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Science Foundation for Planning and Implementation: Increasing Efficiency, Effectiveness, & Accountability Barry Wilson Gulf Coast Joint Venture Joint.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Foundation for Planning and Implementation: Increasing Efficiency, Effectiveness, & Accountability Barry Wilson Gulf Coast Joint Venture Joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Foundation for Planning and Implementation: Increasing Efficiency, Effectiveness, & Accountability Barry Wilson Gulf Coast Joint Venture Joint Venture Conservation Business Model Roundtable Austin, Texas December 13, 2006

2 Why is a strong science foundation important to JVs? Efficiency Effectiveness Accountability

3 Why is a strong science foundation important to JVs? Efficiency Effectiveness Accountability What are the ramifications of having a partnership that fully embraces science as a foundation of JV activities?

4 Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science While making investments in habitat implementation, partners also expect to invest in research/evaluation...... and expect a return on that investment. Habitat Delivery Research & Evaluation

5 Partners expect objectives to change over time as they are refined. ©2006 Vanoostzanen Curse of the Moving Target Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science

6 Partners see collaborative science through the JV as an efficient use of their organizations’ resources. Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science

7 Decisions become more transparent... Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science

8 Conservation of Mobile-Tensaw Delta Habitats for Waterfowl

9 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation

10 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Energy Demand in Forested Habitat - 1,053,525 Mallard-Energy-Days Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation Migration Chronology Energy Demand

11 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Energy Demand in Forested Habitat - 1,053,525 Mallard-Energy-Days Habitat Foraging Value - 15.5 MEDs/acre Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation GC Forested Wetlands MAV Forested Wetlands Min MAV Forested Wetlands Max Shoalgrass Harvested Rice Fallow Ricefield MAV Moist Soil

12 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Energy Demand in Forested Habitat - 1,053,525 Mallard-Energy-Days Habitat Foraging Value - 15.5 MEDs/acre Habitat Needs - 67,969 acres Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation

13 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Energy Demand in Forested Habitat - 1,053,525 Mallard-Energy-Days Habitat Foraging Value - 15.5 MEDs/acre Habitat Needs - 67,969 acres Existing Habitat Base - 100,800 acres Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation

14 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Energy Demand in Forested Habitat - 1,053,525 Mallard-Energy-Days Habitat Foraging Value - 15.5 MEDs/acre Habitat Needs - 67,969 acres Existing Habitat Base - 100,800 acres Habitat Deficit - none Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation

15 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Energy Demand in Forested Habitat - 1,053,525 Mallard-Energy-Days Habitat Foraging Value - 15.5 MEDs/acre Habitat Needs - 67,969 acres Existing Habitat Base - 100,800 acres Habitat Deficit - none Long-term Outlook - 85,520 acres in Public Ownership Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation

16 Guidance from Population-based Foraging Habitat Objectives Population Targets - 17,086 ducks Energy Demand in Forested Habitat - 1,053,525 Mallard-Energy-Days Habitat Foraging Value - 15.5 MEDs/acre Habitat Needs - 67,969 acres Existing Habitat Base - 100,800 acres Habitat Deficit - none Long-term Outlook - 85,520 acres in Public Ownership Conclusion - Focus waterfowl conservation efforts elsewhere and/or guide forested wetland acquisitions according to other bird needs Mobile-Tensaw Delta Waterfowl Conservation

17 Partners allocate (and re-allocate) resources according to the compilation and refinement of scientific information. Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science

18 Acres Laguna MadreTx MidCoastTx Chenier Plain La Chenier Plain Need Available GCJV Flooded Ag Land Waterfowl Foraging Habitat Assessment

19 The partnership pursues research that is specifically intended to alter (or at least challenge) our decision-making. Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science

20 Research to Alter Decisions Bio-energetic model refinement due to the following investments in new information: –Seed densities in rice i.e., Ag foraging values USGS-NWRC –Pintail & mallard habitat use i.e., proportional habitat use estimates CKWRI-TAMU (Tx MidCoast Pintails) LSU-Coop Unit (Chenier Plain Mallards) –Marsh pond delineation i.e., acreage and distribution of fresh marsh ponds GCJV Office –Waterfowl foods in coastal fresh marsh coastal fresh marsh foraging values LSU & GCJV Office

21 Partners have elevated expectations for science products to guide their conservation activities. Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science

22 Gulf Coast Joint Venture GIS Model Development Laguna Madre Redhead Model

23 Conservation Decision Matrix Current Pond Suitability Distance from Suitable Ponds NoneLowHigh Low High Low High Proximity to Shallow Shoalgrass Freshwater Wetlands Adjacent to the Texas Laguna Madre

24 Freshwater Wetland Enhancement Prioritization Model ID basins from surface water on 9 dates of satellite imagery Prioritization Criteria - Proximity to shallow shoalgrass - Redhead use from 2000- 03 aerial surveys - Basin permanence Consider only the shoalgrass > 10km from existing suitable ponds

25 JV Staff and partners are comfortable with some level of uncertainty because... - conservation decisions can’t wait for perfect information, Ramifications of Having a Partnership that Fully Embraces Science - inviting researchers to prove us wrong is helpful. - refinements are expected, and x x x OO O


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