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Fei Chen Research Application Laboratory, NCAR
Overview of the Unified Noah LSM in WRF Recent Enhancement, Test, and Future Plan Fei Chen Research Application Laboratory, NCAR NCEP Ken Mitchell Michael Ek AFWA John Eylander Jerry Wegiel NRL Teddy Holt NCAR Kevin Manning Mukul Tewari Jimy Dudhia Dave Gochis Peggy LeMone Universities Dev Niyogi (Purdue) Eric Small (CU) Venkat Laskhmi (USC) Alexis Lau (HKUST) Other Institutions Hiroyuki Kusaka (CREPI, Japan) Bill Coirier (CFD Res. Corp) 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
WRF R&D aims Priority for 1-10 km grid applications Advanced data assimilation and model physics Portable and efficient on parallel computers Well-suited for a broad range of applications Community model with direct path to operations 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Development and Implementation of the Community Noah Land Surface Model Collaborative Noah LSM development effort: NCEP, NCAR, U.S. Air Force Weather Agency, university community Support WRF mission and community requirements for high-resolution forecast of: Severe weather (flash flooding) Air pollution, transport and dispersion of toxic chemicals Conditions affecting surface and air transportation Extreme-temperature in the energy/utility industry loading Agricultural applications (irrigation management, pest control) 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Mission Integrate advance land models/modules, new data sets, and land data assimilation techniques to improve representation of land and boundary layer processes in WRF 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Major Milestones in WRF/LSM Efforts
SI include background fields (FY 2001): 30-second global USGS 24-category landuse map 30-second global hybrid (30-sec for CONUS and 5-min elsewhere) top and bottom soil texture 1-deg annual mean air temperature as lower boundary temperature for soil NESDIS deg monthly 5-year climatology green vegetation fraction NESDIS deg monthly 5-year climatology albedo SI Initialize soil moisture, temperature, snow, and sea-ice from AVN and Eta/EDAS (FY 2001) Implementation of OSULSM (WRF release 1.2 Beta, FY 2001) Inclusion of OSULSM for idealized WRF cases (available for mass version, FY 2001) 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Major Milestones in WRF/LSM Efforts
Since 1 Dec. 2001: WRF/OSULSM coupled model has been running in real-time at NCAR SI add capability to read ARGMET soil fields as initial land state conditions (FY 2002) Implementation of FSL RUC LSM (FY 2002) NCEP group delivers the quasi-unified Noah LSM for internal test (FY 2002) SI add nearest neigh approach for interpolation of external landuse and soil texture, and land state variables (FY 2002) 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Major Milestones in WRF/LSM Efforts
Implement new surface driver (FY 2003) Separated from PBL driver SI add Maximum snow albedo database (FY 2003) Implement quasi-unified Noah LSM (FY 2003) Snow and frozen-ground physics Soil thermal conductivity Patchy snow cover Snow density Soil heat flux treatment under snow pack Snow roughness length 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Major Milestones in WRF/LSM Efforts
Implement the unified Noah LSM in WRF 2.0 and set up CVS for Noah support (FY 2004) Enhance the unified Noah LSM (FY 2004) Seasonal varying surface emissivity Simple urban landuse treatment Apply high-resolution land data assmilation (HRLDAS) to ARW realtime 5-km winter and 4-km summer experiments Land surface models currently in test (FY 2004) CLM Pleim-Xu LSM Single layer urban canopy model (close to be released) 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Provide documentation for the unified Noah LSM for its offline and coupled application 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
The unified Noah LSM significantly improved the precipitation score
compared to its predecessor OSULSM Unified Noah LSM Realtime 22-km CONUS 12Z Cycle initialized from 40-km EDAS 12 day h forecasted rainfall from 15 to 31 May 2003 verified on #212 grid OSULSM Precip scores available at NSSL website
WRF/Noah Snow Forecast Capability
Snow Storm Case 18 March 2003 24-h snow water equivalent change valid at 06Z 19 March melt/sublimation accumulation WRF/Noah more realistic snow forecast Snow melted too quickly in the OSULSM Analysis: 24-h SWE change valid at 06Z 19 March
Landuse Based Verification for 15 June 2005
2m Temperature Wind Speed RED: Dryland Cropland, Blue: Cropland, Black: Grassland Green: Shrubland, Yellow: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
High-resolution Land surface and urban modeling and assimilation system
snow Leaf area index Vegetation type Urban type Vegetation cover Soil texture Terrain Obs. Precipitation Radiation, T, Q, U, V High resolution land data assimilation system (HRLDAS) Soil moisture, soil temperature, snow cover, canopy water, wall/roof/road temperature Noah land surface model, Urban canopy model Boundary layer parameterization Coupled mode
HRLDAS Spin-Up 5 < 10 < 5 10 Surface heat flux
RMS difference (Wm-2) 5 < 10 < 5 10 Sensible heat flux Latent heat flux The surface heat flux is integration of soil moisture and temperature evolution. It appears that soil temperature has more impact on surface heat fluxes. You can see the fine soil texture has quicker spin up. Coarse soil Medium soil Fine soil
Hovmoller Diagrams of Rainfall on 4-km WRF Grid Time: 12Z 9 June - 12Z 21 June 2002 Longitude: from 107 W to 86 W Continuously cycled soil moisture Updated daily with HRLDAS soil Difference (HRLDAS-Cycled) Both experiments able to simulate propagating convection. Soil conditions influence timing of location of storm origin.
