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Who am I? Chapter 15 Review. I wrote 95 Theses protesting against the Catholic Churches sale of indulgences. Who am I?

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I? Chapter 15 Review. I wrote 95 Theses protesting against the Catholic Churches sale of indulgences. Who am I?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I? Chapter 15 Review

2 I wrote 95 Theses protesting against the Catholic Churches sale of indulgences. Who am I?

3 A. I am Martin Luther B. I am Ignatius of Loyola C. I am Sir Thomas Moore D. I am Lorenzo de Medici

4 Who am I? I'm a nun. I reformed the Carmelite Order.

5 A. I am Jan van Eyck B. I am Teresa of Avila C. I am Raphael D. I am Donato Bramante

6 I describe men as "ungrateful, fickle, liars, and deceivers." Who am I? I wrote a book called, The Prince. My theory included the concept "the end justifies the means"

7 A. I am William Shakespeare B. I am Baldassare Castiglione C. I am Niccolo Machiavelli D. I am Ignatius of Loyola

8 Who am I? I am traditionally given credit for inventing the printing press. My first publication was a 1,282-page Bible.

9 A. I am Lorenzo de Medici B. I am Frances of Sales C. I am Henry of Navarre D. I am Johannes Gutenberg

10 I am considered the greatest English playwright. Who am I?

11 A. I am Leonardo da Vinci B. I am William Shakespeare C. I am Isaac Newton D. I am Michelangelo Buonarroti

12 Who am I? I am a Protestant Reformer who preaches the idea of predestination. Myself and my followers believed people as sinful by nature, and strict laws are used to regulate people's behavior.

13 A. I am John Calvin B. I am Frances of Sales C. I am Peter Brueghel D. I am Ignatius of Sales

14 Who am I? I worked in France for the Catholic church to regain the district of Savoy. I also founded a religious teaching order for women.

15 A. I am Jan van Eyck B. I am Pieter Brueghel C. I am Francis of Sales D. I am Henry of Navarre

16 Who am I? I broke away from the Catholic Church because they would not annul my marriage. I created the Church of England. I had six wives in an attempt to have a son.

17 A. I am Niccolo Machiavelli B. I am Galileo Galilei C. I am Lorenzo de Medici D. I am King Henry VIII

18 Who am I? I was placed under house arrest by church officials after I wrote that the earth orbited the sun. I am an Italian astronomer.

19 A. I am Nicholas Copernicus B. I am Galileo Galilei C. I am Isaac Newton D. I am Leonardo da Vinci

20 Who am I? I published a book that describes the perfect Renaissance gentleman-and gentlewomen-should act. My book was called, The Courtier.

21 A. I am Michelangelo Buonarroti B. I am Lorenzo de Medici C. I am Baldassare Castiglione D. I am Henry of Navarre

22 I am a highly talented painter and a writer, an inventor, an architect, an engineer, a mathematician, a musician, and a philosopher. Who am I?

23 A. I am Pieter Brueghel B. I am Raphael C. I am Michelangelo D. I am Leonardo Da Vinci

24 Who am I? I am a Reformation priest who gained a lot of support in Switzerland. The church that established had the idea that the church and state are joined and the officials are divinely inspired.

25 A. I am Ulrich Zwingli B. I am Ignatius of Loyola C. I am Frances of Sales D. I am Charles Dickens

26 I returned England to the authority of the pope. I had hundreds of people burned at the stake for their Protestant beliefs. Who am I? Henry VIII is my dad.

27 A. I am Queen Elizabeth I B. I am Anne Boleyn C. I am “Bloody Mary” D. I am Catherine of Aragon

28 I am one of the most accomplished sculptors of the Renaissance. Who am I? Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome Pieta

29 A. I am Raphal B. I am Michelangelo Buonarroti C. I am Donato Bramante D. I am Albrecht Durer

30 Who am I? I am the wealthy and powerful ruler of Florence, Italy. I am a well educated poet and I like to give some of the most talented artist huge amounts of money to help support them.

31 A. I am Leonardo B. I am Lorenzo de Medici C. I am Bramante D. I am Castoglione

32 Who am I? I am a Christian humanist - I like to combine Christian ideas with humanism. I write a lot about the need for a pure and simple Christian life, stripped of all the rituals and politics of the church on earth. My writings really make the Roman Catholic Church officials mad, they even censored it.

33 A. I am Desiderius Erasmus B. I am Pope Urban II C. I am Sir Thomas Moore D. I am Pieter Brueghel

34 Who am I? I wrote a book called, The City of Women. I was one of the few people who fought for equality and education for women.

35 A. I am Elizabeth I B. I am Queen Mary of Scots C. I am Christine de Pisan D. I am Teresa

36 Who am I? I am a monk and I am one of the first reformers to try and change the church from within. I convinced a lot of people to gather and burn jewelry and trinkets - it was called, "the bonfire of the vanities."

37 A. I am Ignatius of Loyola B. I am Girolamo Savonarola C. I am Donato Bramante D. I am Jan van Eyck

38 I designed St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Who am I?

39 A. I am Henry of Navarre B. I am Frances of Sales C. I am Donato Bramante D. I am Baldassare Castiglione

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