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Contemporary Transgender Shamanism 2Spirit. My Gender Physical Mental Spiritual Energetic Legal Balanced.

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Presentation on theme: "Contemporary Transgender Shamanism 2Spirit. My Gender Physical Mental Spiritual Energetic Legal Balanced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contemporary Transgender Shamanism 2Spirit

2 My Gender Physical Mental Spiritual Energetic Legal Balanced

3 Who is Penn? 2Spirit Earth Walker Teachers Peoples Paths Created Ceremony European Queer-a-phobic Loss of Land Loss of Food Loss of Supplies Return of Tradition

4 Gender Identity BIOLOGICAL SEX (anatomy, chromosomes, hormones) male ------------------------- intersex ---------------------- female GENDER IDENTITY (psychological sense of self) man ---------------- two spirit/third gender ------------- woman GENDER EXPRESSION (communication of gender) masculine --------------- androgynous --------------- feminine SEXUAL ORIENTATION (romantic/erotic response) attracted to women ---- bisexual/asexual ---- attracted to men

5 TransGender? –Really? Transgendered Individuals – this is the umbrella term used to describe the full range of individuals who live outside of what we call the FemaleMale “NORM”

6 Shamanic History Witches.... Whirlers …. Medicine People …. Gnostic …. Druids …. Aboriginal …. Burned Misunderstood Lost art Driven out Eradicated Re educated

7 Shamanic History Drum Herbs Equipment Helpers/Guides Intention Ceremony Pipe Fast Sweat Lodge Vision Quest Medicine Wheel Sundance

8 Contemporary Shaman Shamans (we) access the essence and source dimension to effect change in the physical dimension. We work at the elemental level to create change. (Ray Stubbs)

9 Contemporary Shaman what has Changed? Not much has changed We are still the Hunted We still manifest change with our Intention

10 Contemporary Transgender Shaman Support our selves Remember Let go of the old Meet people where they are! 6.5 Billion People

11 Contemporary Transgender Shaman Drum Herbs Equipment Helpers/Guides Intention Ceremony Pipe Fast Sweat Lodge Vision Quest Medicine Wheel Sundance

12 PENN Shaman at large Life Coach 505-281-2269

13 In Closing …. The Shamanic Approach Spiritual Path Finder Ceremonialist Life Coach Herbalist Elder

14 In Closing …. Credits Many Elders Stephani Patten – Gender Identity Elizabeth Raven – Shaman’s Eyes Ray Stubbs – Shaman Definition Peter Baker – Somato-Relational Therapist Womb-Mate Dorothee

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