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ENGR 107: Engineering Fundamentals Lecture 8: Engineering Estimations & Data Acquisition C. Schaefer October 13, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGR 107: Engineering Fundamentals Lecture 8: Engineering Estimations & Data Acquisition C. Schaefer October 13, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGR 107: Engineering Fundamentals Lecture 8: Engineering Estimations & Data Acquisition C. Schaefer October 13, 2003

2 October 15, 2002ENGR 1072Administrivia Demo software: – CACI Simprocess – The Mathworks Matlab & Simulink – National Instruments LabView software

3 October 15, 2002ENGR 1073 How do we obtain data? Simulation, e.g.; – Simulation environments, e.g., Matlab. – Custom simulation; C/C++, Fortran, Visual Basic, Java, etc. Experiment/testing, e.g.; – Component or coupon testing. – Sub-scale or full-scale testing. DAQ (‘dak’) – data acquisition.

4 October 15, 2002ENGR 1074 Why and how do we collect data? To understand a physical process or event. Measurements are observations of a physical process or event. Sensors – any device that receives a signal or stimulus and generates measurements as a function of that stimulus. – Thermometer, strain gage, accelerometer, etc. We measure physical quantities such as length, time, temperature, force.

5 October 15, 2002ENGR 1075 ABS Braking Simulation Model

6 October 15, 2002ENGR 1076 Fracture Mechanics FEM Analytical Modeling

7 October 15, 2002ENGR 1077 “Coupon” Fatigue Testing Using an Instron ®

8 October 15, 2002ENGR 1078 Data Acquisition

9 October 15, 2002ENGR 1079 Full-Scale Structural Testing BMW Indy Car

10 October 15, 2002ENGR 10710 Testing - ABS

11 Some Data Acquisition Terminology

12 October 15, 2002ENGR 10712 Accuracy and Precision Accuracy – a measure of the nearness of a value to the correct or true value. Precision – refers to repeatability of a measurement, i.e., how close successive measurements are to each other.

13 October 15, 2002ENGR 10713 Accuracy and Precision ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Inaccurate & Imprecise Precise but inaccurate Accurate and precise Accurate but imprecise

14 October 15, 2002ENGR 10714 Errors in Data Systematic errors – Identifiable and correctable. – E.g. – known instrumentation bias. – E.g., metal tape measure susceptible to temperature. Need coefficient of thermal expansion to correct. Random – Accidental or other nonidentifiable errors. – Noise (e.g., white noise) superimposed on sensor signals.

15 October 15, 2002ENGR 10715 Tabulating Data

16 October 15, 2002ENGR 10716 Plotting Data Test Flight 11 Altitude – 7K ft GW – 23,500 lbs Title Annotation Legend Data x-axis: abscissa y-axis: ordinate Linear-Scale Graph Axis Labels

17 October 15, 2002ENGR 10717 Engineering Software Tools Demonstration Matlab (The Mathworks) Simulink (The Mathworks) Labview (National Instruments) Simprocess (CACI)

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