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Examination preparation Round – up. We will be analyzing the first part of questions in all the question paper here. June 2012 Question 1 a) The CIO is.

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1 Examination preparation Round – up

2 We will be analyzing the first part of questions in all the question paper here. June 2012 Question 1 a) The CIO is aware that implementing particular I.T. systems effectively is very dependent upon the nature of an organisation. Critically discuss and explain the nature of each of the divisions within Ennerco corporation, Manufacturing, Energy Consultancy and Sales and Service, aiming to consider challenges and opportunities that may be encountered when implementing the standardised ERP system. What benefits can be anticipated, and, for each division what difficulties can be expected? How can these difficulties be overcome? In you answer you should aim to; Illustrate these by describing a typical example from EACH of the THREE (3) functions. iii) For EACH of the THREE (3) functions consider TWO (2) organisational difficulties that could limit the achievement of benefits from the proposed initiative. iv) If the CIO had to prioritise TWO (2) of the proposed functions within which to implement the standardised ERP, which TWO (2) would you suggest and why.

3 i) Employ suitable frameworks to characterise each of the THREE (3) functions making clear what types of I.T. application are most suited. 1. Cooper and Quuin model 2. Identifying cultural type ( Rational Goal, Internal Process Culture, Open systems etc.) 3. Perspectives on organisations. ( Ref. Ncc Lect.5, slide 5 onwards) ii) What are the typical benefits of a standardised and integrated ERP within an organisation? Illustrate these by describing a typical example from EACH of the THREE (3) functions 1. Benefits of ERP 2. More reference could be found in NCC slide( topic 3). Kindly check from slide 21… ( if you need a diagram check NCC Lectu. 5, slide 9) iii) For EACH of the THREE (3) functions consider TWO (2) organisational difficulties that could limit the achievement of benefits from the proposed initiative.

4 1. Difficulties in implementation of ERP 2.Possible diagram – NCC Lect.6, slide 5 iv) If the CIO had to prioritise TWO (2) of the proposed functions within which to implement the standardised ERP, which TWO (2) would you suggest and why. 1. Understand the meaning of questions of the same type. 2. Prioritise means select the one that you would select first, second respectively. b) For the ERP implementation at Ennerco, show how EACH of the following can be employed to increase the likelihood of success using illustrations and examples from the case. Lewin's 3 Stage model The DeLone and McLean model

5 Remember the following while answering the same type of questions. you should be able to identify the application of each model You don’t understand? ask yourself where and why we use each model. ( better make a chart with all the theories or models with diagram and main concepts) in this question – Lewin’s change model We use only when it is necessary to explain, how do we handle the change in an organisation to implement a particular IS. D & M is used to explain, the criteria for success. Or to analyse the success of an IS.

6 c) Consider the stakeholder groups Consultants (Energy Consultant Division) and Manufacturing Operators (Manufacturing Division). Explain the relative importance of Technology Acceptance and HCI for both groups when implementing ERP. Please understand that this questions is about handling the stakeholders. In this question stakeholders are identified already. But be prepared to identify if asked. as the next step explain how stakeholders can be managed with the help of TAM and HCI

7 Tangible benefits of ERP systems 1. Reduces the cost of operation 2. Reduces the management overhead(staff number, so reduces the labor cost) 3. Increases the efficiency in processes 4. Increasing the quality of goods and services 5. Inventory reduction( stock control) 6. Lead time reduction ( do you what’s lead time? the lead time between the placement of an order and delivery of a new car from a manufacturer may be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months) 7. Reducing transaction cost ( cost of ordering, invoicing e.t.c.)

8 Intangible benefits of ERP  Improved communication in the organisation  Increased customer satisfaction  Improved reputation  Increasing staff morale( how? The staff got more information so that they can take good decisions or perform job confidently, so? The moral is increased)  Improving the flexibility of organisation  Improves or contributes to organisational learning

9 Intangible benefits of ERP continued Increases organizational transparency and responsibility Accurate and faster access to data for timely decisions Can reach more vendors, producing more competitive bids ; Improved customer response Saves enormous time and effort in data entry ; More controls thereby lowering the risk of mis-utilization of resources Facilitates strategic planning Uniform reporting according to global standards

10 Tangible benefits of CRM Improved Productivity. For example, effective target market identification, reduction in the number of cold leads, and the ability to provide accurate and on-the stop quotations, look up inventory availability quickly, enter orders directly from the field, etc. all of which help to shorten the sales cycle. Reduces customer management cost Helps to arrange customer diary Helps to manage the schedule Helps the organisation to monitor the sales staff Helps to manage the commission Helps for campaign management Helps to understand the customer behavior Helps to collect customer details Increases the revenue for the organisation Extended operational efficiency across the enterprise Targeted marketing and communication Better Sales/Marketing Information.

