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Faculty of Computer Science Tips for a good start Faculty of Computer Science29th September 2008Faculty Administration Federica Cumer, Assistant for Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Computer Science Tips for a good start Faculty of Computer Science29th September 2008Faculty Administration Federica Cumer, Assistant for Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Computer Science Tips for a good start Faculty of Computer Science29th September 2008Faculty Administration Federica Cumer, Assistant for Teaching Affairs ( Ester Solderer, Assistant for Teaching Affairs (

2 Courses Web  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  Courses  Full list of all courses By clicking on the Course Name you get to the Course Presentation Form, which contains:Course Presentation Form  Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Office Hours…  Credit Points (CP), Semester, Lecture Hours…  Prerequisites, Objectives, Syllabus, Reading List…  Teaching Format, Assessment, Learning Outcome By clicking on “Link” in the Course Presentation Form you get to the Course Page maintained by the lecturer, which contains: Course Page è Detailed information on the course è Course materials (slides, notes, exercises, resources…) è Exams and Midterms (date, papers, solutions, marks…) Faculty of Computer Science Faculty Administration29th September 2008

3 Lectures - Where and When All lectures are held in the Main University Building, in Via Sernesi 1 Web  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  Timetable Different views of Timetables:  Summaries: the typical weekly schedule Useful at the beginning of the semester to get an overview  Day by day view: updated in real time, info on lecture rooms Useful during the year to check changes and variations  Exam Session: timetable of exams only The timetable of compulsory courses never overlaps èYou can attend all courses foreseen in the study plan Faculty of Computer Science Faculty Administration29th September 2008

4 Exams How many times can I try an exam? è3 exam session per year for each course èTry the exam only when you feel prepared How does the exam work? èOral only, written only, or oral and written è You might have to present a project or a portfolio è See Course Presentation Form (“Assessment”) How is the exam graded? èMarks are calculated in 30/30: the pass mark is 18/30, the highest mark is 30/30 cum laude Remember to enroll! Web  Unibz  Intranet  Services for Students  Student Portal  Enrolment to examsWeb  Unibz  Intranet  Services for Students  Student Portal  Enrolment to exams è You have to enroll on-line è Enrollment closes 3 day before the exam è If you forget to enroll, no exam! Faculty of Computer Science Faculty Administration29th September 2008

5 Credit Points (CP) Credit Point System: èsystem based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme èthe Bachelor programme foresees 180 CP over 3 years èthe Master programme foresees 120 CP over 2 years Credit Points at the Free University of Bolzano (FUB): è1 FUB CP = 1 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): credits are easy to recognize all over the world è1 FUB CP = 25 hours of workload in total (including lectures, exercises, study time and exam) è25 hours = 9 hours of classroom attendance (typically: 6 hours of lecture and 3 hours of exercises) + ~ 16 hours of independent work Faculty of Computer Science Faculty Administration29th September 2008

6 Meeting your Teaching Staff Meeting your Teaching Staff is easy: use this opportunity! Talking to Professors and Teaching Assistants is always useful, and can ultimately lead to many interesting projects and opportunities. Faculty Staff are Professors, Researchers and PhD Students that work full time at the Faculty. Contract Staff are Professors and Teaching Assistants that teach courses for the Faculty, but do not work there full time. Office Hours: Web  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  Courses  Course Presentation Form  Office HoursWeb  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  Courses  Course Presentation Form  Office Hours Faculty of Computer Science Faculty Administration29th September 2008

7 Other Hints Computer Labs and Software: èCourse software is already installed in our Computer Labs èFree software for your laptops is available at the IT Centre of the Faculty: Web  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  Faculty IT CentreWeb  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  Faculty IT Centre èIn case of problems with the Lab PCs, open an on-line ticket for the I&CT technicians: Web  Unibz  Intranet  HelpDesk Web PortalWeb  Unibz  Intranet  HelpDesk Web Portal Work with other students èCollaboration between students is strongly encouraged: you will do many projects, and teamwork is important FAQ: Web  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  FAQWeb  Faculty of Computer Science  Students Area  FAQ èThe famous Frequently Asked Questions Student Exchanges, Internships, Thesis - Think ahead! èStart the preparation well in advance: there are regulations to follow, and deadlines to respect Faculty of Computer Science Faculty Administration29th September 2008

8 Student Representative at the Faculty Council: Andrea Girardello, e-mail: Student Representative at the Master Degree: None elected in 2008 Student Representative at the Bachelor Degree: Gianluca Campanella, e-mail: Ingo Larch, e-mail: Tutor Students available till December 2008: Valentin Tincas, Sarunas Marciuska, If you want to know your rights and duties, read the regulations: èWeb  Faculty of Computer Science  Bachelor in Applied Computer Science  RegulationsWeb  Faculty of Computer Science  Bachelor in Applied Computer Science  Regulations èWeb  Faculty of Computer Science  Master in Computer Science  RegulationsWeb  Faculty of Computer Science  Master in Computer Science  Regulations Student Representatives & Tutor Students

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