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Engineering Work Experience Introduction to Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas-Pan American College of Science and Engineering.

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1 Engineering Work Experience Introduction to Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas-Pan American College of Science and Engineering

2 Objectives  Explain the Forms of Experiential Learning.

3 Introduction  Many employers expect today’s college graduates to have significant work experience.  How do you get experience without a job, and how do you get a job without experience?

4 Forms of Experiential Learning  On-campus and off-campus jobs.  Summer work.  Volunteer experiences.  Academic internships.  Research internships.  Cooperative education.

5 Summer Jobs and On- and Off- Campus Work Experiences  Useful in helping you identify your personal strengths and weaknesses, interests, personal priorities, and the degree of challenge you are willing to accept in a future position.  Career-related work experience is clearly preferred by engineering employers.

6 Volunteer or Community Service Experiences  Particularly beneficial to freshman or sophomore students who are trying to gain some practical experience and/or complement resume.

7 Research Assistantship  Planned program of research that involves careful advanced planning between the instructor and student, with the goals, the scope of the project, and evaluation method specified.

8 Internships  Some internships involve observing practicing engineers and professionals to see what working in the field is really like.  Under the best of circumstances, directly related to the student’s field of study.  No obligations by either party for future employment.

9 Cooperative Education  Co-op programs integrate theory and practice by combining academic study with work experiences related to the student’s academic program.

10 Open Forum

11 Professional Engineering Licensure Introduction to Engineering College of Science and Engineering Spring 2006

12 Objectives 1.Explain the Purpose and History of the Professional Engineering Licensure. 2.Explain the General Requirements and the Texas Requirements for the Professional Engineering Licensure.

13 Purpose and History  Safeguard life, health, and property, and protect the public welfare.  1937 - Explosion at school (New London, TX).  The terms “engineer” or “professional engineer” are restricted.

14 General Requirements  Requirements are determined by each state and territory of the U.S. (55 Boards of Registration).  The requirements are for a combination of education, two eight-hour exams, and experience.

15 General Requirements for P.E.  ABET accredited engineering degree  4 years experience under supervision of a P.E.  pass two 8-hour exams: Fundamentals of Engineering and Principles and Practices.  Non-accredited degree in a related field (math, physics, chemistry, computer science, etc…)  6 years experience  pass two 8-hour exams.

16 General Requirements Continued…  No degree  some states allow registration with 12 or more years of experience along with passing the two 8-hour exams.

17 TEXAS Requirements  ABET – 4 years experience.  Non-ABET – 8 years experience.  No degree no license in Texas!  Pass the two 8-hour exams.

18 Open Forum

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