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Aspects covered: Air Pollution in Europe: problems and responses The role and aims of the RAPIDC Programme Impacts of air pollution at different scales.

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Presentation on theme: "Aspects covered: Air Pollution in Europe: problems and responses The role and aims of the RAPIDC Programme Impacts of air pollution at different scales."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aspects covered: Air Pollution in Europe: problems and responses The role and aims of the RAPIDC Programme Impacts of air pollution at different scales and their linkages Integrated assessment PROGRESS IN THE RAPIDC PROGRAMME: Providing Scientific Knowledge for Policy Making on Air Pollution Johan Kuylenstierna, SEI


3 London Smog Disaster, 1952 Between 4000-12000 excess deaths Clean Air Act 1950s –1960s European cities deal with urban air pollution

4 Lake and river acidification in Scandinavia

5 1970s/80s Understanding growsthat transboundary air pollution was damaging ecosystems in Scandinavia, central Europe and the UK Forest damage in Germany

6 1979UN/ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) 1979/80The EMEP Protocol 1980s/90sThe SOx, NOx, VOC, Hms and POPS protocols 1999‘Multi-pollutant-multi-effect’ – Protocol to abate acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone 2000 -New, more stringent, targets being set by UN/ECE & EC European Inter-governmental Policy Process

7 UN-ECE Convention on LRTAP Structure

8 Benefits of International Co-operation within Regional Agreements only way to deal with regional problems regional focus can also help develop responses to local problems Even weak demands means some action taken by worst performers exchange of information amongst national advisors and scientists Information for international agreements increases awareness agreements attract media attention raising the profile

9 The Progression of Sulphur Emissions in Different Regions



12 Acidification Health Composition of Asian Deposition (CAD) Monitoring Support for Malé Information for the Policy Process APMA/CAI-Asia Asian Cities Monitoring and Modelling Atmospheric Modelling Emissions Integrated Assessment Modelling Regional Impacts Acidification etc. Assessment Rapid Urban Corrosion Crops and Forests Network Development Malé Declaration Impacts of Air Pollution RAPIDC activities help inform the Malé Declaration

13 Malé Declaration Network Meeting, 2001

14 The Malé Declaration Structure Steering Committee (NFPs, SACEP, UNEP) Technical Committee (NIAs, MoC, SACEP, SEI, UNEP) Country NFP NIA National Advisory Committee

15 Knowledge Required by Policy Makers


17 EDGAR emissions of sulphur in S Asia

18 National Emission Inventories A Malé Declaration emission inventory manual is being prepared. A process of developing inventories in the next phase will give rise to nationally derived emissions for important pollutants

19 MATCH model run for emission region ‘India south-central’ (Andhra Pradesh + Karnataka + Goa)


21 Installing monitoring at Nepal Site

22 Installing Passive Samplers in Nepal

23 Transportation to the Monitoring Site in Nepal


25 Monthly deposition data at Bhubaneshwar – part of CAD network

26 Impacts of Air Pollution at Different Scales Peri-urbanHouseholdRegionalUrban


28 Indoor Air Pollution In India 62% of households use wood or agricultural waste, 15% use dung Estimated as one of largest risk factors for mortality globally

29 Mean daily integrated exposure (TSP mg/m3) Indoor Air Pollution: women and children are particularly at risk Exposure data for rural hilly area of India

30 Indoor Air Pollution: biomass burning increases outdoor concentrations also Urban neighbourhood of Pune, India

31 Indoor Air Pollution: biomass burning increases outdoor concentrations also

32 Outdoor Air Pollution and Health Health Benefits to Children from Air Pollution Reduction in Hong Kong

33 Urban Particulate Matter Urban PM 10 concentrations in Indian cities Particulate matter one of the major air pollution causes of mortality and morbidity PM 10 and PM 2.5 used to characterise exposure About 62 million people live in these cities in India

34 PM linked to excess mortality – shortening lifespans by many years Some of the WHO-recommended Dose-response Relationships for PM 10 and health impacts

35 Economic Implications of Health Impacts – results from the URBAIR project

36 More than 8000 people were admitted to hospital in Malaysia due to Indonesian fires in September 1997 Air pollution – a transboundary health problem

37 RAPIDC Activities on Health Book on air pollution and health Documenting proven benefits of reducing air pollution to health Developing manual for epidemiological studies Testing whether airport visibility data can be used to estimate PM 2.5 Indoor air pollution measurements in houses using kerosine compared to biomass Health/corrosion meeting – early 2004


