m. AMS Safety Net Classrooms

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions All About Title I
Standards and Testing Parental Involvement

3 Education is the KEY News articles continue to report that while many people are unemployed, there are many jobs that are going unfilled due to lack of qualified employees. These jobs in medical and technology fields all require strong literacy, math and problem solving skills. We all want our children to live happy and productive lives. The key to this is an excellent education in a field where there is a need for qualified employees.

4 What is “No Child Left Behind”?
Education act signed into law in 2002 that aims to: Ensure that every student has a high-quality education; Challenge and motivate students; Provide highly qualified teachers, who use proven teaching methods; and Ensure a safe, drug free learning environment. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is the name given to the most recent update of the main federal education law that, among other things, provides for Title I funding. NCLB aims to: Raise accountability – by carefully measuring school progress every year Provide more financial flexibility – by allowing federal money to be used to meet school or school district needs Set goals – to improve student performance in reading or math, for example Improve teacher quality – by providing funds for professional development Provide school choice – if a school doesn’t meet specific educational standards Make schools safer – and drug-free

5 What is Title I? Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in public elementary and secondary schools each year including eligible students in non-public schools. Title I funds are used by schools and districts for a variety of programs and activities designed to increase children’s academic achievement (especially in reading and math). Schools work to identify students most in need of educational help. The schools set goals for improvement, measure student progress, using standards set forth in the state’s Title I plan, develop programs that add to regular classroom instruction, and involve parents in all aspects of the program. Title I seeks to provide supplemental support to those students that are the furthest from meeting the standards the state has set for all children. Districts receive Title I funds from the federal government (through the Department of Education), and distribute these funds to schools based on the number of low-income students (eligible for free/reduced price lunch). However, low-income is only used to distribute funds. Students are selected to receive Title I services if they have an academic need.

6 How Title I Works The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the district. The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Azalea Middle implements a school-wide program. The Florida Department of Education receives funds from the federal government. Districts receive Title I funds from Department of Education, and the school district distributes these funds to schools based on the percentage of children eligible for free/reduced price lunch; however, students do not have to be from low-income families to receive help. Our students are in a Title I School-wide program. This means that our Title I money can be used to upgrade the educational program in ways that may impact every student in the school . This also means that every parent/guardian of a student in our school is a Title I parent! The schools set goals for improvement, measure student progress, using standards set forth in the state’s Title I plan, develop programs that add to regular classroom instruction, and involve parents in all aspects of the program.

7 School Classifications
Reward School – School grade A and schools that improve a letter grade Prevent School- School grade of C Focus School- School grade of D Priority School- School grade of F Azalea’s grade remained an F last school year. This occurred despite the fact that we went up in every one of the nine grading cells. As has occurred in the past several years, the State made several changes in the grading scale. The primary change being in the required 8th grade writing score. If Azalea Middle can continue our growth trajectory this year, we will be able to move out of our current priority status.

8 Parent’s Right to Know Be involved and request regular meetings to express your opinions and concerns Be provided information on your child’s level of achievement on assessments like FCAT in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science; Request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher; and be informed if your child is taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks. As a parent of a student in a Title 1 school you have some specific rights. These include the right to: Request the qualifications of your child’s teacher Be notified if your child is taught for more than 4 consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified Request opportunities for regular meetings with staff in order to make suggestions Participate in decisions relating to the education of your child Submit a written comment on the school-wide program plan when the school makes the plan available to the district (if you are not satisfied with the plan)

9 School Accountability Report Card
School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) provides parents and the community with important information about each public school Demographic data; School safety and climate for learning information; Academic data; Graduation rates; Class sizes; Teacher and staff information; Curriculum and instruction descriptions; Postsecondary preparation information; and AYP information. Available at the school office or online at This PPT will be posted on our school website where you can access the link shown here.

10 Educational Standards
Florida’s academic content standards establish high expectations for all students. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Common Core Standards identify what your child needs to know and be able to do in all content areas. Information located at: The State of Florida has established standards that describe what our students should be able to do as they move through middle school. Initially we had the Sunshine State standards. Currently we have the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and now we are transitioning to the Common Core Standards. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the Common Core Standards as we move through the years.

11 School’s Curriculum Next Generation Sunshine State Standards form the framework of everything taught at school. Additionally, Common Core Standards will be phased into all grade levels by Curriculum Reading Mathematics Writing Science School’s Curriculum In all reading classes we are working to increase the student’s ability to comprehend complex text and be able to respond in discussion and in writing to text based questions. In mathematics we are focusing on increasing each students ability to solve problems and understand mathematical concepts. Few real life mathematical problems are presented to us in straight equations or “naked numbers.” In writing in all classes we want to increase the student’s ability to respond to the ideas they read, to analyze the thoughts and opinions of others and to express with logical support their own ideas. In science we are working to expand students understanding of how our physical world operates by integrating and applying the various disciplines of science including earth science, biological science, and physical science.

