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Chapter 15 Notes part 1 Intro to Cold War  The Cold War was a war of words and military actions between the United States and the USSR that lasted from.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 Notes part 1 Intro to Cold War  The Cold War was a war of words and military actions between the United States and the USSR that lasted from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 Notes part 1 Intro to Cold War  The Cold War was a war of words and military actions between the United States and the USSR that lasted from (4)1946 until 1990.  No major battles happened during the Cold War.  Indirect wars were fought like the Korean War and Vietnam War.  The Cold War was a race between the two world’s superpowers in everything from nuclear bombs, exploring space, fashion, music, and spying.

2 The Division of Berlin

3 The Bipolarization of Europe

4 George Kennan [“X Article”]: (11)Long telegram (12)CONTAINMENT and Russian Fear Goals Means Actual Application Restoration of the balance of power Reduction of Soviet ability to project outside power. of self- confidence in nations threatened by Soviet expansion. Encouragement Exploitation of tensions in international communism with (14)taking oil from Iran Long-term program of U.S. (5)economic assistance [Marshall Plan] Cooperation with communist regimes; [supporting Titoism in Yugoslavia]

5 Modification of the Soviet concept of international relations. Negotiating settlement of outstanding differences. Using “carrots & sticks’; containing Germany with an embrace and Russia at arms length. George Kennan [“X Article”]: CONTAINMENT Goals Means Actual Application

6 National Defense Budget [1940-1964]

7 Iron Curtain  (9)Winston Churchill first used the term “Iron Curtain” in a speech while visiting the United States.  The Iron curtain was an imaginary (10)dividing line between Eastern Europe (Communist) and Western Europe (Democratic).


9 Potsdam Conference  Following WWII, Berlin was divided into four zones: (3) American French British Soviet Union  Truman and Stalin met in Potsdam Germany in July of 1945 to discuss the (1)outcome of Germany and the world following the war.  This meeting created tension between the two superpowers.

10 The (17)Marshall Plan  The U.S. Secretary of State was George C. Marshall.  In 1947 he proposed to give money to nations that were not communist.  European countries received $13 billion from this plan.  The Soviet set up a rival plan known as COMECON with its neighboring Communist nations.  This stands for Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

11 The Berlin Airlift Slide 5 of 8  In June of 1948,(19) Soviet troops cut all road and rail traffic to West Berlin.  This created a crisis for the people living there because they needed supplies.  Not wanting West Berlin to fall to the Soviets, President Truman ordered supplies to be flown in from Britain.  For 11 months various supplies were flown to West Berlin.

12 NATO and Warsaw Pact  NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization and (21)allowed west Germany to organize  It was created by 12 democratic countries as a mutual defense alliance.  When the Soviets found out about NATO, they created their own alliance with fellow communist countries called the Warsaw Pact.

13 Rise of Communism in China Slide 7 of 8  The Nationalist government of China was headed by Chiang Kai-shek.  The Communist Party was headed by (22)Mao Zedong.  The Communist revolution finally took over in 1949.  In 1949 the People’s Republic of China took over.  The Chinese Nationalist government fled to the small island of Taiwan.  After China was lost the US decided to (24)help rebuild Japan to have a trade partner in the East

14 The Korean War  After the communist took over in China, they started for Korea.  On June 25th 1950, (25)North Korean troops (communist) attacked South Korea.  President Truman sent Douglass MacArthur with UN troops to stop them.  Eventually a cease fire was reached and Korea was divided along the (26)38th parallel. North Korea (Communist) and South Korea (Democratic).  In April of 1951, Truman fired MacArthur for insubordination. (29)McArthur wanted to go nuclear

15 Korean War [1950-1953]

16 The Shifting Map of Korea [1950-1953]

17 Korean War [1950-1953] Syngman Rhee Kim Il-Sung “Domino Theory” US was involved in a small Limited war- (28)to achieve a Small goal

18 Who cares and So what?  No More friends just enemies  USSR vs. USA  Capitalism vs. Communism  New Warfare  Who Are our friends today?

19  How much $$$  People don’t forget war!! 

20 Ch 15 sec 1-2 tech time- be sure to put your name on your e- mail 1- plan postwar world16- Stabilize Greece and help Turkey fight USSR 2- all people choose their GOV17- Marshall Plan 3- GB, US, USSR, France18- Federal Republic of Germany 4- Cold War19- Cut all roads and railroads 5- Economic Growth20- American will to stop communism 6- a new bomb “ A-bomb”21- Allow west Germany to reorganize 7- Satellite Nations22- Mao Zedong 8- Controlled by orbiting USSR23- Successful test of 1 st atomic weapon 9- Winston Churchill24- Rebuild Japan 10- Eastern Europe & USSR25- Communist Invasion of South Korea 11- Long Telegram26- 38 th Parallel 12- Russian fear of the US27- UN was a threat 13- Control Communism28- Achieve a small “limited” goal 14- Took Oil from Iran29- MacArthur wanted a-bomb use Truman didn't 15- Control of Middle East

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