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Porting the physical parametrizations on GPUs using directives X. Lapillonne, O. Fuhrer, Cristiano Padrin, Piero Lanucara, Alessandro Cheloni Eidgenössisches.

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1 Porting the physical parametrizations on GPUs using directives X. Lapillonne, O. Fuhrer, Cristiano Padrin, Piero Lanucara, Alessandro Cheloni Eidgenössisches Departement des Innern EDI Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz

2 2 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Outline Computing with GPUs COSMO parametrizations on GPUs using directives Running COSMO on an hybrid system Summary

3 3 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Computing on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) Benefit from the highly parallel architecture of GPUs Higher peak performance at lower cost / power consumption. High memory bandwidth Cores Freq. (GHz) Peak Perf. S.P. (GFLOPs) Peak Perf. D.P. (GFLOPs) Memory Bandwith (GB/sec) Power Cons. (W) CPU: AMD Magny-cours 122.120210142.7115 GPU: Fermi M2050 4481.151030515144225 X 5X 3

4 4 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Execution model Host (CPU) Kernel Sequential Device (GPU) Data Transfer Copy data from CPU to GPU (CPU and GPU memory are separate) Load specific GPU program (Kernel) Execution: Same kernel is executed by all threads, SIMD parallelism (Single instruction, multiple data) Copy back data from GPU to CPU … … … … Parallel threads

5 5 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Outline Computing with GPUs COSMO parametrizations on GPUs using directives Running COSMO on an hybrid system Summary

6 6 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne The directive approach, an example !$acc data region local(a,b) !$acc update device(b) !initialization !$acc region do k=1,nlev do i=1,N a(i,k)=0.0D0 end do end do !$acc end region ! first layer !$acc region do i=1,N a(i,1)=0.1D0 end do !$acc end region ! vertical computation !$acc region do k=2,nlev do i=1,N a(i,k)=0.95D0*a(i,k-1)+exp(-2*a(i,k)**2)*b(i,k) end do end do !$acc end region !$acc update host(a) !$acc end data region !$acc data region local(a,b) !$acc update device(b) !initialization !$acc region do kernel do i=1,N do k=1,nlev a(i,k)=0.0D0 end do end do !$acc end region ! first layer !$acc region do i=1,N a(i,1)=0.1D0 end do !$acc end region ! vertical computation !$acc region do kernel do i=1,N do k=2,nlev a(i,k)=0.95D0*a(i,k-1)+exp(-2*a(i,k)**2)*b(i,k) end do end do !$acc end region !$acc update host(a) !$acc end data region N=1000, nlev=60: t= 555 μs t= 225 μs note : PGI directives Loop reordering 3 different kernels Array “a” remains on the GPU between the different kernel calls

7 7 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Cosmo physical parametrizations with directives Note: Directives are tested in standalone version of various parametrizations OMP-acc : discussed within the OMP committee, currently only supported by a test version of the Cray compiler. + : possible future standard currently ported: microphysics (hydci_pp), radiation (fesft) PGI directives: developed by PGI compiler, quite advance. + : most mature, OMP-acc are a subset of PGI directives - : vendor specific currently ported: microphysics (hydci_pp), radiation (fesft), turbulence (turbdiff) F2C-ACC: developed by NOAA + : freely available, generates CUDA code (possibility to further optimize and debug at this stage) - : on going project currently ported: microphysics (hydci_pp)

8 8 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Cosmo physical parametrizations with directives Specific GPU optimizations have been introduced: loop reordering (if necessary) replacement of arrays with scalars For a typical COSMO-2 simulation on a CPU cluster, the subroutines hydci_pp, fesft and turbdiff represent respectively 6.7%, 8% and 7.3% of the total execution time.

9 9 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Performance results: CPU/GPU comparison CPU : AMD 12 cores “Magny-Cours”. MPI-parallel code, note: there are no mpi-communication as the parametrization are column independent GPU: Fermi card (M2050) 2010-09-18 12:00z+3h Codes are tested using one subdomain of size n x x n y x n z = 80 x 60 x 60

10 10 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Results: Comparison with CPU Speed-up between 2.4x and 6.5x Note: Expected performance would be between 3x and 5x and depending whether the problem is compute or memory bandwith bound. Overhead of data transfer for microphysics and turbulence is very large.

11 11 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Comparison PGI, F2-ACC First investigations show that F2-ACC implementation is 1.2 time faster Showing execution + data transfer time for the microphysics run on same GPU

12 12 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Outline Computing with GPUs COSMO parametrizations on GPUs using directives Running COSMO on an hybrid system Summary

13 13 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Possible future implementations in COSMO DynamicMicrophysicsTurbulenceRadiation Phys. parametrization I/O GPU DynamicMicrophysicsTurbulenceRadiation Phys. parametrization I/O GPU Data movement for each routine Data remain on device, only send to CPU for I/O and communication C++, CUDA Directives

14 14 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Running COSMO-2 on Hybrid-system Multicores Processor GPUs One (or more) multicores CPU Domain decomposition One GPU per subdomain.

15 15 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Outline Computing with GPUs COSMO parametrizations on GPUs using directives Running COSMO on an hybrid system Summary

16 16 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Summary In the frame of POMPA investigations are carried out to port the COSMO code to GPU architecture Different directive approaches are considered to port the physical parametrizations on such architecture: PGI, OMP-acc and F2-ACC. Comparing with a high-end 12 cores CPU, a speed up between 2.4x and 6.5x was observed using one Fermi GPU card with PGI These results are within the expected values considering hardware properties The large overhead of data transfer shows that the full GPU approach (i.e. data remains on the GPU, all computation on the device) is the prefered approach for COSMO First investigations on the microphysics show a speed up of 1.2x with respect to PGI implementation on the GPU

17 17 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Additional slides

18 18 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Results, Fermi card using PGI directives Peak performance of a Fermi card for double precision is 515 GFlop/s, i.e. we are getting respectively 5%, 4.5% and 2.5% peak performance for the microphysics, radiation and turbulence schemes Test domain: n x x n y x n z = 80 x 60 x 60

19 19 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Scaling with system size N=nx x ny nx x ny =100 x 100 not enough parallelism

20 20 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne !$omp acc_data acc_shared(a,b,c) !$omp acc_update acc(a,b) !$omp acc_region do k = 1,n1 do i = 1,n3 c(i,k) = 0.0 do j = 1,n2 c(i,k) = c(i,k) + a(i,j) * b(j,k) enddo enddo enddo !$omp end acc_region !$omp acc_update host(c) !$omp end acc_data The directive approach Example with OMP-acc: Generates kernel at loop level

21 21 08/09/2011, COSMO GM X. Lapillonne Computing on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) To be efficient the code needs to take advantage of fine grain parallelism so as to execute 1000s of threads in parallel. GPU code: Programming level:  OpenCL, CUDA, CUDA Fortran (PGI) …  Best performance, but require complete rewrite Directive based approach:  OpenMP-acc, PGI, HMPP, F2-ACC  Smaller modifications to original code  The resulting code is still understandable by Fortran programmers and can be easily modified  Possible performance sacrifice with respect to CUDA code  No standard for the moment (but work within the OMP commitee) Data transfer time between host and GPU may strongly reduce the overall performance

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