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In lowest achieving schools, most of the class period was spent on activities such as drawing or coloring or filling in worksheets that had no connection.

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Presentation on theme: "In lowest achieving schools, most of the class period was spent on activities such as drawing or coloring or filling in worksheets that had no connection."— Presentation transcript:

1 In lowest achieving schools, most of the class period was spent on activities such as drawing or coloring or filling in worksheets that had no connection to learning outcomes. Student work was handed in, but rarely returned. In all schools, poor or affluent, students were rarely, if ever, reading or writing. (86) Mike Schmoker Research Results Now, 2006

2 The Crayola Curriculum What was the single most predominant activity in the schools observed, right up through middle school? Coloring, Cutting, and Pasting

3 Literature Based Arts & Crafts Instead of reading and writing, students were found to spend most of their day making… Dioramas Game boards Posters Mobiles Bookmarks Book jackets Coats of Arms…

4 Reading Next Recommendations (Carnegie Foundation, 2004; NCTE, 2006) 1.Direct, explicit comprehension instruction, which is instruction in the strategies and processes that proficient readers use to understand what they read, including summarizing, keeping track of ones own understanding, and a host of other practices 2.Effective instructional principles embedded in content, including language arts teachers using content-area texts and content-area teachers providing instruction and practice in reading and writing skills specific to their subject area 3.Intensive writing, including instruction connected to the kinds of writing tasks students will have to perform well in high school and beyond

5 Classes that spend their time (bell to bell) reading, writing, and talking result in… A College Prep Curriculum

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