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The Various Challenges in Urban Ecosystem Research Heikki Setälä University of Helsinki Department of Ecological and Environmental Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "The Various Challenges in Urban Ecosystem Research Heikki Setälä University of Helsinki Department of Ecological and Environmental Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Various Challenges in Urban Ecosystem Research Heikki Setälä University of Helsinki Department of Ecological and Environmental Sciences

2 Hot future topic Climate change Increased temperature Pori, August 2007 20 milj. Euros Other negative consequences...

3 CITIES and global change Climate change - precipitation - temperature Land use change - urbanisationn - agriculture etc. Drastic Increase in sealed surfaces City floodsContamination of surface waters (= hulevedet) problems

4 1) Ecologists’s perspective  Problems with hydrological cycles

5 2) Ecologist’s perspective  Problems with Urban land use

6 Why to worry about impermeable, covered soils Soils are an essential FUNCTIONAL UNIT in all terrestrial ecosystems Ecoystem Services

7 ECOSYSTEM SERVICES - food - Water purification - Nutrient cycling - Detoxification - etc. ”Living soil””

8 Outcomes of urban land use Down-town Lahti: > million m 3 stormwaters to lake Vesijärvi 1

9 Outcomes of urban land use 2Reduced and fragmented urban green space Biodiversity aspects? Esthetical aspects? ELSE?

10 HOLISTIC view of urban systems: Urban ecosystem service network

11 Decisions/advice for City officials? More appreciation towards urban green areas ESPECIALLY To consider urban systems as ECOSYSTEMS with essential life-supprting services Sustainable future for cities and their inhabitants

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