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FOR AP PSYCHOLOGY “What should I be doing when I’m reading the AP Psych text book?”

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Presentation on theme: "FOR AP PSYCHOLOGY “What should I be doing when I’m reading the AP Psych text book?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 FOR AP PSYCHOLOGY “What should I be doing when I’m reading the AP Psych text book?”

2  There are layers of understanding that need to be built:  INDEPENDENT LEARNING  Vocabulary (al dente noodles)  Objectives (meat/tofu)  CLASS LEARNING  Notes/Discussions (sauce)  Activities (cheese)

3  BEFORE YOU READ:  Scan over the assigned reading  How is the book formatted? What do you notice?  Ask yourself “what do I already know about the topics?”  AS YOU READ:  Take notes to help you construct meaning and recall information  When you don’t understand something, reread the passage. If that still doesn’t work, ask Mr. McBride the next day!

4  Hand write the bold vocabulary words as you read.  Options :  Create flashcardsflashcards  Use the 3 Column Method3 Column Method

5  Front side = 1. Vocabulary term 2. Number  Back side = 1. Definition in your own words 2. Connection to your life OR  Example OR  Analogy OR  Picture OR  Mnemonic Device OR  Use the term in a sentence

6  First Column:  Vocabulary Term  Number  Second Column:  Definition in your own words  Third Column:  Connection to your life OR  Example OR  Analogy OR  Picture OR  Mnemonic Device OR  Use the term in a sentence


8  Take notes!  Record the Objectives in your notebook/on paper.  Respond to the objectives after you’ve finished the section.

9  Names/famous studies  Italicized terms  Good examples  Pictures/charts/graphs  Turn headings into questions…can you answer them

10  DO NOT…  Rewrite the entire textbook  Write in complete sentences  Write down something you already know well  Try to multi-task


12  USE METACOGNITION TECHNIQUES:  Metacoding This makes sense X This contradicts what I thought ? I don’t get this ?? I really don’t get this * This idea is important + This is new to me and interesting  EVALUATE YOUR NOTES AND LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING  JOT DOWN QUESTIONS YOU STILL HAVE – ASK Mr. McBride IN CLASS

13  At the end of each chapter  Great resource before a test  Double check your notes – are they sufficient?  Test yourself!!!  AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR STUDY GUIDE

14  Adjust as you go  May be more, may be less  Use test results to guide you

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