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Urban Canada.

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1 Urban Canada

2 Why are Cities located where they are?
Natural harbour Lay on river- power, running water, industries Railway line Major highway Important road intersection Close to natural resources

3 Communities Across Canada
The Hamlet Smallest kind of settlement 8-10 buildings Limited services Buildings usually clustered around an intersection, sometimes called a “four corner community” Not many habitants


5 The Village As hamlets grew, they became villages
Typically people Can have a population up to people


7 The Town Has a population of 1 000-10 000 people
Most have a main shopping area and provide all the main goods and services their residents need


9 The City Becomes a city when reaches a population of people or more More goods and services than towns Industries bring money to the city and provide part of the economic base with businesses Cities that reach a population of over people are referred to as CMA- Census Metropolitan Area



12 Land Use in the City How is the land within a city used?

13 Land Use in the City City land uses include the following:
Residential (homes) - 40% Commercial (stores/offices) -4% Industrial (factories) - 6% Institutional (schools, libraries, government buildings and religious centres) -10% Recreational (parks/open space) -7% Transportation (roads, tracks) -33%

14 Residential Largest use of land in the city
Includes areas called the suburbs- residential areas located around the fringes of the city


16 Commercial Land Use Stores, offices, strip malls, indoor malls
Tend to be located on busy streets and areas easily accessible for cars and public transit Central Business District (CBD)- heart of the city Downtown area


18 Industrial Land Use Provides money and jobs for the city
Located near transportation routes or railways in an industrial park Industrial Park- area set aside specifically for industries Types of Industries Light industry-small industrial plants and warehouses Heavy Industry- large-scale factories (ex. Steel plants)


20 Recreational Parks Green space Sports fields Arenas Walking paths


22 Institutional School- elementary, secondary, post secondary
Government Buildings- court house, city hall Libraries Religious centres- church, synagogue, temple


24 Transportation Roads Highways Arterials Local roads Rail lines


26 The Changing City Megalopolis- this occurs when cities grow so big that their boundaries touch and form one huge urban area Canada has one Megalopolis- goes from Oshawa to St. Catharines


28 Problems in the Modern City
As cities continue to grow, problems can arise: Traffic Crime Overcrowding Strain on city facilities Not enough money to fix problems

29 City Renewal Cities with problems cannot restart from scratch, but they can renew themselves- in one of 4 ways Renovation-renovate or alter individual buildings Redevelopment-one type of building is torn down and another is built in its place Land Reclamation-renewing areas that become so polluted that they are not being used for anything Diversifying-develop new industries

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