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Mathematicians Some of the early contributors of mathematics.

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2 Mathematicians Some of the early contributors of mathematics.

3 Pythagoras 569 B.C. – 475 B.C. Greece First pure mathematician 5 beliefs Secret society Pythagorean theorem

4 Aristotle 384 B.C. – 322 B.C. Greece Philosopher Studied mathematics in relation to science

5 Euclid 325 B.C. – 265 B.C. Greece Wrote The Elements Geometry today

6 Al-Khwarizmi 780 A.D.-850 A.D. Baghdad (in Iraq) 1 st book on Algebra Algebra Natural Number Equation

7 Leonardo da Vinci 1452 A.D.-1519 A.D. Italy Geometry with mechanical methods Painter Architect Mechanic

8 Galileo Galilei 1564 A.D. – 1642 A.D. Italy Teacher Astrology Mathematician

9 De L’hopital 1661 A.D. – 1704 A.D. France Differential Calculus L”Hopital’s Rule

10 Leonhard Euler 1707 A.D. – 1783 A.D. Russia Mechanica (book on mathematical analysis) Calculus of variations Analytic Geometry Trigonometry Symbols

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