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Chapter 4: Circulatory System By: Ryan Salvato & Robbie Wynne.

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1 Chapter 4: Circulatory System By: Ryan Salvato & Robbie Wynne

2 Blood components and functions

3 Blood Blood is 55% plasma and 45% formed elements Plasma is a transparent yellow liquid without the blood cells Plasma consists mainly of water Plasma is 5-8% Formed elements include Erythrocytes and Thrombocytes

4 Proteins in blood 3 part/types of proteins Albumin-major protein in blood, maintains water in the bloodstream Globulins- antibodies produced to fight diseases Fibrinogen- aids in blood clotting

5 Red blood cells (RBCs) Erythrocytes Carries the oxygen around the body Produced in the bone marrow (Erythropoiesis) Immature RBCs contain a nucleus, found in the bloodstream Red color given by the hemoglobin protein Adult dogs has 6-8million RBCs/mircoliter

6 White blood cells (WBCs) Leukocytes Protect against disease Part of the immune system 6-17 thousand/microliter Counts and types can help diagnose infectious diseases Neutrophil is the most predominant WBC in animals

7 Platelets Thrombocytes Produced in bone marrow Aid in blood clotting Platelets attach to edges of damaged vessels plugging the hole

8 Heart Structure

9 The hearts 4 chambers 2 that carry de-oxygenated blood Right Atrium Right Ventricle 2 that carry oxygenated blood Left Atrium Left Ventricle

10 Heart valves Heart valve stop the blood in the heart from flowing backwards the 4 valves are: Pulmonary valve Tricuspid valve Aortic valve Mitral valve

11 Blood vessels and Blood flow

12 Purpose of the vena cava Caudal vena cava returns blood from behind the heart Cranial vena cava returns blood to the front of the heart Carry the de-oxygenated blood to the right side of the heart

13 Arteries and veins Arteries carry the de-oxygenated blood to the lungs Veins carry oxygenated blood back to the heart to be pumped around the body

14 Aorta The aorta carries the blood from the left side of the heart and carries it around the body Includes:Aorta Abdominal aorta

15 Electrocardiograms, Heart Sounds and Blood Pressure

16 Electrocardiograph Electronic instrument Picks up small electrical signals in the body fluid Helps detect irregular beats as well as other problems in the stream

17 Electrocardiogram (ECG) Tracing made by electrocardiograph Letters identify the different peaks in the transmission Identifies problems with the contraction of the heart Problems indicated by rises in heart beat of damaged portions of the line

18 Tachycardia Indicates a heart rate that is faster than normal with a normal rhythm Can be seen as a elevated heart rate

19 Heart Murmurs Occur from a defective valve or abnormal blood flow Described as a prolonged swishing noise Systolic Murmur- AV leakage causes a lub-swish-dup sound, occurs during the contraction of the ventricles Diastolic Murmur- Creates a lub-dup- swish sound, occurs when blood leaks back into the ventricle when relaxing Diastolic Murmur- Creates a lub-dup- swish sound, occurs when blood leaks back into the ventricle when relaxing

20 Blood Pressure Maintained within a tight range Pressure receptors and some major arteries can detect a change Pressure increase = decreased heart rate Pressure decrease = increased heart rate

21 Clinical Practice

22 Heart failure Condition in which the heart is unable to meet the demands of the animal Not usually treated Removed from the group of animals

23 Autoimmune disease RBCs are targeted RBCs are killed faster than they are produced Bone marrow tries to correct the low count & releases some immature RBCs

24 Shock A life-threatening condition Occurs when the body is not getting enough blood flow Can damage multiple organs

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