11 Intangible benefits of CRM Increasing the customer satisfaction Increasing customer loyalty Increases the image of the organisation in the eyes of the customers Increased employee motivation and satisfaction Better trained and more skilful sales people Improved use of remote or mobile access More up to date information and easy access to this information Improved responsiveness to customers and prospects Ability to differentiate yourselves from your competitors Support for organizational change Improved understanding and eventual control over expenses

12 Intangible benefits of CRM It also means you can anticipate requirements using historical records, and thereby pre-empt demand. Knowing what customers want opens up the field of cross-selling. For instance, if you know a customer buys a washing line, you cross-sell them the pegs.

13 Tangible benefits of K.M Saving Costs - associated with knowledge management and knowledge transfer forum.html#/20120904/knowledge-management-system-useful- ppt-1885234/  Increasing performance of the staff ( better information, better job)  Increasing the efficiency of the staff  Saving time from extensive research ( useful and success practices can easily be used, and avoids research on the same)

14 Intangible benefits of Knowledge Management systems Greater consistency and accuracy of information to customers Improved handling and response times Increased customer satisfaction Reduced contact volume (when implemented as a self-service tool) Reduced training time and costs for new agents More effective feedback from users on the quality and usefulness of the knowledge

15 Tangible benefits of e-Commerce · New customers and new markets · Increased market share · Cross-selling/ selling up · Increased revenues from sales · Revenues from advertisers · Move business into more profitable areas · Improved margin on direct business with customers · Reduced stock lead times · Improved stock control · Improved speed of processing · Improved accuracy of processing · Improved efficiency and productivity of staff

16 Intangible benefits of e-Commerce · Improved customer service · Customer product tracking · Improved information on customers and feedback from customers · Improved customer satisfaction · Improved customer loyalty · Improved sales forecasting · Better materials requirements planning · Improved purchasing information · Improved production scheduling

17 Tangible benefits of Data Warehouse systems Data Warehouse Saves Time A Data Warehouse Provides Historical Intelligence A Data Warehouse Generates a High ROI Enables effective decision making with the help of accurate information. Operating efficiency Defects/quality control analysis – why do certain products have high/low defect rates? Operating efficiency across plants – what factors lead to efficiency Increased ROI

18 Intangible benefits of Data warehouse systems Increased availability of information Increased accuracy of information Increased Public relations, reputation, positive impact on shareholders Competitive effectiveness Employee empowerment

19 Important topics that may be used during your preparation  Broad classification of information systems; When to use it? While answering different types of IS used in an organisation. 1. Operational information systems 2. Monitoring information systems 3. Decision support information systems 4. Information systems for communication Refer to NCC Lecture 01, slide 14  DIKAR Model – please check if you can explain or not.

20  Impacts of IS on organisations ( NCC Lecture 1, slide 18). When do you use it? While explaining the way IS, affect an organisation. Check few examples on culture – NCC Lecturer 02, on slide 24. VMOST – is used to find out the current strategy of the business ( NCC Lec 04, on slide 03 Competitive strategies of organisations – NCC Lec, 04, slide 9 CSFs – helps to understand the success factors of an organisation.NCC Lec. 4, slide 14 SIA – NCC LEC.4, slide 18 What is emergent strategy? The strategy that an organisation follows according to the changes happens around. Balanced-scorecard can be used to explain how to manage the stakeholders too. NCC Lect. 4, Slide 22

21  Diagram showing the benefits of ERP – NCC Lect. 5, slide 9  Political motives and actions, or bases of power in an organisation. NCC Lec. 6, slide 11…..  Structuration theory – according to Gidden’s theory; An organisation is structured by individuals and their modalities, and interactions.  Information ownership, data privacy, security, ethics and legal issues – NCC Lec. 7, slide 7  Eason’s work model – NCC Lec 8, slide 6.  Technology effects on work – NCC Lec. 8, slide 10  b-webs – business netwrok ( NCC Lec. 8, slide 14)  what are the issues related to new work practices? NCC Lec.8, slide 18

22  Principles for handling distributed work NCC Lec. 8, Slide 20. How technology changes or affects the managers and the staff NCC Lec. 8, slide 22 characteristics of 21 st century organisations – NCC Lec. 8, slide 23 User experience design - NCC Lec. 9, slide 23 IS helps for intermediation, disintermediation, bundling and unbundling – you use this when explaining e-Commerce or E- business. e-Commerce models – remmeber,NCC can ask you anything from this as an IS initiative or proposal – NCC Lec. 10, Slide 7

23 What are the barriers to change?( why organisations, face difficulties during the implementation of new IS?  NCC Lec. 11, Slide 5,6,7  How to use IT/IS to change the business – You can use it even while explaining Alignment – NCC Lect. 11, slide 13, 14, 15  What are the principles for management of benefits – NCC Lec. 11, slide 16 iterative change or agile project management – NCC Lec.11, slide 17. Benefits management diagram John & Elizabeth ( NCC Lec.12, Slide 5

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