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Anatomy Studies for Artists Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn 1632 A.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy Studies for Artists Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn 1632 A.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy Studies for Artists Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn 1632 A.D.

2 Leonardo da Vinci 1485 A.D The “Vitruvius Man” is one of the most famous drawn picture in the world. Leonardo was one of the first artist to explore the nature of the human body through drawings. By knowing the interior anatomy of the body he could accurately create project the body; thus through his drawings he creates realism that enables the viewers to learn about the human body. The Vitruvius Man is considered to be the apex of understanding between the human body and the universe. This drawing describes the perfect human body in geometrical terms, and also represents the standard for human physical beauty.

3 Leonardo da Vinci This drawing’s date of creation is unknown, but it was published in 1510 (after da Vinci’s death). This drawing’s date of creation is unknown, but it was published in 1510 (after da Vinci’s death). It is life study drawing of a fetus inside the uterus. It is life study drawing of a fetus inside the uterus. This is one of the first recorded drawings of the fetus, and it caused emotions to arise when it is looked at. The concept of life was captured amazing well and represented the early stages of a human from the eyes of an artist. This is one of the first recorded drawings of the fetus, and it caused emotions to arise when it is looked at. The concept of life was captured amazing well and represented the early stages of a human from the eyes of an artist.

4 Andreas Vesalius was a brilliant artist that used his artwork to illustrate his knowledge of the human body, but unfortunately it was usually inaccurate, because he based his discoveries of the human body from animals instead of the actual human. Most of his artwork like the “Fabrica” show death internally through the skeletal system to Demonstrate the mechanics of how human beings die. He was one of the very first people to do dissections of the body. 1543 A.D

5 This picture was featured in Vesalius’ De Humani Corporis Fabrica published in 1534. It shows a figure with the tendons hanging. Look carefully and you will see a dog’s muscle, marked ‘x’ near the clavicle. 1534 A.D

6 Bartolomeo Eustachi 1783 A.D Bartolomeo Eustachi made very significant advancements in the medical world through his drawings. Through the particular drawing of the “Tabulae Anatomicae” he illustrates the kidney, adrenal glands, auditory organs, nervous system, and teeth. His drawings were so advanced for their time, that if Eustachi had published them publicly his work would have been considered anatomy par excellance of his time.

7 Bartolomeo Eustachi ► This picture was found in a book Anatomical Engravings which unfortunately was not published until 1714. ► It shows a brain, the spinal cord, the many nerves attached to it. ► This picture was the most accurate drawing of origin, course, and distribution of the nerves that was ever shown during this period.

8 Henry Gray “Gray’s Anatomy” is a very detailed book about the entire body’s functions, and was very revolutionary at the time, because knowledge of the body was very primal and medicine wasn’t really advanced because people of that time didn’t comprehend how the body functioned. Through Henry Gray’s drawing like this one of the human head, it shows how the body functions. His medical drawings are still used in today’s practices. 1840 A.D

9 Henry Gray This was featured in Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, published 1858. This was featured in Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, published 1858. It is a picture of the optic nerve. It is a picture of the optic nerve. In 1848, he won the triennial prize of the Royal College of Surgeons for his essay about the distribution of nerves to the human eye and it’s appendages, complete with pictures of animal’s eyes. In 1848, he won the triennial prize of the Royal College of Surgeons for his essay about the distribution of nerves to the human eye and it’s appendages, complete with pictures of animal’s eyes.

10 Muscles of the human body

11 This slide show will show you some of the major anterior muscles of the human body. Anterior = Front

12 On the left hand side are the common names. On the right hand side are the scientific names.


14 NeckTrapezius Common name Scientific name

15 NeckTrapezius ShoulderDeltoid Common name Scientific name

16 NeckTrapezius ShoulderDeltoid ChestPectoralis major Common nameScientific name

17 NeckTrapezius ShoulderDeltoid Pectoralis major Bicep Upper Arm Common nameScientific name Chest

18 NeckTrapezius ShoulderDeltoid Pectoralis major Upper Arm Bicep StomachAbdominals Common name Scientific name Chest

19 NeckTrapezius ShoulderDeltoid Pectoralis major Upper Arm Bicep StomachAbdominals ThighQuadriceps Common nameScientific name Chest

20 NeckTrapezius ShoulderDeltoid Pectoralis major Upper Arm Bicep StomachAbdominals ThighQuadriceps Lower leg Tibialis anterior Common nameScientific name Chest






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