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Presentation on theme: " SEE-GRID-SCI SEE-GRID-SCI ES VOs The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEE-GRID-SCI SEE-GRID-SCI ES VOs The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338 Earth Science Cluster Workshop 30/01/2009 Vangelis Floros GRNET

2 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20092 SEE-GRID-SCI: The project Contract n°: RI-211338 Project type: I3 Start date: 01/05/2008 Duration: 24 months Total budget: 3 214 690 € Funding from the EC: 2 500 000 € Total funded effort, PMs: 676.5 Web site: The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338

3 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20093 SEE-GRID-SCI: Project objectives Engaging international user communities (meteorology, seismology, environmental protection) and providing application-specific service extensions Providing infrastructure for new communities Consolidating actions towards long-term sustainability and European Grid Initiative inclusion Strengthening the regional and national human network The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338

4 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20094 SEE-GRID-SCI ES VOs Meteorology VO VO Name: Seismology VO VO name: Environmental VO VO name: GRID_Wiki#SEE-GRID-SCI_VO_Applications

5 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20095 Meteorology VO VO Contacts  VO Leader: Vassiliki Kotroni (kotroni at  Scientific Representative: Vassiliki Kotroni (kotroni at  Technical Representative: Vangelis Floros (efloros at

6 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20096 Researchers Network Researchers network  The participating institutes are:  Greece: National Observatory of Athens (NOA)  Serbia: South Environment and Weather Agency of Serbia (SEWA)  Montenegro: Hydrometeorological Institute of Montenegro (HIM)  Rudjer Boskovic Institute (RBI-HR),  Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb(AMGI)  FGA of University of Zagreb (FGA-HR),  Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka (UoBL- BA)  Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHI-BA),  Federal Hydrometeorology Institute (FHI-BA),  and a new comer: GRENA (GE)

7 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20097 Meteo - REFS Regional scale Multi-model, Multi-analysis ensemble forecasting system  Assessment of the probability of a particular weather event to occur and make this information available to the authorities, the general public, etc, in order to help them make the necessary decisions based on this probabilistic information. Model Porting: BOLAM, MM5, WRF/NMM, NCEP/Eta (Al to be ready by April 2009) Develop a post-processing procedure that will prepare the super-ensemble and the probabilistic forecasts

8 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20098 Meteo - WRF-ARW Interaction of airflow with complex terrain  Improve the quality of the forecasts of the airflow over regions characterized by complex terrain with a positive impact to related applications such as air-pollution dispersion modeling. Model Porting: WRF/ARW (To be ready by April 2009)

9 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/20099 Seismology VO VO Contacts  VO Leader: Can Özturan (ozturaca at  Scientific Representative: Ljupco Jordanovski (ljordanovski at  Technical Representative: (Can Özturan (ozturaca at

10 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200910 Seismology VO Researchers Network University of Ss Cyril and Methodius (MK) Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius (MK) Middle East Technical University (TR) Seismological Department, in Geophysical Institute of BAS (BG) Seismological Survey of Serbia (RS) Boğaziçi University (TR) Department of Geophysics in Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences of Eötvös Lorand University (HU) Polytechnic University of Tirana (AL) National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (AM) Institute of Geology and Seismology of ASM (MD) Earthquake Research Dept. of General Directorate of Disaster Affairs (TR) Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (RO) Seismological Observatory of Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)

11 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200911 Seismology - SRA SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT  Seismic Risk Assessment is very important for public safety and hazards mitigation. It is also important for the correct determination of earthquake insurance premiums and also for understanding the social and psychological effects of earthquakes.  The aim is to develop an application framework that allows to embed alternative (deterministic, probabilistic etc.) models.  SRA application can be grouped into four main categories:  (i) Accessing Earthquake Catalogue,  (ii) Earthquake Source Model  (iii) Seismic Hazard Models  (iv) Producing Seismic Hazard Maps Status: In gridification (To be ready in April 2009)

12 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200912 Seismology - SDS SEISMIC DATA SEVER  SDS serves seismic data present in AMGA tables (station data, earthquake data and information about seismic waveform files - not waveform files themselves) through a web interface that utilizes kml and Google earth api Status: In gridification (To be ready in April 2009) Data to be collected from all participating countries

13 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200913 Seismology - ELF EARTHQUAKE LOCATION FINDING  This application is based on HYPO71 and finds the location of earthquakes by scanning seismic waveform data.  This application is not compute intensive, but it is data intensive.  The application can be parallelized by scanning data files in parallel by multiple using worker nodes  A workflow can be generated automatically by a program corresponding to the time intervals in which to look for earthquakes Status: Testing (To be ready in April 2009)

14 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200914 Seismology - FPS FAULT PLANE SOLUTION  FPS computes earthquake source parameters (strike, slip, dip).  Inputs  (i) Crust model: layer thicknesses, seismic velocities, densities, q-factor and  (ii) Actual seismic waveform data (in SAC format)  Outputs – the fault parameters.  FPS is useful for identifying tectonic structures that are not visible on earth’s surface. It is a computationally intensive application. A typical FPS run that uses data from 50 stations takes 8 hours on a PC Status: In gridification

