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VISIT OUR WEBSITE Building Partnerships Niamey is the capital of Niger, a city of over 1 million in Muslim French West Africa. Niamey.

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2 Building Partnerships Niamey is the capital of Niger, a city of over 1 million in Muslim French West Africa. Niamey is a Gateway City - a key urban centre for sharing the Jesus story with unreached people groups. Niger is less than 1% evangelical.

3 Building Partnerships David and Jennifer Wright, from St Catharines, Ontario have recently spent two years in Niger and, Lord willing, they will return to Niger in mid-2007 as long-term missionaries with the assignment to plant a new FMC in an unreached neighbourhood of Niamey

4 ENCOUNTER MADRID 2007 Join the adventure! July 2-18, 2007 For more information visit the website at:

5 ENCOUNTER MADRID 2007 Join the adventure: July 2-18, 2007 This experience has changed the way I feel about missions and what it means to put yourself out there for Jesus. “ ”

6 Building Partnerships A number of Free Methodist churches with a vision for introducing Nigeriens to Jesus have partnered with David and Jennifer and their family. Others, however, will be needed to join them in prayer and financial support as they prepare to go back and initiate this new ministry.

7 Building Partnerships If your church would like more information regarding how to partner with the Wrights, please contact Dan Sheffield at the National Ministry Centre.

8 M O S A I C We are all connected... The MOSAIC is published four times a year and copies are delivered to your church. Our desire is to share information about exciting things that God is doing through Canadian Free Methodists in Canada and beyond.

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