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Data Management Project: Ecuador. Project Area Gradicule of the area Geographic coordinates: 5ºN -6ºS -94ºW -75ºW.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Management Project: Ecuador. Project Area Gradicule of the area Geographic coordinates: 5ºN -6ºS -94ºW -75ºW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Management Project: Ecuador

2 Project Area

3 Gradicule of the area Geographic coordinates: 5ºN -6ºS -94ºW -75ºW

4 Gebco contours The Coastline Bathymetry

5 Sediment Thickness

6 Ecuador Administrative Borders LME Pacific Central-America American Coastal FAO 87 The Main Marine Boundaries EEZ Map Population Distribution

7 The Main Marine Boundaries

8 LongHurst Provinces Coastal-Central-American coastal Coastal-Chile-Peru current coastal province Trades- Pacific equatorial Trades-N.Pacific equatorial

9 Ocean Station Data

10 Ocean Data View ODV Bottle collection data NetCDF Operational Marine Data


12 ODV plots Scatter Plots Station Plots

13 ODV Data subsets 0 meters January to March 400 meters January to March 0 meters July to September 400 meters July to September

14 ODV Sections Ecuador offshore northwest section

15 Temperature 0 to 5m JFM 350||450m JFM 0 to 5m JAS 350||450m JAS

16 Temperature grids Temperature 0 to 5m July to September 1 Deg. 0,5 Deg. 0,1 Deg. 0,05 Deg. 0,01Deg.

17 Temperature grid 1 degree July to September 0 to 5 m January to March 0 to 5 m July to September 350 to 450 m January to March 350 to 450 m

18 Interpolations methods Masked 0 to 5m July to September 0 to 5m January to March 350 to 450m July to September 350 to 450m January to March

19 Temperature (satellites data) SST Global Temperature January to March SST Global Temperature July to September

20 High Resolution Bathymetry

21 Difference ETOPO1&GEBCO

22 Chlorophyll HDF Satellite Imagery Composite July Images Composite January Images Grid: 0,05 Color Range: 0 to 20

23 Wind vectors Display Wind composite January Wind composite July

24 Currents vectors Display Current composite January Current composite July

25 The end






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