15 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200915 Seismology – NMMC3D NUMERICAL MODELING OF MANTLE CONVECTION  The main goal of the research is the quantitative study of the structure and surface manifestation of mantle plumes and to make systematic investigation of the parameters influencing the character of mantle convection in 3D Status: Ready

16 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200916 Seismology – MDSSP-WA MASSIVE DIGITAL SEISMOLOGICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING WITH THE WAVELET ANALYSIS  With massive processing (using the discrete wavelet transforms) of earthquake records we can define:  (i) Common features of the propagation path for the given seismic source region or to define empirical transfer function of the media  (ii) Calculation of the artificial seismograms,  (iii) Determine the source region based on a single earthquakes record  (iv) Determine the more realistic attenuation curve of the selected feature (parameter), very much needed in seismic hazard and risk analysis,  (v) Mapping (coding) of the given earthquake prone region in terms of SEISMOLOGY VO APPLICATIONS / SERVICES selected parameters  (vi)Seismic source parameters. Status: In gridification / Cluster Mode

17 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200917 Environmental VO Applications VO Contacts  VO Leader: Emanouil Atanassov (emanouil at  Scientific Representative: Vladimir Florian (vladimir at  Technical Representative: Emanouil Atanassov (emanouil at

18 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200918 Environmental VO Researchers Network Institute of Water, Energy and Environment in Tirana (AL) Institute for Parallel Processing of BAS (BG) Eötvös Lorand University (HU) Hungarian Meteorological Service (HU), Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova (MD) State Hydrometeorological Service (MD) Faculty of Radioelectronics and Telecommunications of Technical University of Moldova (MD) National Center for Information Tecnology of University "Politehnica" Bucharest (RO) Computer Science Dept. of West University of Timisoara (RO) Institute for Water Resources "Jaroslav Cerni" (RS) Belgrade University Computing Centre (RS) Ruder Boskovic Institute (HR), Roskilde National Environmental Research Institute (DK)

19 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200919 Environmental VO Researchers Network (2) National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of BAS (BG) State Agency "Civil Protection" (BG) Executive Environmental Agency (BG) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR) National Meteorological Administration (RO) State Agency "Civil Protection” (BG) National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of BAS (BG) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR) Geophysical Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG) Center for Scientific Research of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and University of Kragujevac (RS)

20 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200920 Environmental - MCSAES Monte Carlo Sensitivity Analysis for Environmental Systems  The aim of the application is to develop an efficient Grid implementation of a Monte Carlo technique for sensitivity studies in the domains of Environmental modelling and Environmental security.  The developed application will be applied for studying the damaging effects that can be caused by high pollution levels (especially effects on human health), when the main tool will be the Danish Eulerian Model (DEM) Models: DEM

21 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200921 Environmental - CHERS Study of CHanges of Environment with Remote Sensing  Use of high resolution satellite images to analyze environmental changes.  In particular the use of SAR data for evaluation of vertical movements of the ground in environmentally hot areas in Adriatic Sea coast.

22 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200922 Environmental - GreenView Refinement of surface and vegetation parameters in SEE region based on satellite images  The aim of the GreeView pilot application is a refinement of surface and vegetation parameters in SEE region based on satellite images.  Construction, usage and comparison of diverse satellite datasets will be performed. High resolution satellite measurements can be used for numerous environmental studies (climate-related or air pollution modeling).  Using the sophisticated environmental data the change of the vegetation distribution in the Carpathian Basin and its climate- related causes will be investigated. It may also be used to extend the urban climate related research, in order to study the impact of urban environment on the vegetation. Models: Use of the ESIP Platform Collaboration with GENESI-DR Status: In gridification

23 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200923 Environmental – Lizza PAKP Groundwater Flow Simulation System  Lizza-PAKP is a groundwater flow simulation system containing solver based on finite element method (PAKP) and user interface (Lizza).  It provides full 3D modeling capabilities, stationary and non- stationary simulations, saturated and non-saturated environment calculation, as well as mass and heat transport handling. PAKP module includes solver based on MPI Status: In grid mode

24 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200924 Environmental - MSACM Multi-scale atmospheric composition modelling  Atmospheric composition directly affects many aspects of life.  Air Quality studies are fundamental for the future orientation of national, regional and Europe’s Sustainable Development strategy Model: CMAQ, WRF, WRF-Chem, MM5 Status: Testing Grid Mode (To be ready by April 2009)

25 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200925 Environmental - MSERRHSA Modelling System for Emergency Response to the Release of Harmful Substances in the Atmosphere  High quality scientific and technical information is critical for proper emergency management  High requirements for air pollution modelling for emergency response purposes  extensive preliminary studies, model tuning and validation, risk assessments, evacuation plans, emergency response exercises  Status: Testing Grid Mode

26 Earth Science Cluster Workshop, Jussieu Campus, 30/01/200926 Summary of application requirements from the infrastructure CPU requirements  Seismology: 340 CPU Hours per day  Meteo: 3400 CPU Hours per day  Environmental: 5000 CPU Hours per day  A variety of parallel models is gridified  Proper MPI support very important  + MPI accounting  Meteo has strict start end completion time requirements Storage Requirements  Several -O(10)- TB on storage elements  Some application have high requirement on temporary space

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