12 Measuring Student Success
Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)—Grades 3-8 Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading (FAIR) Math (6-8), Writing and Science (8th only) benchmark assessments in September and January. The goal for FCAT scores, and the thing that will change our school grade, is for all of our students to become proficient which means performing at grade level in reading, writing, mathematics and science. We have already administered baseline assessment and will measure again in January to see how we are progressing.

13 FCAT (Grades 3-8) Feb. 26 – 28,2014 FCAT Writing (8th grade)
April , 2014 Students tested on: Reading/Language Arts Mathematics Science (8th grade only) Information on FCAT may be found at:

14 Florida End of Course (EOC) Assessments (Algebra)
Algebra 1 EOC Assessment – early May 2014 Geometry EOC Assessment Civics EOC (All 7th grade!) These assessments count toward our school grade. Last year 91% of our Honors Algebra students passed the EOC!

15 AMS Title 1 Title I funds pay for the following:
- Additional teachers, social worker, technology and data support Additional training for school staff Extra time for instruction (Before and/or after school programs); Parental Involvement Activities; and/or A variety of supplemental teaching methods and materials. Technology such as Smart Boards, Kindles and laptops

16 Title I funds Azalea Middle is provided $404,000 to pay for services and programs for our students. 1% of these funds are used to provide Parent Involvement activities Explain that parents must have the opportunity to help decide how the parent involvement funds are used and what type of parent involvement activities they want or need to help their kids do better in school. 1 percent of the budge must be spent on parent involvement initiatives. We want to know how to use these funds to help you support your child’s success. Last spring, before submitting our Title 1 budget, PTA members were provided an overview of our proposed use of Title 1 funds and invited to provide feedback. Tonight we are asking for your input and feedback on our school programs. Please take the time to provide this information. Throughout the year at PTA meetings, Title 1 Family Knights and Principal Roundtable discussions we will keep you informed of our programs and solicit your ideas for improvement.

17 Who decides how funds are used?
Every school has a School Advisory Council (SAC) composed of: Parents, Teachers, Other staff that works at the school, Principal and Students The School Advisory Council along with parent input determines how to use Title I funds. Our School Advisory Council is composed of parents, teachers and other staff members, and community members. If you are interested in serving on SAC, we do have several openings for parent members. Please let me know right away.

18 Working together! Title I law requires that all Title I schools and families work together. How we work together is listed in our: School Level Parental Involvement Policy; Parent-School Compact; and School-wide Title I Plan (School Improvement Plan). Parents can also read the District’s Parent Involvement Plan at under Title 1 Section 1118 of No Child Left Behind requires meaningful involvement of parents in the decisions made at the school. Specifically, parents are required to be involved in the development, implementation, review and revisions of the Parent Involvement Policy, School-wide Plan (School Improvement Plan) and the Parent-School Compact. Parents are also required to be involved in the development of district wide policies. Title I District Parent Policy – how the district involves parents and build schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parent involvement and to help their children succeed. Must be reviewed and revised annually with parents. Distribute a copy of the District Parent Involvement Policy and review. Explain that Title I parents can be involved in reviewing and updating the policy each year (provide the dates/times for the meeting if available) Title I School Parent Involvement Policy - how the school involves parents in organized, ongoing and timely ways in the planning, review and improvement of programs and provide opportunities for parents to learn how to work with our children to improve their achievement. Must be reviewed and revised annually with parents. Distribute a copy of the School Parent Involvement Policy and review. Title I School-Parent Compact – outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Must be reviewed and revised annually with parents. Distribute a copy of the School Parent Compact to review and discuss Explain that Title I parents can be involved in reviewing and updating the school/parent policy each year (provide the dates/times for the meeting if available)

19 Parent-School Compact
Please sign your child’s Compact and review it…working together is important. Title I School-Parent Compact – outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Must be reviewed and revised annually with parents. You received a copy of this compact in your back-to-school packet. Thank you to all who have returned it. If you have not already done so, please do sign and return it. Title I parents can be involved in reviewing and updating the school/parent policy each year. This is usually at our May PTA meeting.

20 Parent-School Compact
School Agreement Believe all students can learn. Show students and parents we care. Consistently present engaging lessons. Teach, model and enforce safe, responsible and respectful behavior. Have on-going communication with students and parents; including conferences and tools such as telephone, Portal, Moodle, s, agenda etc. Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child’s school activities.

21 Parent-School Compact
Parent Agreement Have on-going communication with my child’s school, including parent-teacher conferences. Support the school staff and respect cultural differences of others. Participate in school events. See that my student attends school daily and is punctual. Talk to my student weekly about homework and academic progress. Encourage reading at home. Support my child in following the school’s modified dress code every day.

22 Parent-School Compact
Student Agreement Come to school each day on time with my homework completed and with supplies that I need. Show respect for my school, myself, other students, and have consideration for cultural differences. Believe that I can learn, and I will learn. Work to the best of my ability. Follow the rules of conduct at my school. Do not bully others and speak out against bullying. Follow the school’s modified dress code every day.

