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We are the Eco Team!. What is Eco School? Everyone working together to look after our environment.

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Presentation on theme: "We are the Eco Team!. What is Eco School? Everyone working together to look after our environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are the Eco Team!

2 What is Eco School? Everyone working together to look after our environment

3 Eco School Topics…

4 We have made an Action Plan We talked about what our school was good at and what we needed to improve. We have come up with 3 actions….

5 Action 1 Reduce the amount we are throwing in the bins by using our recycling bins and compost bins

6 Action 2 Reduce the amount of energy we are using by turning off the lights and computers when we leave the classroom

7 Action 3 Global Perspective: Thinking about how we can help the rest of the world…. We will talk more about this in the new year.

8 If we all work on those 3 actions then together we might achieve the Eco Schools Bronze Award!

9 Back in your classes… - watch the clips and discuss - stick the posters and stickers up - do you have a lights/computer monitor? - keep using your recycling/compost bins! produce/7362.html waste/2470.html produce/7362.html waste/2470.html produce/7362.html waste/2470.html

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