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University of Florida Rocket Team Critical Design Review Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Florida Rocket Team Critical Design Review Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Florida Rocket Team Critical Design Review Presentation

2 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

3 Design Overview Total Length: 164.56 inches Total Mass: 76 lbs Target Altitude: 10,000 ft

4 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

5 Airframes Rolled with 6 oz E-class Fiberglass 7 wraps; approximately 0.07 in wall thickness 5 airframes: Upper, UEB, Middle, Lower Extension, Lower

6 Upper Airframe Houses the piston and main parachute 32.5 inches long Separation occurs above it, at nosecone

7 Upper Electronics Bay L-shaped bay to maximize space Hatch allows easy access Aluminum bulkheads for precision Bay Length: 19.8 inches Airframe Length: 23.125 inches

8 Middle Airframe Houses the baffles and drogue parachute Separation occurs below it Length: 20 inches Location of upper launch lug

9 Lower Airframe Lower extension connects to coupler and lower airframe Internal components assemble as one piece Lower extension length: 24 inches Lower Airframe length: 32 inches

10 Motor Centering and Thrust Transfer

11 Fins Tapered swept Height: 6 inches Root chord: 11 inches Tip chord: 3.5 inches G10 fiberglass Same attachment method as subscale

12 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

13 Motor Choice Cesaroni N2600-SK-P Specifications Total Impulse (lbf*s)2489 Average Thrust (lbf)584 Max Thrust (lbf)668 Burn Time (s)4.26 Launch Mass (lb)25.3 Empty Mass (lb)10.4

14 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Future Work

15 Stability Characteristics Rail Exit Velocity = 72.5 ft/sec Thrust to Weight Ratio = 7.6

16 Altitude versus Time Maximum altitude of 10,842 feet Drogue parachute deployment at 25 seconds (apogee) Main parachute deployment at 237 seconds, 700 feet of altitude

17 Velocity and Acceleration versus Time Peak velocity of 955 ft/s at 4 seconds Shows drogue and main parachute deployment at 25 and 237 seconds respectively Peak acceleration of 269 ft/s 2 at 1.5 seconds Shows acceleration from drag and gravity up to apogee at 25 seconds Constant velocity under drogue, zero acceleration

18 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

19 Recovery Objectives Reusable without repairs Kinetic Energy each piece is less than 75 ft-lbf Main and drogue parachute manufactured by team GPS tracking device Crosswind drift less than 5,000ft

20 Recovery System Drogue Deployment at apogee 60 inches in diameter Semi-ellipsoid canopy shape Charge baffle ejection system Descent velocity: 45.4 ft/s Main Deployment at 700ft 168 inches in diameter Semi-ellipsoid canopy shape Piston ejection system Descent velocity: 12.5ft/s

21 Attachment Scheme

22 Parachute Manufacturing Ripstop nylon Gore design Nylon upholstery thread Nylon shroud lines

23 Parachute Testing

24 Charge Baffle Two discs with non overlapping circular patters of holes Cools gasses from ejection charges and removes particulates Used to protect drogue parachute

25 Kinetic Energy ComponentDescent Rate (ft/s)Mass (slugs)Kinetic Energy (ft-lbf) Nosecone 12.50.09797.744 Piston 12.50.03102.457 Upper Airframe 12.50.53942.66 Lower Airframe 12.50.87469.14

26 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

27 Ground Scanning System Ground Scanning System to detect hazards in the landing area Take an image of landing area Scan for potential hazards in real-time Send scanned image to Ground Station in real-time

28 Camera Module

29 Camera Integration

30 Electronics Mapping

31 Centering RingsBulk Head Motor Tube Strain Gages Temperature Compensation Strain Gages Boost System Analysis


33 Von Mises Strain

34 URES Strain

35 Triboelectric Effect Analysis Payload Triboelectric Effect Capacitive Sensing Technique Experimental Setup Payload Objectives

36 Triboelectric Effect The triboelectric effect (also known as triboelectric charging) is a type of contact electrification in which certain materials become electrically charged after they come into contact with another different material through friction.

37 Capacitive Sensing Technique Theory C = Q/V σ = Q/A Voltage measurement circuit

38 Experimental Setup Placement of capacitive sensors Data collection and recovery Precision Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with 8051 Microcontroller and Flash Memory Texas Instruments - MSC1210Y5PAGT

39 Payload Objective Obtain nose cone map of voltage vs. time Calculate charge buildup Relate to friction models from computational fluid dynamics simulation data

40 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

41 Electronics Power Inputs Communications and data processing Recovery Lower Bay Image processing Boost systems analysis

42 Power Provides power to entire Upper Electronics Bay

43 Inputs

44 Communications and Data Processing ODROID Communications board

45 Recovery

46 Lower Bay Handles image processing Midway point for Boost Systems Analysis

47 Image Processing

48 Boost Systems Analysis

49 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

50 Testing Recovery Testing  Parachute Testing Complete Structural Testing  Compression and Shear Stress Testing Complete  Subscale Testing Complete Electronics Testing Motor Testing Payload Testing

51 Subscale Results Design  Length: 91.13 in.  Max. Diameter: 3.2 in.  Weight: 15.4 lbs.  Stability Margin: 1.36  Predicted Apogee: 1675 ft. Results  Actual Apogee: 1865 ft.  Drogue Deployment: Successful  Main Deployment: Failure

52 Status of Requirements Verification Completed  11 Requirements  Project Plan  Safety Requirements  Component Testing In Progress  18 Requirements  Design Analysis Complete  Inspection and Testing In Progress Not Started  25 Requirements

53 Outline Overview Vehicle Design Motor Choice Flight Dynamics and Simulations Recovery Payloads Electronics Component Testing Future Work

54 Manufacture full scale Update mass estimates Acquire travel funding Full scale Launch, April 5th

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