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Week #7 (9/4-9/7) Warm Up – Wed, 9/5: -Skeletal System – Levels of Organization review Pick up:  Ch. 7 Tour  “Pushing the Limits” video questionnaire.

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Presentation on theme: "Week #7 (9/4-9/7) Warm Up – Wed, 9/5: -Skeletal System – Levels of Organization review Pick up:  Ch. 7 Tour  “Pushing the Limits” video questionnaire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week #7 (9/4-9/7) Warm Up – Wed, 9/5: -Skeletal System – Levels of Organization review Pick up:  Ch. 7 Tour  “Pushing the Limits” video questionnaire Turn In:  UV Bead Lab Abstract Agenda: 1.Work on Ch. 7 Tour (first 30 mins) 2.Last-minute rehearsals for Role Plays 3.Begin “Pushing the Limits” video Anatomy Fun Fact: We are about 1 cm taller in the morning than in the evening. Homework: 1.Ch. 7 Tour – Fri, 9/7 2.Osseous Role Plays – Fri, 9/7 3.Osseous Tissue PPT notes - Week #6 on Schoolwires!

2 Levels of Organization – Skeletal System Organ System Level? Organ Level? Tissue Level? Cellular Level? Molecular/ Chemical Level? Calcitriol, GH, Vitamin A,C, D & K, Calcium, Phosphorus Osteoprogenitor Cells, Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, Osteocytes Osseous, Blood (connective), Nervous, Cartilage (connective) Bones, Cartilage, Nerves Skeletal System

3 Osteoblast-Osteoprogenitor Cell-Osteoclast Relationship Role Play Rubric:Points Possible 1.Each member of the group must perform5 in the role play 2.Each type of osseous tissue cell must have5 a significant role in the osteogenesis process 3.Neat, creative, colorful props & signs are used5 to make the role play understandable 4.A script must be provided (dialogue, if any,5 and/or actions) 5.Role play lasts from 3-5 minutes5 6.Time used in class to develop & rehearse the5 role play was used wisely & appropriately TOTAL 30

4 Bone Repair Process Role Play Rubric:Points Possible 1.Each member of the group must perform5 in the role play 2.All 4 steps of the bone repair process must5 be represented in the role play 3.Neat, creative, colorful props & signs are used5 to make the role play understandable 4.A script must be provided (dialogue, if any,5 and/or actions) 5.Role play lasts from 3-5 minutes5 6.Time used in class to develop & rehearse the5 role play was used wisely & appropriately TOTAL 30

5 Pushing the Limits video & questionnaire  Purpose: Reinforce Skeletal System & introduce Muscular & Nervous Systems (what we will cover the rest of this semester)!  CAREFULLY & QUIETLY watch the video “Pushing the Limits.”  Listen for the information to help you answer the questions. – Questions go in order of information presented in video.  ON THE BACK: Use scenarios or evidence presented in the video to answer the questions. The End

6 Week #7 (9/4-9/7) Warm Up – Fri, 9/7: - Have out ALL Role Play props, signs & costumes Have out:  ALL Role Play props, signs & costumes Turn In:  Your SCRIPT to me! Agenda: 1.Osseous Tissue Theatre Role Plays 2.Bone-y Award winners 3.Work on/finish/turn in Ch. 7 Tour 4.Finish “Pushing the Limits” video Anatomy Fun Fact: Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood the number is reduced to 206. Homework: None…have a GREAT weekend!

7  Your written script needs to be READY to give me before your Role Play!  Know your role in the skit!  Props should be ready to go!  SIGNS should be made!  Speak loudly (if you have a speaking part), go slowly & have fun!

8 Osteoblast-Osteoprogenitor Cell-Osteoclast Relationship Role Play Rubric:Points Possible 1.Each member of the group must perform5 in the role play 2.Each type of osseous tissue cell must have5 a significant role in the osteogenesis process 3.Neat, creative, colorful props & signs are used5 to make the role play understandable 4.A script must be provided (dialogue, if any,5 and/or actions) 5.Role play lasts from 3-5 minutes5 6.Time used in class to develop & rehearse the5 role play was used wisely & appropriately TOTAL 30

9 Bone Repair Process Role Play Rubric:Points Possible 1.Each member of the group must perform5 in the role play 2.All 4 steps of the bone repair process must5 be represented in the role play 3.Neat, creative, colorful props & signs are used5 to make the role play understandable 4.A script must be provided (dialogue, if any,5 and/or actions) 5.Role play lasts from 3-5 minutes5 6.Time used in class to develop & rehearse the5 role play was used wisely & appropriately TOTAL 30

10 Pushing the Limits video & questionnaire  Purpose: Reinforce Skeletal System & introduce Muscular & Nervous Systems (what we will cover the rest of this semester)!  CAREFULLY & QUIETLY watch the video “Pushing the Limits.”  Listen for the information to help you answer the questions. – Questions go in order of information presented in video.  ON THE BACK: Use scenarios or evidence presented in the video to answer the questions. The End

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