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2015-2016 University of Dayton Business Plan Competition Information Session September 11, 2015 Presented by: Vince Lewis Director: L. William Crotty Center.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 University of Dayton Business Plan Competition Information Session September 11, 2015 Presented by: Vince Lewis Director: L. William Crotty Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 University of Dayton Business Plan Competition Information Session September 11, 2015 Presented by: Vince Lewis Director: L. William Crotty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Fifth-Third Bank Entrepreneur-in-Residence 2015-2016 UD Business Plan Competition

2 A Special Thanks to our Sponsors The University of Dayton: –School of Business Administration –Office of the Provost –Alumni Association –School of Law UD’s Fiore Tallorico Center for Professional Selling UD’s L. William Crotty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership The Entrepreneur’s Center

3 Presentation Overview The Three Stages of the Competition Prizes How the Competition Works Key dates Competition Eligibility and Rules

4 UDBPC has Three Stages Stage 1: The Elevator Pitch Stage –Enter at by completing a one-page online –The Applications are reviewed by a panel of judges, the top ~50: Present a one minute elevator pitch about the business concept Judges select top 10 oral presentations Judges also select 10 semi-finalists, which move on to the second stage Judges also select the top Green Technologies, Social Enterprises and a new TBD track Stage 2: The Cameo Round –10 Semi-finalists create a lean start-up plan using the Business Model Canvas, and have five minutes to present their business Judges will get five minutes for questions Judges select five finalists Stage 3: The Finals –Five finalists will expand on their Business Model Canvas –Finalists present their start-up plan for 20 minutes at the competition finals –Judges will get ten minutes for questions

5 At Least $80,000 Total Cash Prizes! PrizeElevatorCameoFinalist 1 st Place$1,500. 00 $1,000. 00 $25,000. 00 2 nd Place$1,000. 00 $15,000. 00 3 rd Place$500. 00 $1,000. 00 $10,000. 00 4 th Place$500. 00 $1,000. 00 $5,000. 00 5 th Place $250. 00 $1,000. 00 $5,000. 00 6 th -10 th (Elevator & Cameo only) $250. 00 $1,000. 00 Best scoring Green Technology Initiative (Elevator Round Only) $2,500. 00 Best Scoring Social Enterprise Initiative (Elevator Round Only) $2,500. 00

6 But wait…for the 2015-2016 UDBPC, there’s more!! UD Law School's Entrepreneurship and IP Clinic providing –All finalist teams win 10 hours of free legal advice and support –Top 3 winners win 15 additional hours of free legal advice and support UD School of Business Center for Professional Selling providing –First place team wins 2 hours of professional sales consulting UD Crotty Center for Entrepreneurship –Business Model Canvas Development and Coaching

7 How the Competition Works Three stage competition Solo or team effort (teams 1-8 in size) –Entries that advance to the Cameo round can add team members Each person may be listed on a maximum of two entries –However, each person can only be on one finalist team First two stages open to everyone Finalist round must include current UD student or UD Alumni

8 Evaluating Applications? 1.Growth potential 2.Quality of benefits provided 3.Competitiveness 4.Novelty/cleverness/usefulness

9 Details on Stage 1: The Elevator Pitch Competition An Elevator Pitch is a one minute presentation where you –Lead with the problem Something that will interest the listener Something they can relate to –Identify the solution Keep it short and simple Highlight the innovative aspects –Frame the potential What can an investor expect –Transmit trust People need to believe you can execute –Make Your Elevator Pitch PerfectMake Your Elevator Pitch Perfect

10 What do the Elevator Pitch judges look for? 1.Growth potential 2.Ability to execute 3.Quality of benefits provided 4.Competitiveness 5.Novelty/cleverness/usefulness 6.Quality of presentation

11 Details on Stage 2: The Cameo Round 10 semi-finalists move on to the Cameo Round –Semi-finalists start putting together their Business Model Canvas Present mini plan to judges in a 5-minute presentation 5-minutes of Q&A with judges –The Business Model Canvas Should Cover: 1.The problem 2.The solution 3.Competitive advantage 4.Customer segments 5.Message 6.Metrics 7.Cost structure 8.Revenue streams

12 Details on Stage 3: The Finals Finalist teams notified on or about December 1, 2015 Teams are paired with mentors –Each team given 15 hours of mentor time Finalists expand on Business Model Canvas Finalists present their plan in a 20-minute presentation with 10- minutes of Q&A on March 5, 2016 (tentative) Winners are announced at the Entrepreneurship Banquet in late March or early April 2015

13 UDBPC Application Process Enter at Application system opens today Friday, September 11, 2015 Application system closes Friday, October 02, 2015, 5:00pm Application asks for –Demographic information about team members –Brief description about the business concept Judges will read this information and evaluate to select the top entrants to pitch on October 24, 2015

14 UDBPC Key Dates September 11 th : Online application system opens ( October 2 nd (5:00pm): Application deadline October 24 th : Stage 1—Elevator Pitch round November 21 st : Stage 2—Cameo round December 1 st (approx.): Finalists announced March 5 th (tentative): Stage 3—Finals round March/April (TBD): Final results announced

15 Competition Eligibility and Rules Eligibility –Anyone may enter up to two plans, but can only be a finalist once –Students cannot be serving a University suspension during the competition Rules –Work must be original and plans will be checked for plagiarism –Business must be a start-up that is 30 months old or newer as of UDBPC launch –Business must be a start-up that does not involve purchasing an existing venture –Business cannot involve pyramid-based marketing –Entries must be legal and must not violate the values and mission of the University –Business cannot require a liquor license to be legal, and its primary purpose cannot be the promotion or sale of alcohol

16 Contact Information Vince Lewis Director – L. William Crotty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership 937-229-2022 Dr. Jay Janney Management/Marketing Dept. Chair 937-229-2975

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