39 Impacts on Crops and Forests VISIBLE INJURY Ozone induced injury on clover and white pine Ozone induced injury to muskmelon and peach trees in the Mediterranean region

40 Dose-response relationships: Crop yield reductions due to O 3 from European data Lahore - rural UK - rural Lahore - urban

41 Invisible Injury: as shown by filtration experiments O 3 injury to wheat whole plant growth, Pakistan (courtesy of A. Wahid)

42 Open Top Chamber Facilities. Lahore, Pakistan

43 Invisible injury: O 3 impacts on wheat grain size from Filtration experiments in Pakistan (courtesy of A. Wahid)

44 Invisible Injury: as shown by filtration experiments Yield of rice in ambient compared to filtered air outside Lahore

45 Air Pollution/crop Impacts and Livelihoods Peri-urban / Urban agriculture Important for: Food for home consumption / bartering Crop residues to maintain live-stock Crop residues for fuel supplies Provides seasonal employment Air Pollution affects Peri-Urban / Urban agriculture by: crop yield reductions decrease in crop nutritional quality Visible damage to edible portions of crop Effect on Vulnerable social groups

46 Maximum mean growing season O 3 concentrations for 1990 Emberson et al. (2000) Reported sites of visible ozone injury

47 Maximum mean growing season O 3 concentrations for 2030 Emberson et al. (2000)

48 Chinese dose-response curves for SO 2 impacts on crops Kathmandu Chongqing, 2000 Chongqing, 1996 Mumbai Dhaka

49 Asian Air Pollution Network : Current Extent Developed as part of RAPIDC “Crops & Forests” project Air pollution effects scientists Air pollution modellers & mappers Policy makers

50 The network (35 scientists) will meet at AIT Bangkok in December 2003 to discuss: impacts in Asia Harmonising experimental procedures Consolidating a network to pool knowledge, methods and results RAPIDC Activities on Crops


52 Air Pollution and Corrosion in Europe Impacts in Central Germany Steel corrosion in Kopisty, Czech Republic

53 Limestone / marble affected by SO 2 pollution Industry in Agra relocated or shut down Corrosion Impacts on the Taj Mahal

54 Impacts on Materials in Tropical/Sub-tropical Climates

55 RAPIDC Corrosion Impact Activities in Asia/Africa Exposures to develop the dose-response relationships for standard materials relevant to tropical and subtropical conditions

56 Comparison of sulphur dioxide concentrations for the various exposure sites in the RAPIDC programme for a selected exposure period

57 Estimation of Losses due to Corrosion Dose Response Relationships Mass Loss = {f[SO 2 ].fRH-fT+fRain[H+]}. fTime of Wetness Economic Evaluations Link dose-response to Stock at Risk and cost of maintenance/replacement European Experience Damage per Tonne SO2 emitted between $86-$1614 Savings estimated at $9000 Million per year when 2 nd S protocol achieved


59 Emission workbook Emission Manual S, N Deposition (by grid) Ecosystem sensitivity Risk areas Scenario Emission inventory Prevention Controloptions Policy instruments Energy, transport and industry scenarios Emissions by 1 o x1 o grid Health impacts OzonePM 2.5 Crop yield losses New Deposition Transfer coefficient (region-to-grid) MATCH atmospheric transport model (at SMHI/ UNEP etc.) PHASE III: Other pollutants and impacts


61 a) APMA, linked with CAI-Asia Benchmarking of Urban Air Quality Management for 30 Asian Cities: current status and management practice Strategic Framework for Air Quality Mangement for Asian Cities Regional Workshops on Better Air Quality Management in Asia (BAQ 2003 will be held in Manilla 17-19 December with CAI-Asia b) Rapid Urban Assessment Methodology being applied in Hyderabad to test suitability Rapid emissions inventory using statistics and land use assessment from satellite imagery Simple urban transfer model to give concentrations and link to simple health impact assessments To be described in detail at health/ corrosion workshop in 2004

62 Developing a Regional Science/Policy Process on Air Pollution in Southern Africa: APINA Meeting, 2002 Draft ‘Maputo Declaration’ at recent policy dialogue

63 Conclusions Regional cooperation has helped Europe tackle its transboundary and local air pollution problems Health impacts and crop yield losses will be felt more acutely by poor people Health, crop yield losses and corrosion have significant, but poorly quantified economic consequences Emissions are always local; impacts may be local, regional or transboundary The Malé Declaration is an important regional forum for scientific information provision and transfer and policy development

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