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 Goal 12  US History Review  Presidential policies  Supreme Court cases.

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1  Goal 12  US History Review  Presidential policies  Supreme Court cases

2  Chief Justice Earl Warren led the court toward a number of landmark decisions in the fields of civil rights and individual liberties. Among these were the unanimous 1954 decision, written by Warren, ending segregation in the nation's schools, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

3  Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that enforces men’s and women’s equality in any educational sports program or activity at any educational institution that receive federal funds.

4  Content: Block grants  Block grants reduce federal involvement in state run housing projects  the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funds must be used to benefit state residents.

5  After the Watergate scandal of the Nixon [Republican] administration  President Carter campaigned on the promise that he would not lie or deceive the American people and he won the 1976 presidential election

6  U.S. oil consumption was the major cause of ill shortages in the early 1970’s, mainly from gas inefficient vehicles  Arab-Israeli conflicts had produced a growing tension between U.S. and Arab countries, but over consumption was the major problem

7  President Carter meet for twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David, the Israeli-Egyptian negotiations were concluded by the signing at the White House agreeing to peace between Israel and Egypt.

8  Content: Bakke v. Regents, University of California.  Content: Bakke v. Regents, University of California.  The Supreme Court first considered that question in 1978, in the case of Bakke v. Regents, University of California. Bakke, a white applicant to the UC-Davis Medical School, claimed that he was denied admission even though his test scores and grades were markedly better than minority applicants who were admitted. The Court found that Bakke had been denied equal protection of the laws by UC-

9  Content: Cesar E. Chavez  A true American hero, Cesar was a Latino, a farm worker and labor leader; he mobilized migrant workers to protest their working conditions, a crusader for nonviolent social change; and an environmentalist and consumer advocate

10  Ronald Reagan domestic policy- The rich and prosperous do not pay taxes, "trickle down economies" and the lower classes. Lower taxes on wealthily incomes would benefit American society.  This policy led to a high Government deficit and deficit spending

11  The concept for the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) was designed for x-ray lasers in space to shoot down Soviet missiles. Reagan is credit for helping to end cold war, but it was already over. The concept required deficit spending and led to the largest US deficit in modern times during the Reagan era. (today it is simply used for your cell phones, so keep texting the Gov’t reads and hears everything you write and say)

12  On April 26, 1986, the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, exploded. The workers were performing an experiment with the reactor's safety systems during which the computer- controlled safety systems were disabled. April 261986 Chernobyl Nuclear Power PlantApril 261986 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant  Countries began to increase its regulation of nuclear power plants

13  A malfunction had occurred in the reactor's cooling system in Unit 2. Radiation — an alarming word — was reportedly leaking leading to an explosion and leakage of radiation  United States increase its regulation of nuclear power plants

14  President H.W. Bush saw Operation Desert Storm as a mission to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait  Operation Desert Storm was decision to restore Kuwait's sovereignty by military force. The ensuing air war and the effects of the economic embargo decimated Iraq's military infrastructure, severed communication and supply lines driving Iraqi forces out of Kuwait

15  NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, went into effect on January 1, 1994. The Agreement phases out most tariffs between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Tariffs, which are taxes on imports, increase the price of foreign goods and thereby benefit domestic producers. President Clinton passage this legislation in 1994

16  President Bill Clinton attempted health care legislation that was responsive to most Americans needs condemns the comprehensive reform of totaling $1 trillion health system- accounting for about one-seventh of the entire U.S. economy was never passed by congress

17  President Clinton used force in Bosnia an attempt to bring an end to regional conflict  President Clinton deployed forces to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Hungary as part of the NATO Implementation Force (IFOR) in Operation Joint Endeavor to stop regional conflict

18  Content: Hispanics  Hispanics are the largest minority population in the United States whose buying power has more than tripled during the past 15 years.

19  Content: Diversity of America  Promoting ethnic equality and fostering a culture of mutual respect for people from different ethnic groups requires multiple teaching practices

20  No Child Left Behind Act NCLB: includes significant new accountability measures for all public schools. It is based on the ambitious goal that ALL children will be proficient in reading and math by 2014. The federal Government

21  The Patriot Act is a U.S. law passed in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Its goals are to strengthen domestic security and broaden the powers of law-enforcement agencies with regards to identifying and stopping terrorists.  Main Provisions of the Patriot Act:  Homeland Security National Operations Center

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