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By: Kenneth O’Garra.  Solar power- Is using the sun to do work.  We are making a solar powered oven that will be used to cook our cookies.  Solar power.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Kenneth O’Garra.  Solar power- Is using the sun to do work.  We are making a solar powered oven that will be used to cook our cookies.  Solar power."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Kenneth O’Garra

2  Solar power- Is using the sun to do work.  We are making a solar powered oven that will be used to cook our cookies.  Solar power can also be used for  1. Heating water  2. Heating places  3. Energy for remote houses  4. Drying clothes

3 Materials List 1.Wooden slabs-holds the frame together. 2.Hammer- hammer my nails into the wood. 3.Nails- hold my oven together. 4.Black felt- attract heat. 5.aluminum foil-reflect heat in the oven. 6.power saw-to cut the wood with. 7.Measuring tape-measure my wood. 8.Gorillia glue-hold wood together. 9.plexi-to magnify my oven. 10.paint(non-Toxic)- to make my oven look good. 11.Styrofoam-to installate my oven 9 6 P=30in A=54in Sq.

4  My Cookies

5  What I could have done better with my oven was. Add more aluminum foil, more black felt, and remove the plexi glass.

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