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1-26-15 What is the water cycle? Do Now: R&H pp160-163  What is the difference between sea water and ground water?  Define: Porosity, Permeability,

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Presentation on theme: "1-26-15 What is the water cycle? Do Now: R&H pp160-163  What is the difference between sea water and ground water?  Define: Porosity, Permeability,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1-26-15 What is the water cycle? Do Now: R&H pp160-163  What is the difference between sea water and ground water?  Define: Porosity, Permeability, and Capillarity. HW. Water Cycle Essay

2 Water Cycle

3 1-30-15 Aim- What is the Water Budget? Do Now- List all factors that would increase run-off. Review definitions for porosity, permeability, and capillarity. HW. A&E p.163 #1-25

4 The Water Budget is a mathematical model of the water cycle for a region. Water Budget Terms (monthly) (P) Precipitation- the amount of rainfall for the month. (Ep) Potential Evapotranspiration- temperature or heat that gives potential for this to happen. (St) Storage- water that is stored in the ground. Ground is full at 100 and empty at 0. (Ea) Actual Evapotranspiration- actually what has evapotranspirated. Always the same as Ep as long as there is water in the ground. (D) Deficit- amount of water you are short by. When the St is at 0, and Ep is greater than P, then it is Ep-Ea. (S) Surplus- when St = 100 and P is greater than Ep

5 Water budget Usage- when you are using up water in the ground. Ep>P and storage is not at 100. Recharge- when you are refilling the ground with water. P>Ep and storage is not at 100.

6 2-2-15 Aim: What factors affect climate Do Now: R&H pp. 165-171, What is climate? HW- Finish lab. Topic 8 Test Wednesday. Mid Term Thursday – Topics 1-7. HW – A&E #26-61, Study all of Topic 8 for exam Tuesday. Mid Term Thursday and Friday.

7 Factors that affect climate Climate is the long term effect of temperature and humidity on an area. 1. Latitude – as latitude increases temperature decreases. 2. Wind and Pressure Belts- Converging winds are low pressure, high humidity, whereas diverging winds are high pressure and dry. 3. Large bodies of water moderate climate because water has a high specific heat. Living by a large body of water cools your summer and warms your winter giving you a smaller temperature range.

8 4. Ocean Currents bring qualities of where they come from. Warm currents from the equator bring warmer temperatures and Cool currents from the poles bring colder temps. 5. Mountain barriers force air to rise on the windward side making it cooler and more humid and on the leeward side it is hot and arid. 6. Elevation- as elevation increases, temperatures decrease and chance of precipitation increases. 7. Amount of cloud cover- more clouds block more insolation making it cooler and more humid. 8. Vegetation- more vegetation puts more moisture in the air which traps heat making it warmer with a smaller temperature range.

9 1-28-13 Aim: Topic 8 Review Do Now- What are all the factors that influence Long Island’s climate and what impact do they have? (8 things.) HW: Study all of Topic 8 for exam Tuesday.

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