23 Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Involve parents in a meaningful way in the development, implementation, and review of the parental involvement program. PTA (evenings) Principal Roundtable (mornings) Parent Knights Please see the handout showing all of the dates of our upcoming parent involvement opportunities. Mark your calendars and plan to participate

24 Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Convene an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students of Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I program. Offer meetings at flexible times to maximize participation This is officially our required Title 1 Annual Parent meeting. For parents unable to attend, this PPT will be posted on our school website.

25 Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs.

26 Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Assists parents in understanding academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children.

27 Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Provides materials and training to help Title I parents work with their children to improve their children's achievement Parent Knights Principal Roundtable

28 Parent Involvement Opportunities
Title 1 Family Knight activities Title 1 Family Knight planning committee PTA committees – meet monthly School Advisory Council – meets monthly School Website School Messenger Announcements questions, comments and updates Individual Conferences On the backside of our parent involvement dates for the year are ways that you can help support students at our school. Please read though that and consider what fits into your schedule as a way to participate.

29 Your involvement is Key to your child’s success!
You are your child’s first teacher. You have the ability to influence your child’s education more than any teacher or school. You know your child best: Share information about your child’s interests and abilities with teachers; and Ask to see progress reports on your child and the school. By taking an active role in Title I, you’ll show your child: How important he or she is to you How important education is to you That you and the school are a team Speak up if you notice any problems – But, don’t criticize the school or a teacher in front of your child.

30 Support Your Child’s Education
Share a love of learning Read to your child Ask your child to read to you Limit TV time Take advantage of the public library and the school media center and Title I Family Resource Library Show interest in your child’s school day Ask her/him questions Ask to see homework Praise their efforts Encourage good study habits Communicate with the teachers and other staff Attend workshops There are many ways parents can help their child. See the handout.

31 Get to Know Your School & Communicate With Teachers
Attend school events Visit the classroom Volunteer at the school Join parents’ organizations Keep teachers informed Attend special parent trainings Attend parent-teacher conferences Be prepared for the meetings Consider whether you have met your responsibilities as stated in the parent-school compact List your questions before the meeting This slide is optional if this will be discussed in the child’s classroom.

32 Resolving concerns All concerns should be brought to those closest to the situation, starting with individual teachers, and then followed by the grade level offices. Teacher s can be found on the school website. I expect excellent customer service from all of my staff members. When parents have a concern, they often want to come directly to me as the principal to address the concern. However, I rarely have the details needed about the situation if I’m not directly involved. Please try to resolve all concerns with those directly involved and the grade level office first. If the appropriate staff does not resolve concerns, I definitely want to know about it and will work with you to get it resolved.

33 6th grade office 6th grade office:
Clerk: Carol Maston: Ext. 2096, Guidance Counselor: Yata Fields, Ext. 2088, Assistant Principal: Catherine Evans, Ext. 2098,

34 7th grade office 7th grade office:
Clerk: Emma Arend: Ext. 2071, Guidance Counselor: Latiki Poole, Ext. 2061, Assistant Principal: Angela Owens, Ext. 2073,

35 8th grade office 8th grade office:
Clerk: Yolanda Davis: Ext. 2041, Guidance Counselor: Julie MacNeal Ext. 2051, Assistant Principal: Derrik Craun, Ext. 2049,

36 You speak…we listen! Questions or Comments
What would be helpful for you? Before you leave this evening, please take a moment to respond. I will post a Q&A response on the school website.

37 Azalea Middle Point System
This year we have implemented a point system to help track student behavior target our interventions recognize students who are doing the right things Before I hand the presentation over to your homeroom teacher, I want to tell you about an exciting and ambitious initiative underway here at AMS.

38 Purpose One of our school improvement goals is to increase all student self-management skills Last year, we lost too much instructional time on discipline issues Last year, our well-behaved students did not always receive the recognition and attention they deserve

39 How it works Two week cycle
Blue 0-5 points Yellow 6-15 points Teal points Orange 26+ Goal – LOW POINTS! Every two weeks students are assigned a color level based on their behaviors the previous week. Student on the blue level enjoy privileges that the students on other levels do not receive. Students on orange level receive restrictions and sanctions. A student is given a colored card on a lanyard that he or she wears during the day. We highly suggest that the students leave the lanyards in their locker so they won’t forget them each day. If a student loses the lanyard there is a $3 replacement cost. Students who do not wear their lanyards will be presumed to be on the orange level. If a student has a problem concerning his or her lanyard, they should speak to their homeroom teacher. All students were assigned lanyards for the first time today. This system is a work in progress, but it addresses a critical need in our school. We ask for support in helping us implement it and in working out the kinks.

40 Coming up next Homeroom Orientation Classroom Visits

41 Thank you for attending… together we can accomplish great things!

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