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Final Discussion. A) I think Holden is mentally ill. B) I think Holden has some issues, but I don’t think he should be institutionalized or anything.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Discussion. A) I think Holden is mentally ill. B) I think Holden has some issues, but I don’t think he should be institutionalized or anything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Discussion

2 A) I think Holden is mentally ill. B) I think Holden has some issues, but I don’t think he should be institutionalized or anything. C) I think Holden is a prototypical teenager. He has no mental issues beyond what any teenager might have.

3 A) I think Holden is stressed. His condition is temporary, and not that severe. B) I think Holden is depressed. His condition is pretty extreme, and he has been experiencing depression for some time.

4 A) I think the book works just as well in the 2010s as it did in the 1950s. It depicts the quintessential teenage experience, which is rather timeless. B) I think the book works well, but just not as well as I imagine it did when it was first published. C) I think this book is a bit outdated, and does not work as well in the 2010s.

5 A) His drinking B) His smoking C) His lack of academic success D) His lack of friends his own age

6 A) Holden is a true romantic – he tries to preserve innocence, and this is endearing, sweet, and sincere. B) Holden is creepy – he tries to preserve the innocence of children he does not know, he wants to “catch” people in the “rye,” and he obsesses about girls who keep all their kings in the back row. WEIRD!

7 A) Of course! He is the only person telling us the story, so we have to trust him! B) Maybe he exaggerates at times, but he tells the truth, for the most part. C) No way! He tells us he is a terrific liar. He could be making up large parts of the story.

8 A) I love the stream-of-consciousness narration. It lends new insight into the characters. B) I don’t mind the stream-of-consciousness narration. It is interesting, but nothing special. C) I think the book would work better if it were narrated from a different perspective, such as omniscient third person.

9  Do you feel Holden is an appealing character? Why or why not?

10 A. I sure do! I am Holden! B. Kind of, but not really. C. Not at all.

11 A. I loved the ending. It makes sense for it to be open-ended. B. I hated the ending. It just ended abruptly. C. What happened?

12 A. Creepy B. Caring

13 A. He is mentally disturbed, and will not be OK. B. He is mentally disturbed, but he will be OK. C. He is a prototypical teenager, and will not be OK. D. He is a prototypical teenager, and he will be OK.

14  Why does Holden go on his journey?

15 A. I agree with all of his criticisms. He really represents how I feel about society. B. I agree with most of his criticisms. No one is going to agree with anyone on anything. C. I agree with some of his criticisms, but not many. D. I actually think he’s a hypocrite. I don’t think he has any right to comment on society.

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