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IDESG Security Committee Charter Update. Objectives The Security Committee is responsible for defining a Security Model for the Identity Ecosystem Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "IDESG Security Committee Charter Update. Objectives The Security Committee is responsible for defining a Security Model for the Identity Ecosystem Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDESG Security Committee Charter Update

2 Objectives The Security Committee is responsible for defining a Security Model for the Identity Ecosystem Framework. This Security Model will be used to evaluate capabilities of the Identity Ecosystem components, such as confidentiality, authentication, non-repudiation, integrity, and availability. The Security Committee shall identify security gaps in the Identity Ecosystem Framework and make recommendations to remedy them.

3 Comment Disposition version 12_20_13 submitted to Plenary version 10_15_12 reviewed by MC Source of comment CommentProposed Disposition IESG Security Committee Approved Disposition Plenary guidance – November 2012 Change Working Group to Committee throughout Done. Plenary guidance – November 2012 Update references to other Committees Done. Plenary guidance – November 2012 Include explicit reference to other Committee with which the Security Committee is expected to have a liaison relationship. Done.

4 Source of comment CommentProposed Disposition IESG Security Committee Approved Disposition Plenary guidance – November 2012 Incorporate adopted Rules of Association Done. Additional Security Committee provision was added: “In the event that consensus cannot be achieved in a meeting, an electronic 7-day ballot shall be issued subsequent to the meeting. Only Voting Members that have attended two out of the four meetings that precede the issuance of such a ballot shall be eligible to vote. Such an electronic ballot shall require at least 50% affirmative votes to pass.” Management Council Review I am glad to see issues other than confidentiality getting some airtime in this charter – but the committee must be vigilant to ensure that those other issues (resilience, assurance, etc) actually find their way to final work products The Security Committee Scope (in lines 19-26 of version 12_20_12) is intended to be an illustrative, but not exhaustive, list. No change.

5 Source of comment CommentProposed Disposition IESG Security Committee Approved Disposition Management Council Review It is unclear how this committee will work with SDOs and how the liaison process will work. This is not necessarily a critique of this charter, but more of a general point for the IDESG committees as a whole. This is clarified in the Liaison section on lines 70-86 of version 12_20_12. No change Management Council Review One thing missing from this charter is an explicit and ongoing call to evaluate IDESG work products against the principles this committee plans on drafting. Covered in the language of the second Objective of the Security Committee (lines 16-17 of version 12_20_12). Security Committee Agendas should be posted one week in advance. Done. Security Committee Charter should include Strength of authentication and attributes Covered in Security Committee scope language lines 20-22. Security Committee Patent Policy Patent Policy should be included in Charter.

6 Next Steps Incorporation of Patent Policy in Charter – Electronic ballot to Security Committee on Charter – 14-day ballot to be issued February 8 2013 – …

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