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Word Walls Debbie Alli La Porte I.S.D College Park Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Walls Debbie Alli La Porte I.S.D College Park Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Walls Debbie Alli La Porte I.S.D College Park Elementary

2 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills - Objectives ( 4) Listening/speaking/communication. The student communicates clearly by putting thoughts and feelings into spoken words. The student is expected to: (A) use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences (K-3);

3 Research Words remain the most important tool the writer has to work with. Ralph Fletcher, (1993), What A Writer Needs, (p. 32).

4 Research Words are absolutely essential in our classrooms. As teachers and students work through texts together, we need to have words in full view, so the students can see them and use them in their writing. Janet Allen, (1999) Words, Words, Words Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12. (p. 75).

5 What is a Word Wall? A word wall is a systematically organized collection of words displayed in large letters on a wall or other large display place in the classroom. It is a tool to use, not just display. Word walls are designed to promote group learning and be shared by a classroom of children. McCarrier, Pinnell & Fontas (2000): Interactive Writing: How Language & Literacy Come Together, K-2. (p. 46).

6 Word Wall - Uses Support the teaching of important principles about words and how they work Foster reading and writing Promote independence of young students as they work with words in writing and reading

7 Word Wall - Arrangement Choose a location in the room where every student can see all the words. Put the alphabet headings, A-Z, at the top of the wall or bulletin board. Write the words on cards in large print with black ink Starting at beginning of list

8 Word Wall - Guidelines Add words gradually, five a week Make words very accessible Be selective about what words go on the wall

9 Word Wall - Guidelines space efficient useful memorable hands-on interactive Janiel Wagstaff (1999), Teaching Reading and Writing with Word Walls (p. 65).

10 Word Wall - Example

11 Word Wall - Categories High frequency words Contractions Antonyms Synonyms Homophones Irene C.Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell, (1999): Voices on Word Matters (p. 104).

12 Word Wall - Instruction Look at the word and study it. Make a mental picture of it. Write it down Check it. If you forget a word, look up at the word wall. Lucy Calkins and Natalie Louis (2003), Writing for Readers: Teaching Skills and Strategies: (p127).

13 Word Wall - Assessment Make Sentences Rhyming Be a Mind Reader Word Sorts Joan P. Carroll (2001). Survival Words (p. 23).

14 Word Wall - Activity Comics Captions Procedure: 1. Read through the comics section of the newspaper and select your favorite series. 2. Cut out three sequential frames from the comic strip you like best, and glue the frames, in order, onto the boxes on the reproducible. 3. Re-write the captions/dialogue for each phrase using as many high frequency words. 4. Students will share their creative endeavors.



17 Word Wall - Modifications ESL Students: Write words in English with their Spanish translation.

18 Differentiating Auditory Learners: Have students record themselves on cassette tape, reading the words and their meanings or translations. Kinesthetic Learners: Allow students to play games that use their entire body or allow movement.

19 Word Walls – Differentiating Instruction GT Learners: Allow students to research historical origins of words, creating a of their record derivations Irene C. Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell (2001), Guiding Readers and Writers, Grades 3-6 (p. 28). Joan P. Carroll (2001). Survival Words, (p. 93).

20 Bibliography Irene C. Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell: Voices on Word Matters Ralph Fletcher: What a Writer Needs Patricia M.Cunningham & Richard L. Allington: Classrooms That Work Andrea McCarrier, Gay Su Pinnell & Irene C. Fountas: Interactive Writing-How Language & Literacy Come Together, K-2 Janet Allen, (1999) Words, Words, Words Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12. (p. 75). Irene C. Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell: Guiding Readers and Writers, Grades 3-6 Lucy Calkins & Natalie Louis: Writing for Readers: Teaching Skills and Strategies

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