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Typical glacial landscapes T Parson – Allerton Grange School.

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Presentation on theme: "Typical glacial landscapes T Parson – Allerton Grange School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Typical glacial landscapes T Parson – Allerton Grange School

2 Location Cold Environments You need to know details on the following… Glacial environments Periglacial environments Alpine regions What, where and characteristics.

3 Task : Location of glacial environments Using the next slide and answering in at least 3 sentences describe the location of : Glacial environments Periglacial environments Alpine regions What, where and characteristics.

4 Location Cold Environments Glacial Alpine Tundra

5 Snow line – Describe why there is a snow line?

6 Task : KEY TERMS Try to define the following… Fluvioglacial (glacifluvial) Glacier Ice ages Ice sheet Periglacial Tundra

7 KEY TERMS revealed FLUVIOGLACIAL (GLACIFLUVIAL) Processes and landforms associated with the action of glacial meltwater GLACIER A tongue shaped mass of ice moving slowly down a valley ICE AGES The common term for the period when there were major cold phases known as glacials, and ice sheets covered large areas of the world. The last ice age lasted from about 2 million years ago to 10 000 BP (before present) known as the Quaternary glaciation. At this time 30% of the Earths surface was covered in ice compared to 10% today.

8 KEY TERMS revealed ICE SHEET A body of ice covering an area of at least 50 000 km2.Today, ice sheets cover Antarctica and Greenland, with smaller sheets (ice caps) covering areas of Iceland, Spitsbergen and Norway. Major ice sheets can be up to 2,000m thick today; those that occurred at the maximum extent of the quaternary glaciation could have been up to twice that thickness. PERIGLACIAL Processes and landforms associated with the fringe of, or the area near to, an ice sheet or glacier

9 KEY TERMS revealed TUNDRA A climatic and vegetation type found in the most northerly parts of Eurasia and North America. Tundra- like environments also occur above the tree line in mountainous areas such as the Alps, Rockies, Andes and Himalayas. Quaternary tundra climate affected Central N America and Europe, tundra today covers around 25% of the earths surface. Tundra

10 Drag and drop slide 7-9 13655/ 13655/ - glacier p1 0/1192766804/ 0/1192766804/ - picture p5 sse/2069804794/ sse/2069804794/ - Tundra p9

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