Some solutions: Dynamic modeling of land-surface hydrology with ‘Noah-Router’
(NCAR Tech Note: Gochis and Chen, 2003) Direct Evaporation Surface Exfiltration from Saturated Soil Columns Re-infiltration Lateral Flow from Saturated Soil Layers 2-Dimensional Diffusive Wave Overland Flow Routing Ogden, 1997 Ponded Water Evaporation and Re-infiltration Saturated Subsurface Routing Wigmosta et. al, 1994 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Terrain and Land-use of the Model Domain with 10-km grid spacing
Sea of Japan Pacific Ocean 1200km 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Terrain and Land-use around Tokyo
Tokyo Metropolitan area 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
2-m Temperature on 1500 LT: Obs and WRF (Case UCM)
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
2-m Temperature on 0300 LT: Obs and WRF (Case UCM)
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
High-Resolution WRF/Noah/Urban Modeling Capability
Domains: 40.5,13.5,4.5,1.5,0.5 km Single layer Urban Canopy Model Complex terrain on WRF nested D-5 (0.5 km grid spacing) over the Slat Lake City area Complex Urban land use distribution over Salt Lake City
WRF-Noah/UCM coupled model forecast
High-Resolution WRF/Noah/Urban Modeling Capability: Coupled to CFD-Urban WRF-Noah/UCM coupled model forecast CFD-Urban: Hi-Res Urban Model Coupling Down-Scale Up- Scale
Diurnal Wind Direction at North Downtown
Red: Obs, Green: WRF/Noah, Blue: WRF/Noah/UCM NIGHT DAY
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
WRF/UCM - CFD Transport and Dispersion Preliminary Results: Urban IOP 10 Urban 2000 Entire IOP 10 3 Releases/Pauses WRF Data for BC Quasi-steady approach: Wind/Turbulence fields at 15 minute intervals Unsteady T&D using Unified Frozen Hydro Solver Flow turning is replicated, which causes plume to travel NNW 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
WRF/UCM - CFD Transport and Dispersion Preliminary Results: Urban IOP 10 Urban 2000 Urban 2000: Field Test conducted in Salt Lake City SF6 released in Central Business District Samplers located in CBD and on “arcs” located downstream Statistical Comparison of Predicted to Measured Concentration Data Acceptable values: FAC2 > 0.5 -0.3 < FB <0.3 (0.7 <MG < 1.3) NMSE < 4 (VG <1.6) 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Preliminary Results: IOP 10 Urban 2000
Three sets of calculations: Raging Waters Input: Use sounding data (single sounding) at all boundary faces WRF Boundary Conditions: Unsteady Flow, Turbulence and Contaminant WRF Boundary Conditions: Steady Flow (“Wind Library”) Quasi-Steady approach appears to be best mode of operation: Steady-state wind/turbulence fields at set intervals in time using WRF data as boundary conditions Significantly improve FAC2 (FAC>0.5 acceptable) and MG (0.7<MG<1.3 acceptable) Unsteady flow/turbulence/transport: Time step restrictions Too costly for accuracy or inaccurate because timestep too big 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
Summary We have achieved main tasks we set four years ago Unified Noah LSM modifications currently tested at NCAR Vary LAI as landuse type and scale it by vegetation fraction Define all vegetation parameters in VEGPRM.TBL (part of them are now defined in LANDUSE/TBL) Adjust parameters (emissivity, roughness length, albedo) Need to incorporate new satellite data Further changes/improvements brought up at the workshop Need more systematic evaluation of coupled model (surface heat fluxes, radiation, for instance) Implement the unified Noah in NMM, AGRMET, COAMPS 5th WRF LSM Workshop, NCAR, 9/13/05
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