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Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing

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1 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Vegetation Indices Prof. Arnon Karnieli The Remote Sensing Laboratory Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Sede-Boker Campus 84990, ISRAEL Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

2 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Definition Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

3 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Simple Ratio (SR) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing SR = NIR/Red Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

4 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Vegetation health Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

5 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Characteristics of SR Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing The SR is based on the difference between the maximum absorption of radiation in the red (due to the chlorophyll pigments) and the maximum reflection of radiation in the NIR (due to the leaf cellular structure), and the fact that soil spectra, lacking these mechanisms, typically do not show such a dramatic spectral difference. The values of the SR range from 0 to infinity SR uses radiance, surface reflectance (), or apparent reflectance (measured at the top of the atmosphere) rather than digital numbers. Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

6 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NIR-Red scatterplot Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing SR = NIR/Red NIR Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

7 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Example Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

8 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Example (Cont.) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

9 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 The Normilized Difference Vegetation Index Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing NDVI = (NIR- Red)/(NIR+ Red) Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

10 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 SR vs. NDVI Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing NDVI has the advantage of varying between -1 and +1, while the SR ranges from 0 to infinity. In NDVI it is easier to separate snow, clouds, and water (negative values) from soil and vegetation (positive values). Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

11 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 SR vs. NDVI Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

12 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Interpretation of NDVI Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing High index values  dense/health vegetation Low index values  sparse/stress vegetation Typical NDVI values: Bare soils: 0.08 – 0.1 Desert vegetation: 0.1 – 0.3 Tropical forest: 0.4 – 0.6 Water, snow, clouds: <0 Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

13 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Applications of NDVI Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing High Correlation with: Photosynthetic activity Vegetation cover Leaf area index Green leaf biomass Carbon fluxes Foliar loss and damage Chlorophyll content Also used for: Crop classification Plant Phenology Change detection Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

14 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Leaf Area Index (LAI) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Leaf Area Index is defined as the total one- side green leaf area per unit ground surface area (m2/ m2). LAI example LAI = 6 means 6m2 leaf area per 1m2 ground area. Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

15 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Leaf Area Index (LAI) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing It is an important biological parameter because: It defines the area that interacts with solar radiation and provides the remote sensing signal It is the surface that is responsible for carbon absorption and exchange with the atmosphere.. Methods Direct: Indirect: Destructive sampling Radiation measurements Remote sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

16 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Non-linear correlations Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

17 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Linear correlations Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

18 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI calculations Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

19 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI product Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Red Near Infrared NDVI Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

20 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI - Israel Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing NDVI derived from NOAA-AVHRR Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

21 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI of snow Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing True Color NDVI Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

22 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI Phenology Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Low NDVI VALUE High Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

23 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 VI optimization Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

24 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 August Average NDVI, Africa Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

25 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Maximum Value Composite (MVC) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing 2,400 km Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

26 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Maximum Value Composite (MVC) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3 Pixel 4 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.12 Day 1 0.50 Day 2 0.11 0.09 Day 3 *** 0.63 0.25 0.06 Day n Composite Time Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

27 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 MVC - importance Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Forward view angle Backward view angle Nadir 2330 km SWATH Eliminate effects of cloud cover Eliminate effects of atmospheric aerosols Eliminate effects of view zenith angle Eliminate effects of solar zenith angle Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

28 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Maximum Value Composite (MVC) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing residual clouds Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

29 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI time series Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Movie Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

30 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI global coverage Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Movie Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

31 Soil and Vegetation Reflectance Scatterplot
April 17 Soil and Vegetation Reflectance Scatterplot Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing NIR Red Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

32 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Perpendicular Vegetation Index (PVI) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing A B C D E Red Reflectance NIR Reflectance Soil Background Line Greening Line A, B = Pixels of bare soil C, D = Pixels of partly green vegetation cover. E = Pixel of green vegetation The objective of PVI is to remove the effect of soil brightness and isolate reflectance changes due to vegetation only Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

33 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 NDVI – soil sensitivity Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

34 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing L = 1 For low vegetation density L = 0.5 For intermediate vegetation density; L = For high vegetation density. Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

35 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 SAVI Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

36 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Soil sensitivity Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing NDVI – soil sensitivity SAVI – soil sensitivity Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

37 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Surface color Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

38 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Atmospheric Resistant Vegetation Index Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing The resistance of the ARVI to atmospheric effects (in comparison to the NDVI) is accomplished by a self-correction process for the atmospheric effect on the red channel, using the difference in the radiance between the blue and the red channels to correct the radiance in the red channel.  = 1.0 Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

39 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Atmospheric Resistant Vegetation Index Atmospheric Resistance Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index Soil Background Correction Enhanced Vegetation Index The ultimate index! Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

40 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing The enhanced vegetation index (EVI) was developed to optimize the vegetation signal with improved sensitivity in high biomass regions and improved vegetation monitoring while correcting for canopy background signals reducing atmosphere influences. where  are atmospherically-corrected or partially atmosphere corrected (Rayleigh and ozone absorption) surface reflectances, L is the canopy background adjustment term, and C1, C2 are the coefficients of the aerosol resistance term, which uses the blue band to correct for aerosol influences in the red band. The coefficients adopted in the EVI algorithm are, L=1, C1 = 6, C2 = 7.5, and G (gain factor) = 2.5. Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

41 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing EVI Image of Riparian, Wetland, and Agricultural Areas along the Lower Colorado River and U.S.-Mexico Border Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

42 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Ndvi vs. EVI Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

43 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 EVI – global coverage Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

44 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Blue Shift of the Red edge Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Red Edge Blue Shift Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

45 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Red Edge Position Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing B10 B9 B8 B7 Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

46 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Red edge position Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

47 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Red edge position Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Reflectance 1st Derivative 2nd Derivative Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

48 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Red edge position Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing False color image 2nd derivative image Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

49 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Vegetation Indices – summary (1) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Simple Ratio: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index: Perpendicular Vegetation Index: Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

50 Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing
April 17 Vegetation Indices (2) Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index: Atmospheric Resistance Vegetation Index: Enhanced Vegetation Index: Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

51 Types of vegetation indices
April 17 Types of vegetation indices Karnieli: Introduction to Remote Sensing Ratio-based (red and NIR spectral bands): SR, NDVI, ARVI Orthogonal-based difference of red and NIR spectral bands: PVI Hybrid/combination of the two: SAVI, EVI Topic #9: Vegetation Indices

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