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IImplementing and Assessing Integrative Learning through eFolios and AAC&U VALUES Initiative at San Francisco State tTTanya Augsburg Assistant Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "IImplementing and Assessing Integrative Learning through eFolios and AAC&U VALUES Initiative at San Francisco State tTTanya Augsburg Assistant Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 IImplementing and Assessing Integrative Learning through eFolios and AAC&U VALUES Initiative at San Francisco State tTTanya Augsburg Assistant Professor Liberal Studies (Creative Arts and Humanities) San Francisco State University February 25, 2009

2 Tanya Augsburg thThree categories in the student portfolios literature 1.Assessment Literature 2.Teaching Practices Literature 3.Student Learning Literature Three genres are not rigid and overlap

3 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg Literature on Portfolios for Interdisciplinary Studies Programs Augsburg (2003, 2004, 2006) Thomas (2004)

4 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg How can instructors use eFolios in interdisciplinary studies courses? How can instructors use efolios for interdisciplinary studies programs? What are the benefits of using efolios for interdisciplinary studies programs?

5 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

6 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

7 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

8 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg Prior to May 2008 May 2008 - present Revised and Current Curriculum Structure

9 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg $4 Areas: Students Choose One for Emphasis Area--and Then a Pattern within Area, eg Area III, Family Studies or Area IV, Arts in Society

10 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg Prior May 2008: Three electives— one class in each area outside emphasis area

11 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg May 2008- present: LS 300: Perspectives in Liberal Studies LS 690: Liberal Studies Senior Seminar One Elective

12 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

13 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg LLS 300: Serves Many Functions Introduce major & its requirements Have students write their own program of studies Introduce students to professional literature on IDS Introduce students to IDS terminology and discourse Introduce students to IDS methodology: Self-exploration & assessment = identification of academic interests and professional goals Introduce them to academic research Nature of disciplines Concept of integration Develop integration skills Write academic research papers Establish eFolios

14 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg LLS 300 1st Offering: Fall 2008 2nd Offering: Spring 2009 Liberal Studies eFolio: Implemented Fall 2008 in LS 300

15 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg LLS 300 eFolio Assignment Template

16 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

17 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg RSan Francisco State University Research Team Maggie Beers, PI Tanya Augsburg, Co-PI Acacio de Barros Tendai Chitewere Logan Hennessy Matthew Luskey

18 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

19 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

20 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg Summary of Findings A : Our Assessment of the Rubric Format and Organizational Issues: Re-oganize..transfer should be the last criteria—is the most difficult Does rubric apply to specific assignment(s) or holistically? Course sequence model more applicable than by years 1, 2, 3, 4 (we teach 3 & 4 only) Glossary of terms needed/rationale for categories Not designed for an introductory course--more for a capstone Suggested another category: Reflection on Self- Improvement

21 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg Summary of Findings A : Our Assessment of the Rubric Are the criteria weighted? In intro class “transfer” would have less weight than in a capstone class Transfer is problematic: vague –what distinguishes connects, adapts, synthesizes Closer alignment between description of transfer and the application of it Transfer: may be difficult for introductory students to achieve; requires deep knowledge Rubrics need to indicate that students can use visuals: photos, drawings, etc. Explanation of how these categories are pertinent to integration

22 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg SSummary of Findings B: Our Initial Assessment of LS 300 and Student Integrative Learning Faculty evaluated three assignments: intellectual autobiography, mission statement, and integrative essay. Faculty interpreted integrative essay assignment differently-- Students demonstrated understanding of what is interdisciplinarity Understood disciplinary perspectives of a complex problem (global warming) Students did not demonstrate “well” that they could do integration Instructors need more clarity regarding what constitutes good integration versus poor or weak. LS 300 through eFolios’ integrative skills creates a baseline for integration. Instructors will revisit course objectives Spring 2009--will decide how much integration is to be expected in LS 300.

23 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg SSample #1 (returning student)

24 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

25 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

26 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg SSSample #2 (future teacher)

27 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

28 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

29 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg Sample #3 (Future Graduate Student)

30 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

31 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

32 February 25, 2009Tanya Augsburg

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