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Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Collection

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Presentation on theme: "Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Collection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Collection
Identify the type of professionals who are present at a crime scene Describe how evidence from a crime scene is analyzed Summarize Locard’s exchange principle Identify four examples of trace evidence Distinguish between direct and circumstantial evidence All Rights Reserved South-Western / Cengage Learning © 2012, 2009 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 2

2 Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Collection
Summarize the three steps of a crime scene investigation Explain the importance of securing the crime scene Identify the methods by which a crime scene is documented Demonstrate proper technique in collecting and packaging trace evidence

3 Wednesday 9/26 D day AIM: EVIDENCE DO NOW:
Designate each person at your table a role: 2 people – director 2 people – reporter 1 person – recorder * Brainstorm different types of physical evidence used to help solve crimes

4 AIM: EVIDENCE Read Lessons from the JONBENET RAMSET case - to be collected ( 1 per table ) Answer the following questions with your table: 1. What mistakes were made by the Boulder Police Department in securing the crime scene? 2. What specific kinds of evidence may have been compromised? 3. What could the police have done differently to secure the crime scene and the evidence?

5 Principle of Exchange Established by Dr. Edmond Locard, the principle states: When a person comes in contact with an object or another person, a cross-transfer of physical material can occur Study of the material can determine the nature and duration of the transfer

6 Testimony by a witness about what that witness saw, heard, or did
Types of Evidence Direct evidence Testimony by a witness about what that witness saw, heard, or did

7 Types of Evidence Circumstantial evidence Physical evidence
also called Indirect trace evidence Physical evidence e.g., fingerprints Biological evidence e.g., blood or hairs

8 Types of Evidence Explain why this would be or
would not be trace evidence

9 Wednesday 9/26 D day HOMEWORK
Read pg. 23 Write a paragraph explaining the difference between class and individual evidence. Make sure to give examples of each Include the following questions in your discussion Would class or individual evidence be considered direct or circumstantial If evidence is circumstantial, would you classify class or individual evidence as physical or biological?

10 Thursday 9/27 E day AIM: EVIDENCE DO NOW: Have HW out on your table
Read article on Natalee Halloway What happened to Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005? This is an unsolved case in which questions have been raised about why crime scene investigators have not been able to find her body. In fact, investigators searched the island with an array of cutting-edge tools, from a remote-controlled submersible equipped with a video camera and sonar used for probing the water under bridges and in lagoons, to telescoping rods tipped with infrared sensors and cameras used for looking beneath manhole covers and into shadowy caverns. Read the articles and make your own investigation by reading the primary sources. How would you decide?

11 Thursday 9/27 E day AIM: EVIDENCE DO NOW: Have HW out on your table
Answer the following questions individually: Summarize Locard’s exchange principle Identify four examples of trace evidence Distinguish between direct and circumstantial evidence .

12 The Crime Scene Investigation Team
Who is at the crime scene? Police District attorney (possibly) Crime scene investigators Medical examiners Detectives Specialists

13 The Seven S’s of Crime Scene Investigation
Secure the scene (first responder police officer) Separate the witnesses -Witnesses must not be allowed to talk to each other. Their accounts of the events will be compared Scan the scene - The forensic examiners need to scan the scene to determine where photos should be taken. A determination may be made of a primary crime scene and secondary crime scene and priorities assigned regarding examination.

14 The Seven S’s of Crime Scene Investigation
4. Seeing the scene - Photos of the overall area and close-up photos with and without a measuring ruler should be taken. 5. Sketch the scene - An accurate rough sketch of the crime scene is made, noting the position of the body (if any) and any other evidence. (see crime scene sketch) 6. Search for evidence - Depending on the number of investigators, a spiral, grid, linear, or quadrant pattern should be walked and location of evidence marked, photographed, and sketched (see crime scene search patterns 7. Secure the collected evidence - All evidence needs to be properly packaged, sealed, and labeled

15 Crime-Scene Sketch Form
A blank crime-scene sketch form showing the information that must be provided with the sketch.

16 Crime-Scene Search Patterns
Four crime-scene search patterns.

17 Packaging the evidence
Crease a clean paper and place evidence in the X position Fold in the left and right sides, and then fold in the top and bottom Put the bindle into a plastic or paper evidence bag affixing a seal over the opening Write your name on the seal

18 Evidence ID Forms

19 Chain of Custody Maintaining a chain of custody log is essential to present credible evidence in court

20 Chain of Custody (cont’d.)
Bag the evidence Add identification Seal it Sign it across the sealed edge Sign over to a lab technician Open bag on non-sealed edge Return items to the evidence bag Seal evidence bag in another bag Sign the evidence log

21 Friday 9/28 F day AIM: EVIDENCE DO NOW:
Answer the following questions individually: Identify the type of professionals who are present at a crime scene Describe how evidence from a crime scene is analyzed Explain the importance of securing the crime scene .

22 Analyze the Evidence Facts result from collected evidence processed by the forensic lab Lead detective aims to see how facts fit into the crime scenario

23 Analyze the Evidence Lab results can:
Show reliability of witness accounts Establish the identity of suspects or victims Show suspects to be innocent or link them with a scene or victim

24 Crime Scene Reconstruction
Crime scene reconstruction involves: Forming a hypothesis of the sequence of events From before the crime was committed through its commission

25 Staged Crime Scenes When lab results don’t match up with the testimony of witnesses Common examples: Staging a fire—to cover bankruptcy Staging a suicide—to cover a murder Staging a burglary—to collect insurance money

26 Staged Crime Scenes Was the crime scene staged? Consider:
Does the type of wound match the weapon? Could the wound be easily self-inflicted? What were the mood and actions of the victim before the event? What were the mood and actions of the suspect before the event?

27 Summary Locard’s exchange principle: Contact between people and objects can transfer material that can determine the nature and duration of the transfer Evidence can be direct or indirect Physical or biological traces A crime scene investigation team consists of police, detectives, crime scene investigators, medical investigators, and specialists.

28 Summary Investigations consist of recognizing, documenting, and collecting evidence. First responding officers identify the extent of the crime scene, secure it, and segregate witnesses. Crime scene investigators document the crime scene. Evidence is collected, packaged, and labeled. The evidence is analyzed and interpreted to fit the crime scenario.

29 Conclusion HW Write an essay discussing the following questions – individually If an eyewitness to a crime is a relative, friend, or acquaintance of the person committing the crime would he or she be a more or less reliable witness? Why or why not?

30 Wednesday 10/3 B day AIM: EVIDENCE DO NOW:
1. Have HW out on your desk (put into a pile by sink) 2. Re-read The Atlanta Child Murders Case You are going to become the defense attorney for Wayne Williams. What would your strategy be to create reasonable doubt and allow the jury to find Mr. Williams innocent?

31 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 2

32 Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, Chapter 2

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