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Syrian Agriculture Database 2005 “SAD2005” Training & Examples by Bashar Nahas - Nadia Melli.

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Presentation on theme: "Syrian Agriculture Database 2005 “SAD2005” Training & Examples by Bashar Nahas - Nadia Melli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syrian Agriculture Database 2005 “SAD2005” Training & Examples by Bashar Nahas - Nadia Melli

2  The database comprises time-series data from official secondary sources (statistics of various Departments and Ministries in Syria).  Arranged in a user friendly interface, meeting FAOSTAT standards. SAD 2005

3  Available soon on, already on NAPC Intranet, and on the Internet at the FAO/FAOSTAT website ( ).  Also available on CD-ROM (500 CD- ROMs have been produced with a new cover design).

4 SAD2005 Organization and Classification Criteria The DB is categorized in 8 subsets/domains and 27 collections as follows:  National Economic Data 1985-2004  Land and Water 1985-2004  Crop & Tree Production 1985-2004  Live Animals & Animal Products 1985-2004  Agricultural Inputs 1986-2004  Costs and Prices 1985-2004  Trade in Agricultural Commodities 1994-2004  Agricultural Census, 1994


6 Main Changes from SAD2004  Updated agricultural data for year 2004 and agricultural trade data for years 1994-2003- 2004.  Disaggregated the Agricultural data domains Land & Water and Crop & Tree Production at district level “mantika” (sub-division of governorate).  Added 149 area names (Governorate/Mantika/ zones) and 60 Groups of Governorate-Mantika for past four years 2001 to 2004.

7 How Do you Retrieve Data from SAD2005?  Area: Where the data has been collected from.  Item: The agricultural or economic item to which the data refer.  Element: The name of the unit of the element (e.g. "Production", "Cultivation area", "Yield").  Year: The time reference of the data.

8 Application 1 by Using SAD 2005  Drawing a pie chart showing the “Share of wheat planted Areas in each Mantika in Aleppo governorate” - 2004. Aleppo governorate contains 8 “Mantika”




12 Application 2  Share of planted Areas - by crops categories (Crops & Fruits) in Al Hassakeh, Mantika-Al Qamishli, Zone1 – 2004. crops categories (Crops & Fruits) includes 8 crop category.




16 Application 3  Drawing a chart showing wheat production and planted area - time series data1985- 2004.  Drawing a chart showing olive production and planted area - time series data 1985- 2004.  Drawing a chart showing Tomatoes average retail-wholesale Price- time series data 1990-2004





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23 23 Application 4  Drawing a chart showing Agricultural Trade value (exports –imports) 2000-2004  Drawing a chart showing an Import of Agriculture commodities values from different regions 2000-2004  Drawing a chart showing an Export of Agriculture commodities values to different regions 2000-2004

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