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CALCULATING A FEED RATION. Factors to consider Present state of condition and health. Size and type. Age. Weight. Amount of work. Temperament. Ability.

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Presentation on theme: "CALCULATING A FEED RATION. Factors to consider Present state of condition and health. Size and type. Age. Weight. Amount of work. Temperament. Ability."— Presentation transcript:


2 Factors to consider Present state of condition and health. Size and type. Age. Weight. Amount of work. Temperament. Ability of rider. Weather (horse in / out?). Cost-effectiveness. Availability of foodstuffs. Feed storage and ease of handling.

3 Assessing condition in horses The horse’s condition can be described as GOOD or BAD. Soft Good condition Hard Underweight Bad condition Overweight

4 Good condition - Carrying an appropriate amount of weight for the stage of training or work required. Thriving appearance. Signs of good health. Soft - Well but not fit. Slack muscles. Slightly fat but not unhealthy. Incapable of sustained effort without sweating / distress. e.g. turned away / post injury. Hard - Well and fit. Free from excess fat (internally & externally). Muscles hard / well developed and clearly defined. Limbs toned. e.g. hunter in regular work / competition horse.

5 Bad condition - Not carrying the correct amount of weight for the work required. Not thriving. Underweight - No layer of fat under skin. Underdeveloped muscle. Neck, shoulders, quarters very thin. Bones prominent. Skin / coat dry & dull. Lacking energy. Cannot fight infection or withstand the cold. Overweight - Gross, pads of fat. Neck, crest, shoulder, quarters. Moving is an effort leading to distress. Internal organs are covered in fat, causing excess strain. Limbs suffer due to extra burden.

6 Other terms to describe condition: Gross / Obese = Fat Light = Short of ideal Poor = Short of flesh, dull coat Emaciated = Skin and bone Condition is assessed by using the “condition scoring” system. This measures the weight distribution over the neck, back, ribs and quarters.

7 Step 1. Calculating the horse’s weight How big is the horse? Either measure or estimate. Ideally, use a weighbridge. Weightapes – measure around the girth and they give an approximate weight. Formulae - Girth & body length measurements – measure around the girth (G) & from the point of shoulder to the point of hip (L) and use the following equation: G(cm) x G x L(cm) = Bodyweight (kg) or 8700 G(in.) x G x L(in) = Bodyweight (lb) 241.3

8 Table of approximate bodyweights: TypeHeight (h.h.) Approx. weight (KG) Approx. weight (lb) Pony13.0300660 Large pony14.2425950 Small hunter15.25001100 Medium hunter 16.05751250 Large hunter16.36501500 Draft / shire 17.010002200

9 Step 2. Calculating total daily feed requirement A horse can eat up to 2.5% of its bodyweight daily, although it does not have to eat the maximum. Calculation used: Bodyweight (kg) x 2.5 = Max. daily amount of food kg 100 For example – a 15.2hh small hunter weighs approx. 500kg. 500 x 2.5 = 12.5kg (28lbs) (to convert kg to lbs x 0.25) 100 Quantity then needs to be adapted to suit the individual & the circumstances.

10 Step 3. Roughage: concentrate ratio Total daily feed intake is split into the hay / haylage / grass ration & the concentrate ration. Based mainly on the horse’s workload.

11 Work doneRoughageConcentrates Resting100%0 Light work80%20% Medium work65%35% Hard work50%

12 The percentages then have to be converted into weights of feeds. For example, the 500kg horse being fed 12.5kg food / day. If being fed 75:25% R:C 12.5 / 100 x 75 = 9.38kg roughage / day 12.5 / 100 x 25 = 3.13kg concentrates / day

13 EXERCISE Individually, work out a ration for your own horse or one that you care for. State the height & type & estimate the weight. State the work done & temperament etc. Calculate the total daily feed requirement & roughage : concentrate ratio. Calculate the weights of the roughage & concentrates. Suggest suitable types of feed & forage.

14 Step 4. Protein requirements Suggested protein levels in the total ration: Light work7.5 – 8.5% Medium work7.5 – 8.5% Hard work8.5 – 10% Strenuous work8.5 – 10% Pregnant mares8 – 10% Mares in last trimester11-13% Lactating mares14 – 12% (gradually decreasing) Foals16-18% Weaned foals14.5 – 16% Yearlings12-14% 2 year olds10 – 12% 3 year olds8.5 – 10%

15 Step 5. Calculating digestible energy requirements Maintenance Horses need 18MJ plus an extra 1MJ for each 10kg of bodyweight. 18MJ+bodyweight (kg) 10 e.g. a 500 kg horse 18 + 500= 68 MJ of DE / day 10

16 Production For work, add 1-8MJ for each 50kg of bodyweight, according to how hard the horse is working. Work score x bodyweight + maintenance DE 50 e.g. a 500 kg horse in medium work (some cantering): 3 x 500 = 30MJ + 68MJ DE = 98MJ of DE / day 50 (Add extra MJs for lactation, pregnancy and growth.)

17 Scale points for level of work CategoryScale pointActivity Light work11 hour walking 2Walking & trotting Medium work3Some cantering 4Jumping, schooling, dressage, driving Hard work5Eventing, cross-country, driving, hunting, endurance 6Hunting 2 days / week, 3-day eventing Fast/ energetic7Racing 8

18 Step 6. Allocating feed types You have calculated the daily intake, the roughage: concentrate ration, and the energy requirements. You now have to decide on what types of feeds to give. Start with the roughage. Use this as your base and try to give the energy requirements as closely as possible through the roughage. Any shortfall can then be made up with the concentrate portion of the ration. Does the horse need high energy or low energy foods? Does the horse need quick releasing or slow releasing energy?

19 EXERCISE: Suggest a suitable daily diet for a 14.2hh horse doing 1 hour of walking / day: Feed type e.g. Quantity fed kg / day DE / kgDE total MJ / day Hay Haylage Cool mix Hi-fi Sugar beet Total DE / day in diet:

20 EXERCISE: Suggest a suitable daily diet for a 16hh horse hunting twice a week : Feed type e.g. Quantity fed kg / day DE / kgDE total MJ / day Hay Haylage Total DE / day in diet:

21 EXERCISE: Suggest a suitable daily diet for a 15hh race horse: Feed type e.g. Quantity fed kg / day DE / kgDE total MJ / day Hay Haylage Total DE / day in diet:

22 EXERCISE: Suggest a suitable daily diet for a 15.2hh horse doing schooling & dressage: Feed type e.g. Quantity fed kg / day DE / kgDE total MJ / day Hay Haylage Total DE / day in diet:

23 Step 7. Reconciling the ration If the total DE content of the daily diet far exceeds the horse’s requirements, or vice versa, you could manipulate one or more of the following: Maximum daily appetite from 2.5% of bodyweight to as little as 2% of bodyweight. Roughage : concentrate ratio. Choice of feed types. Proportions of different feeds (particularly concentrates). Workload.

24 Ongoing monitoring of the horse’s response to its diet is vital (i.e. condition scoring), to gauge whether she is loosing / gaining weight or maintaining a desirable body condition. The diet can then be manipulated to take the response into account. Step 8. Monitoring

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