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Chinese Pink Dolphins By Claudia Shum 8n. What are Pink Dolphins? Pink Dolphins belong to the Cetaceans family. Cetaceans are mammals which means they.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese Pink Dolphins By Claudia Shum 8n. What are Pink Dolphins? Pink Dolphins belong to the Cetaceans family. Cetaceans are mammals which means they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese Pink Dolphins By Claudia Shum 8n

2 What are Pink Dolphins? Pink Dolphins belong to the Cetaceans family. Cetaceans are mammals which means they are warm- blooded, they give birth to live young and they breath with their lungs. Pink Dolphins are called pink dolphins but they are not pink till they are adults. When they are young they are grey, then start getting spots and finally they turn pink when they are adults. Baby Pink Dolphin Juvenile Pink Dolphin Adult Pink Dolphin

3 When were they found in HK? Chinese pink dolphins were first found in local waters in the 1600's. Dolphins have lived in Hong Kong waters for at least 60 plus years! The dolphins occur throughout the Pearl River Estuary and are closely found between the river and the ocean.

4 Where do Pink Dolphins live? Pink Dolphins can be found in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Beside China, it can be found in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Australia, most of Middle East and east Africa. You can find Pink dolphins in Hong Kong. They live in the waters of Lantau, Peng Chau and the Soko Islands. The Hong Kong Dolphin watch has been running trips to see the dolphins.

5 Behavior Pink Dolphins eat mainly fish, but they also eat squid. Pink Dolphins swim to the water surface to breathe every twenty to thirty seconds then, they will dive into deep water again. Baby dolphins surface from the water twice as much as an adult. Pink dolphins like to jump out of water and expose their whole body.His this is called breaching. Pink dolphins can live up to 40 years old. Scientists can prove this by looking at the cross section of their teeth. Pink Dolphins mate from the end summer to autumn. Their offspring are born 11 months after mating.

6 Threats Threats facing the pink dolphins: Pollution Habitat Loss Over fishing Boat Traffic Pollution: Tons of waste are dumped into the seas of Hong Kong. 70% of this is not treated. Habitat loss: Construction of the new airport involved reclamation of 9.5 square kilometers of dolphin habitat. Over Fishing: Dolphins get caught in large nets that we use to fish for fish. Boat Traffic: There are lots of boats around Hong Kong and they may crash with the dolphins and the noise prevents them from communicating to each other.

7 How can we help them? Pink Dolphins need our help! To help the Pink Dolphins we can: Join groups – Groups can help you understand more about the dolphins and how to conserve the environment to help then. Use less petroleum – Petroleum is shipped by boats, and when these boats crash the petroleum will spill. Conserve water – If you use less waster, sewage systems will work more efficiently. Develop less photos - Chemicals that are used to develop photos can cause a lot of harm to the sea, and animals living in it. Use environmentally friendlier products - When buying products such as cleaning liquids buy ones that are more environmentally friendly.

8 Bibliography whitedolphins.php whitedolphins.php

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