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Term for anything that takes up space and has mass matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Term for anything that takes up space and has mass matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 term for anything that takes up space and has mass matter

2 the small bits of material that make up matter particles

3 Look how the particles are arranged!

4 matter that has definite volume and takes the shape of its container liquid

5 matter that has no definite shape and takes up no definite amount of space gas

6 matter that has definite volume and shape solid

7 Adding heat makes the particles act differently! Adding Heat They start moving faster!!!!

8 /index.cfm?method=cResource.ds pDetail&ResourceID=555 click here to do a virtual experiment!

9 Look at these objects!

10 Which object contains material that has no definite shape or volume? Think about it and click to check your answers. helium vapor

11 Which object contains material that has no definite shape, but it has a definite volume? Think about it and click to check your answers. juice dish soap

12 Which object contains material that has a definite shape and takes up a definite amount of space. Think about it and click to check your answers. Lego brick

13 amount of space that matter takes up volume

14 Volume Volume is the amount of space that matter takes up. The volume of something can be measured using math and a graduated cylinder, a ruler, or a tape measure. volume = Length X Width X Height

15 Think about these two methods for calculating a solid’s volume. Which one would be used to find the volume of... volume = Length X Width X Height This method is better because it is an irregular shape. This one because it is a nice, straight shape that can easily be measured with a ruler.

16 You can also measure the volume of a liquid using…

17 cotton balls white sand Look at these containers. One is filled with cotton balls and one is filled with white sand. Do they have the same volume? Yes!!!! Since both containers are the same size, they both take up the exact same amount of space, so they have the exact same volume! With volume, it doesn’t matter how heavy the matter is!

18 mashed potatoes rice Krispies Look at these cups! Compare their mass and their volume. They both have the same volume because they are both the same container. However, their masses are different. Mashed potatoes would be heavier than Rice Krispies!

19 amount of matter something contains mass

20 Mass Mass is the amount of matter something contains. The mass of something can be measured using a triple beam balance.

21 Think about the mass of these objects. Put them in order from least to most in your mind. Then click to check.

22 Is this what you thought?

23 cotton balls white sand Look at these containers. One is filled with cotton balls and one is filled with white sand. Do they have the same mass? No!!!! They have the same volume, but not the same mass. White sand has a lot more matter than cotton balls, therefore, it is heavier, and has more mass!

24 compares an amount of matter to the amount of space it takes up density

25 cotton balls white sand Density compares the volume of something to the mass of something! Mass: 100 grams Volume: 136 cubic centimeters Mass: 200 grams Volume: 136 cubic centimeters Density= mass divided by volume! 100/136=.74 Density= mass divided by volume! 200/136= 1.47 WHITE SAND IS MORE DENSE!!!

26 mashed potatoes 216 g. Rice Krispies 104 g. What conclusion could you draw about density from this information? Each measuring cup is filled with a certain food. It’s mass is given. Chips 83 g. The chips are the least dense. The mashed potatoes are the most dense, and the Rice Krispies are in between.

27 If you wanted to measure the density of these items, which tools would you use? length X width X height

28 If you wanted to measure the density of these items, which tools would you use? length X width X height

29 If you wanted to measure the density of these items, which tools would you use? length X width X height

30 ability of matter to float in a liquid of gas buoyancy

31 The less dense an object is, the more buoyant it is! Which of these items do you think is buoyant? Bobbers float on water when you’re fishing! Wood also floats! That’s why boats are made of wood!

32 forms when different particles of matter mix evenly in liquid Solution

33 If I mixed these together, would it be a solution? YES! You could NOT un-mix it!

34 If I mixed these together, would it be a solution? NO! You could un-mix it using your hands or a magnet!

35 If I mixed these together, would it be a solution? YES! You could NOT un-mix it!

36 If I mixed these together, would it be a solution? NO! You could un-mix it using your hands or a filter!

37 measures the amount of one material that will dissolve in another material solubility

38 what happens when one material forms a solution with another material dissolves

39 Some things dissolve easily in water! Which ones do you think? Leaves won’t dissolve. Sugar dissolves VERY easily– especially in warm water! Chocolate will dissolve, but not as easily as sugar! Salt will dissolve, but not as easily as sugar! I tricked you! Ice doesn’t dissolve, it melts! Plus, ice is the same thing as water, so it’s not a different material.

40 a scientific process that helps you make a good decisions about things using clues. infer

41 What inferences can you make about this picture?

42 If you knew all this stuff, you are ready for your test! If you don’t, you might want to study it some more!

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