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Workshop on International Classifications 19-21 March 2013, Chisinau, Moldova National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic Ermekbaeva Gulmira - Head.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on International Classifications 19-21 March 2013, Chisinau, Moldova National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic Ermekbaeva Gulmira - Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on International Classifications 19-21 March 2013, Chisinau, Moldova National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic Ermekbaeva Gulmira - Head of Department of Statistical organization and cooperation with local statistical authorities

2 1.National Classification of Economic Activities (GKED, version 3) is based on the classification of economic activities of the Statistical Commission of the European Union (NACE) - 2011 2. State Statistical Classification of products (goods and services) - GSKP Developed based on the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community (CPA / CPA EU) and the list of products for the European production statistics (PRODCOM) - 2012 National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic

3 National Classification of Economic Activities (version 3) is based on the classification of economic activities of the Statistical Commission of the European Union (NACE) The Classification of Economic Activities (NCEA version 3) developed by CIS-STAT was used as a model to develop a new version National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic

4 National Classification of Economic Activities (version 3) was approved by the Government of the Kyrgyzstan in 2011, and all public authorities and businesses are required to use it in the conduct of departmental registers, state registration of business entities National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic

5 The Statistical Business Register is completely recoded, using the two classification versions (GKED version 2 and 3) Currently ongoing in the process of implementing the new statistical classification of economic activities: - Revision of statistical figures; -Recalculation of time series; Planning to release data in the official statistical publications and on the Web of the office in the second half 2013 National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic

6 National Classification of Economic Activities in GKED: 10.51Dairies and cheese (cheese-making) This class includes: - Production koumiss 11.07Soft drinks, production of mineral water and other bottled water This class includes the manufacture of non-alcoholic beverages (except non-alcoholic beer and wine): - The production of national drinks (max, etc.) 13.99Manufacture of other textiles This class includes: - Manufacture of felt, caps for hats, insoles, cloaks, hats and other felt

7 Problems in the transition to the new version of the State classification of economic activities The new classification increased the number of: Sections from 17 to 21 Subsections from 16 to 21 Divisions from 62 to 88 Groups from 222 to 272 Classes from 513 to 613 This has led to a significant amount of work when introducing the new classification National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic

8 The new version of the Statistical Classification of Products (goods and services) is designed - Based on the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community (CPA) and the list of products for the European production statistics (PRODCOM) - Full compliance with the statistical classification of products (goods and services) of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the CIS National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic

9 Currently, the Statistical Classification of products (goods and services) is being implemented in practice At the same time, various problems and inconsistencies are identified in the transition between the old and the new versions of classification National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic

10 OKD-2According to conversion key goes to OKD-3 Should go to OKD-3 Production of meat products Manufacture of prepared meals 10.13.9 Sausage products, of meat, meat offal or blood of animals Production of ethyl alcohol from fermented materials Production of acyclic and cyclic alcohols 11.01.0 Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits Production felting products Manufacture of other textiles excl. and industrial purposes 13.99.0Manufacture of other textiles nec Manufacture of wood products Parquet panels manufacturing 16.23.9 Manufacture of other products of wood Production of nuclear materials 23.30.0 20.13.1Production of enriched uranium Problems in the transition to the new version GSKP Changes in the conversion key to OKD-3

11 Thank you for your attention!

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