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Formal, Functional & Perceptional Regions. Formal Regions Language –What is our language identity in Golden? Political Identity –Have we a Political Identity?

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Presentation on theme: "Formal, Functional & Perceptional Regions. Formal Regions Language –What is our language identity in Golden? Political Identity –Have we a Political Identity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal, Functional & Perceptional Regions

2 Formal Regions Language –What is our language identity in Golden? Political Identity –Have we a Political Identity? –How do we stand on issues compared with the rest of the Province (rural vs urban) or the Country (west vs east)? Climate –Can we define ourselves by the climate? (Cold, dry, etc) Vegetation –How does the vegetation here differ from elsewhere in the region (vs Invermere, Cranbrook, Blaeberry to Parson)

3 Functional Regions organized around a focal point of: Transportation –How do we get to Calgary, Cranbrook, Okanagan? –How do visitors get here and is that part of our identity? (hwy 1 vs 93) Communication –How do we communicate with others…infrastructure (phone, internet, community activities etc) Trade –What is the trading area? How large is it? Do we sometimes leave the area to trade elsewhere? (Walmart in Golden?)

4 Assignment

5 Perceptional Regions defined by human attitudes about areas –What is your perception of BC, Kootenays, East Kootenays, Golden, Blaeberry? –Depending on your age, interests, abilities…. –Is the town friendly? –Is the town safe? –Is this an exciting place to live, to retire, to engage in other activities? –What are the educational opportunities? –Is this a good place to look for work?

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