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Human Impact Budget Housing Human Impact Budget Housing.

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1 Human Impact Budget Housing Human Impact Budget Housing

2 Funds for Affordable Housing Development have been severely reduced in recent years. Loss of Funding

3 155,000 Households, or 28.5% of the population of Alameda County, cannot afford a two bedroom apartment rental Or there would have to be 3.4 persons in that household working 40 hours a week each to afford the rent. (Source: Out of Reach 2012, National Low Income Housing Coalition) Need for Affordable Housing

4 Imagine Affordable housing = Safety Net Reduce rent to about 30% of income, increasing income available to meet other needs, such as food, childcare, and medical costs Gain access to community resources and resident services Provide a safe home near transportation, retail, and services

5 Glen Eden Apartments – Eden Housing Cassandra and Family live at the Glen Eden Apartments in Castro Valley Current Wait List: 275

6 Clinton Commons– Resources for Community Development Current Wait List: 2,865 Angel recycles, “because if we don't, the bottles will end up in the ocean and the fish will die."

7 Main Street Village – Allied Housing and Mid Penn Kashawna grew up in Foster Care and now has stable housing at Main Street village. Current Wait List: 1,652

8 Ashland Village – Eden Housing Philip grew up at Ashland Village and is now studying Political Science and Spanish at UC Davis.

9 Impacts of Permanent Supportive Housing on Safety Net System 56% fewer ER visits and 46% less hospital admissions (SF) 82% fewer detox visits (Denver) 87% fewer admissions to sobering centers (Seattle) 45% fewer nursing home days (Chicago) $8,949 less Medicaid costs per person 6 months after being housed (Massachusetts) 79% reduced public service costs among a former homeless group(LA) 5,900 fewer nursing home days and $500K reduced costs (Chicago) 9 Impacts of Affordable Housing

10 Zakhar enjoys how “peaceful” and quiet his surroundings are at Camellia Place, his first independent living situation. Camellia Place – EAH

11 Harmon Gardens – Satellite Affordable Housing Associates Christina is a former foster youth, moved into Harmon Gardens in 2012 when it opened. Current Wait List: 29

12 Merritt Crossings – Satellite Affordable Housing Associates Current Wait List: 544 William is thankful for his new housing at Merritt Crossings. “ I knew one day my life would turn around, and it did beautifully.”.

13 Erna P. Harris – Resources for Community Development Donald T. lives at Erna P. Harris Court Current Wait List: 552

14 14 Source: HCD August 2013 HMIS Report Homelessness in Alameda County


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